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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. It's certainly not my best UltiRobot but by far my best with Ninjaflex: Settings: 0.1mm layer height, 15mm/s print speed, 225°C nozzle temperature, 40°C bed temperature, retraction enabled, printed on my heavily modified UMO.
  2. :?: This is what you will get: a 3D printer with minimum backlash; an even number for the steps per mm (80); pulleys without excentricity unlike those of UM; no need for a tensioner on the long belts. I was actually surprised that UM didn't introduce the GT2 belts for the UMO+ as the UM2 runs on GT2 belts.
  3. There is something else which helps quite a lot: Switching the idle extruder to a temperature where it doesn't ooze. And btw: Increasing the distance between ooze shield and print makes sure the print still gets some cooling. :huh: And Daid, have you seen my question in post no. 3?
  4. I think the V2 hotend versions are not yet the best an UMO can do. Most probably these pictures were taken before ooze shield and wipe&prime tower were introduced in Cura, right?
  5. The source file on Github says 40W.
  6. Seems it's the plugin itself combined with the firmware. I know about an issue with the pauseatz plugin but I have no idea wether it is solved or not. Daid certainly knows it...he also is the author of the pauseatz plugin. But in general plugins seem to work fine with your Cura version.
  7. Yes, it's this one. I missed that it was moved to the user's folder too. Which plugin did you run?
  8. If plugins are 'ignored' it's usually a runtime error with a plugin. Please follow this procedure: - run Cura - adjust the settings for your print (including the plugin) and let Cura slice it - close Cura - go to the Cura install folder - delete 'output.txt' - run Cura again - slice your model - close Cura - post the 'output.txt' here (if it has more than 30 lines, please post only the last about 30 lines!) - wait for an answer...
  9. Thanks Cohen for the information. Your remark about the FET being the same as on the Ultimainboard together with the previously mentioned (by gr5) electrostatics rises the question if I risk the FET when I wipe the glass plate clean before each print on my UM2 with a microfiber cloth.
  10. Automatic recognition of horizontal surfaces is beyond the reach of a plugin right now. As you mentioned, not even the CuraEngine itself can do that. However, an override checkbox for selecting the first and the last layer (and ignoring whatever layer height or numbers is selected) is possible. If you want to activate it for a layer range in addition, you would have to run it twice. I recommend you watch http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4270-new-versions-of-cura-plugins-tweakatz-and-retractwhilecombing/ for the upcoming days/weeks.
  11. I guess this will be considered in PU? So there is not much sense in writing a plugin for the present Cura version to achieve independent settings for the two extruders, right?
  12. Yes it does. That's why a new tweak possibility 'print speed' is going to be introduced. You can test it with TweakAtZ 3.99-rc1. A download link can be found http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/4270-new-versions-of-cura-plugins-tweakatz-and-retractwhilecombing/page-2&do=findComment&comment=78891.
  13. Same here. It would be interesting to know how many users actually use Robert's feeder vs. the stock feeder. I wouldn't be surprised if more people use Robert's design. @Nicolinux: What do you mean with 'newer' UM2? Mine is from June and it works nicely with a M3x30 screw.
  14. Blasphemy... :wacko: Seriously: Do you know what's in there?
  15. I don't have the HBK installed yet (I'll install it on someone else's machine; not on mine; and it has to work properly there...). But thank you for pointing out. It's certainly better to have only one power supply.
  16. Thanks fluxline for the details. Then maybe it's not a bad idea to plug both printer and heatbed into a switchable power strip and use its switch as panic switch for the time being?
  17. Are you talking about the official HBK? Can someone please explain what's exactly going wrong in the mentioned use case and comment on possible counter measures to avoid a dammage?
  18. An alternative is to select 'RepRap volumetric' flavor in Cura and use standard Marlin with FWRETRACT enabled. Then you can set the retraction settings on your Ulticontrolle quite similar as in the menu of the UM2 and the GCODE also uses G10 and G11. This is implemented in the 'standard' version for quite some time now. And it works like a charm...
  19. Would the first and the last layer be close enough?
  20. What I found - and still find - strange is the fact that the old orders were not migrated into the new system. It's unusual. :blink:
  21. I think there is actually a huge difference between the UM software people and Microsoft. As a matter of fact a large number of suggestions and pull-requests have been implemented in Cura since a few weeks ago. If you don't believe it, check the repository at Github. It's the right and the responsibilty of a depository's owner - in this case Daid - to select what should be in the software - and what not. Not every pull request I made was accepted by Daid. At some point it was hard for me to understand. But I accept it. Because I know that my point of view is not the only truth in the universe. If everybody would be aware of his/her limited view, World would be a better place...
  22. Ein NTC beim Heizbett braucht einen 4.7kOhm pull-up-Widerstand, damit er direkt am Ultiboard 1.5.7 angeschlossen richtig funktioniert: http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Heated_Bed
  23. Das Heizbett hat mehrere Vorteile. Heiss lässt es v.a. PLA sehr gut haften. Kühlt es sich dann ab, so ploppt der Print einfach weg. Schöner geht's nicht. Gegenüber Blue Tape hat eine Glasoberfläche tatsächlich den Vorteil einer glatten Oberfläche; und v.a. sieht man die einzelnen Klebband-Bahnen nicht im Print. Das HB-Kit von UM bringt zusätzlich den Vorteil einer sehr stabilen Druckplattform gegenüber der Standard-Plattform mit sich.
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