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Everything posted by yellowshark

  1. Lol @kmanstudios that is what I have been querying since the forum was launched. There appears to be no way to delete notifications and they just keep piling up which has been causing me angst. Personally if I sign on and find 10 new notifications I probably will not access them all immediately - check a few that relate to me and then come back later for others that may be interesting, whether that be hours or days. Trying to keep track of 70+ is difficult. (lol that is probably 90+ now)
  2. Hi @SandervG I have just noticed that if you select the option to "view all notifications" then the list that is redisplayed DOES show the difference in colour between viewed notifications and non-viewed notifications, so that is good - just as well as my notification queue is now up to 77 entries
  3. Couple of things here. I am surprised that the square hole has an error of 0.4mm. If it were a circle then yes, circles always print smaller and you need to probably try modding the dimensions several times to get a circle right - experience make it quicker!. Notwithstanding your 0.4mm error for the moment I suggest you dimension your peg to be slimmer than the hole by 0.2mm. You may get away with 0.1mm. Anything up to 0.5mm will normally work depending on the level of tightness you require. Coming back to your 0.4mm error. You should be able to achieve an accuracy of better than 100 microns on the X/Y axes. You do not say what your printer is (importantly is it old or new) and what your print settings are. As a general rule to get good accuracy you want to print slow not fast; personally I would not exceed 30mm/s on my engineering prints requiring dimensional accuracy. I use Solidworks too so I do not believe it is a Solidworks issue;
  4. Firstly with a Bowden tube printer, using flexible filament is always likely to be problematic but that will vary depending on the actual filament being used. Direct drive printers are much better but people have successfully printed flexible filament with the Ultimaker printers. I have successfully fed flexible filament (Colorfabb probably) through my bowden tube printer but I could not achieve a decent surface finish so gave up. One thing does worry me, you state your filament diameter as being 2.40. This is very thin; the Ultimaker and similar printers are designed to use the standard 2.85 filaments. I am not sure as to what the outcome of this diameter would be as I have never tried it.
  5. You need to add your printer as a custom printer. Go to the menu at the top of your screen and select Settings/Printer/Add printer. This will display a dialogue box, select the option “Custom”; this will display another dialogue box. Enter a name for your printer at the bottom, e.g. "Ender-2" and press the “Custom” button at bottom right. This displays the Machine settings dialogue box for your printer. Most of the entries are self explanatory but if you need help come back
  6. If let's say you print everything at 40mm/s the Cura will calculate and deliver the correct pressure in the extrusion system to achieve the print. If you on a subsequent print then increase the speed of infill to 60mm/s Cura will then increase the pressure at the start of the infill segment to cope with the extra speed; at the end of the infill segment Cura will reduce the pressure back to that need for 40mm/s. Please note that whilst I say "Cura will", it may be the firmware that does this based in instructions given by Cura - in the end the same thing from a user perspective. Now the change in pressure, either way, is not instantaneous and can cause artefacts to be printed, which when moving to the infill is not important because one cannot see the infill. But when moving from infill to perimeters if it happens it can be seen. This is why I, and as @gr5 says, many people will print at the same speed for everything to avoid changes in pressure. I will only consider printing infill at a faster speed when the model is either large with a large horizontal surface area, or if surface artefacts are not an issue, perhaps when doing a very early prototype. Also you can ameliorate surface artefacts from the change of speed from infill to perimeters by printing a couple of more perimeters and/or printing internal perimeters first.
  7. Thank you @SandervG. Notifications migration - that is all I needed to know, no problem with that. Notification queue. OK I can see it now. On my screen opening up the notifications shows new ones since my last visit to be slightly emboldened black. Visited notifications are black not light grey! The timing of the post is in light grey. Either way the difference between the two which you are describing as light grey and dark grey is almost, but not quite, impossible to see - on my screen; which is a professional photographic screen constantly tuned to ensure absolute correct colour matching - of course maybe I am going colour blind. But clearly that becomes irrelevant anyway when the software is setting every new notification as being read once the first notification is accessed. I do not have 25 notifications in my queue anymore, I have 57 - how am I meant to know which ones I have accessed and which ones I have not accessed? Ok that brings me to my last question - which I do not think has been answered, of course I may have missed it - how do I delete notifications from the queue? The old forum had a "x" beside each notification
  8. Aah, sorry @SandervG, it was always at the bottom beside the Submit reply bottom
  9. When typing in a new post the "review" button has disappeared from the edit box which is a real shame. The Review is really useful for checking spelling and the layout of the post.
  10. Hi @SandervG, is it possible to stop this dialogue box from appearing? I.e. you hit the follow button the first time that is all you need to do. The dialogue box does two things, firstly it asks you to confirm or change the notification settings. Why? I have this defined in the notification settings why would I want to change it - that is the point of notification settings! Secondly a question as to whether I want others to see I am following. That should be placed in the notification settings, so we can all go back to having just one key depression to follow a topic instead of several. Notwithstanding it is meant to be helpful this is poor GUI design, a backward step. If nothing else, have two buttons, "follow" and "change then follow", or whatever.
  11. Yes this is important, I have not moved to 3.1.0 yet and also have a dual extruder. The distance between the bed and the two nozzles will not necessarily be precisely the same distance if you measure it in decimals of a mm. I.e for a single extruder a difference of 20 microns in the z-offset can show a difference I can imagine that to get both extruders laying down the first layer properly you may want/need to set z-offsets differently for the two nozzles. When I level my bed I set my z-offset to 3 decimal places although I will admit that normally I tune it in steps of 20 microns, sometimes 10 microns.
  12. Thank you @SandervG OK, this sounds strange "Old notifications are dark grey, new notifications are light grey. Except when you have clicked the bell, they all turn the same color" . How is it possible to see Notifications without clicking the bell? I.E. when I look at my notifications they are all black aka dark grey. I now have 25 notifications in my queue, maybe by tomorrow it will be 50 notifications in the queue; how do I know which ones I have looked at? - in a few days the answer will be "I have no idea"! Also as I said before there is no ability to delete a notification, in the old system there was an "x" to delete a notification - the list will just get bigger and bigger!
  13. Thank you @SandervG. My question though remains unanswered. My "notifications queue" from last week has disappeared - i.e. the 30 or so notifications listed in my "notifications queue" are no longer there. Has that happened because something has gone wrong in the migration OR has it happened because it was decided not to migrate the notifications queue?
  14. Hi @SandervG another minor one. There now seems to be no indication in the notification queue that one has read a post. In the old system the notification text turned from black to light grey when one accessed the notification. Coupled with the lack of a delete icon I think it is going to become a PITA very quickly
  15. Works for me but I am on different software ; win10/Outlook email/ Edge browser (now superseded by Explorer browser)
  16. Lol I am convinced that every time there is a Microsoft update (which is now an awful system with win10) Microsoft deliberately introduce a bug to Exploder to try and convince people to move to Edge. When it gets a decent GUI and condescends to import my Explorer favourites then maybe I will use it out of choice I do like the reading list function but for me Exploder rules
  17. Yahoo, it works with Internet Explorer. Bye bye you nasty Edge
  18. OK a separate point. On the downside. When you want to follow a posting, on the old system you just hit a follow button. On the new system it is now becoming irritating. One hits the follow button and then a dialogue screen is displayed. On my monitor I have to scroll down to get to the 2nd follow button and press that. So whereas it used to be a simple press, now it is not.
  19. If you are talking about what I think you are then just add a G92 command to your start gcode.
  20. My notification queue is missing the delete icon (when hovering the mouse) against the individual notifications. Perhaps there is a new way of deleting them? Did I say it was fast? Blistering
  21. Sorry! very imprecise of me. I was referring to my notifications queue in the top right hand corner of the display. They have all disappeared apart from the one you just sent advising us that the forum was ready. I thought I read in the last week or two that the notifications would be migrated, maybe I am wrong. No real problem if they are not migrated, I will scan the forums I follow to find the ones I have not read yet; there were a few when the forum closed. Emailed notifications seem to be fine - I have received a number of them in the past 30-60 minutes And to reiterate, very fast for me and right now I am on home wifi instead of linked by lan cable which is my normal connection method.
  22. Hi @SandervG, I signed on OK - good start .. Qhick skim, seems to be working well; I like the layout. For me it is running fast, n fact very fast compared with old versio. So well done. My only issue is that my notifcations have disappeared!!
  23. Nice 8) Are your temps with a fully enclosed (including top) or an open printer?
  24. In my experience (with Taulmann nylons) you must make sure the nylon is dry. Any hissing or visible vapour as it leaves the extruder will indicate it is not. If there was any time gap in using the filament I would always pre-warm in the oven - be careful you get the temp right; once I warmed two different nylons at the same time, overlooking the fact that one had a lower melting point and got, well, melted!
  25. I think @SandervG wants you to start new thread for a proper discussion to help you, as your subject for help is not really part of this thread
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