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Everything posted by DidierKlein

  1. Tu pourrais tenter le support grid qui est plus costaud avec un support roof si tu as une grosse zone a supporter? Pour le support roof je trouve qu il faut diminuer le pourcentage de celui ci a 50% ou moins... 100% c'est très chiant a enlever
  2. Pour eviter ca pour le moment ma bobine est en hauteur sur un support bobine Est ce que quelqu'un aurait un lien pour un moteur moins lourd pour changer celui fourni par E3D?
  3. Cool! it looks very simple maybe it would be nice to re-use the tinkergnome firmware for this it adds many usefull features
  4. Hi and welcome on the forum Can you share some pictures of your 3d printer maybe? Are you using Cura? Enjoy reading the forum there are many interesting things happening here
  5. Hello C'est un probleme d'accroche ou les supports sont cassés par la tete qui les touchent? Dans le nouveau Cura tu peux aussi definir l'epaisseur des supports ( je crois que c'est dans la partie shell) si c'est un probleme d'accroche faudrait peut etre mettre de la 3dlac et fermer l'imprimante? Sinon en couche 0.1mm ce serait peut etre plus simple aussi
  6. Hi and welcome The reason is quite simple here, the text you are trying to print has very thin walls (most probably less than 0.4mm walls). The slicer is simply ignoring these walls. So several solutions: Use a smaller nozzle to match your walls (maybe the 0.25mm can work, you can easily try this in Cura, just change the nozzle size there and look at the layer view) Change the font and use something less thin (or maybe try the one you used in bold?) Increase the size of your STL to make walls thicker
  7. Je vois idea3d_damien aussi si je me trompe pas au premier rang avec le polo rouge et le 2eme en partant de la gauche au premier rang c'est pas @electromu c'est Jean-Hubert ToutMoisy Y avait du monde c'est cool! La prochaine edition je tacherais d'être parmi vous, cette fois ci c'était un peu compliqué j'avais un évenement aux pays bas tout le weekend
  8. Cool thanks for the answers! I'm guessing that machining something like this can be quite expensive? Do you have any idea of how much it costs?
  9. Nice work gudo! A little question on the new head thing, if i understood well, the black part is fully made of PIB? How do you fix the Olsson Block inside? Is there any heat break between the two elements? I really like that design it's very smart and looks pretty compact which is nice! Keep up the good work
  10. I wonder where that idea of playing with syringes came from
  11. Faut faire venir les autres sur le forum que diable!
  12. Hi and welcome, This upgrade isn't supported by Ultimaker, i would advise you to get in contact with creatr.it directly to resolve your issue... i just hope they are more active in answering mails than posting things in this thread!
  13. Il y avait beaucoup de monde? En quoi consistait le workshop?
  14. You are welcome Also if possible please upload your next pictures directly on the forum (Go to albums in your profile and upload pictures there and the use the image gallery button here on the forum Good luck with your next print!
  15. Hi and welcome, I think that you need to level the build plate a bit closer to the nozzle. The first layer needs to be squished more. In your case it looks like the first layer is not squished but rather "layed". The first layer in your case looks like the lines are piece of round filament, it needs to be flat. If the first layer is almost transparent you are to close, if the lines are not closed you are to far. More information can be found here
  16. Hi and welcome, That looks like massive underextrusion, are you sure it's related to the slicer? Does an older gcode with your previous version do the same? It might be related to hardware
  17. Tu parles de la pièce métallique qui se trouve entre le guide du filament et le bowden (dans notre cas) ou le e3dv6 dans les autres cas? Je pense qu'il faut prendre le 3mm bowden adapter avec le titan pour l'avoir sur le wiki: http://wiki.e3d-online.com/wiki/Titan_Assembly#Heatsink_.2F_Bowden_Adaptor_.26_Filament_Guide
  18. Maybe OpenScad? Something like this: http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:59817 Or TinkerCad, Fusion 360, 123Design.... a lot of softwares can have some text converted in STL
  19. Try this: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2 There's some errors in the Url above (probably due to the old forum posts conversions.
  20. Hi Alex and welcome to the community. Just for you to know, there's also a very active french section on the community So the 2Go is designed for 2.85mm filament, it's possible to print with 1.75mm on it but you need some changes: Easiest and most efficient change is to buy an Olsson Block for 1.75mm and a new Teflon for 1.75mm. You might also want to change the bowden, and print another feeder.
  21. Je n'ai pas en stock je peux t'avoir ça assez rapidement normalement. Mon site ne contient pas toutes les pièces détachées (c'est un boulot énorme de les ajouter) donc en général je les ajoutes quand quelqu'un cherche quelque chose. Pour mon shop tu le trouveras les pièces détachées ici (la roue dentée n'est pas encore dessus pour le moment. Le mieux c'est de contacter via mail ou en message privé sur le forum
  22. Joli boulot dis donc!
  23. That's because igo3d doesn't sell everything from 3dsolex. I might be able to provide the conversion kit to you (i'm the reseller in Belgium), i just have to check in my stock if i have all the parts necessary for it. (it's not on my webshop, but if you need it i can make it happen maybe)
  24. Idem ici... Tu veux dire que tu as relancé le même gcode et qu'au lieu de l'imprimer en 59h comme la dernière fois ça l'a imprimée avec le temps estimé??
  25. Ce n'est pas encore dispo dans le cura 2.1, tu peux utiliser une ancienne version pour le faire (genre la 15.04.06)
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