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Everything posted by skint

  1. Oh... I`m also amazed that Robert is unemployed... WTF! Robert... when I finally think of a successful 3D design and Printing company idea that means we can sit an play with our UMs, you`ll be the first on my Designer wish list I am employed... but not enjoying it. Grass is always greener.
  2. Looks like a pretty complicated injection moulding too. But...the print looks poor, it could be much better.
  3. Hey Nico I get the same thing happen sometimes too. It`s annoying but I often leave mine if I am not bothered about the bottom surface, because I find the next layer turns out OK which is weird. Do you find that? This also suggests to me that it is not the bed levelling causing this. If the level is out, then surely other layers would do the same thing. So.. its something to do with first contact to the build plate i think. Try running the first layer at a lower temp...200, and the bed at 60. I also check my nozzle now before each print, and when its hot.. I press TUNE and then run my fingers over the nozzle to clean off any old pla.
  4. Sander, come on... i heard rumour that Ultimaker was going to sponser ALL of us forum users to a free hotel and free bar right ?
  5. D3D Live is an exhibition about all stuff 3D, including rendering, solidworks, Creo. Makerbot etc... it`s at the university of Warwick next Tuesday, 15th April. Think I`m gonna go take a wonder Google it... cos this website still wont let me copy & paste :@
  6. Ian, that sounds like an awesome trip.... apart from the washy washy natural bit lol
  7. braddock... thanks pal. I`m happy enough with it so far, not sure my friend is going to get it for his birthday anymore lol. Exactly what I was thinking for the cables... break cable or something similar. EDIT: Got gored at work so popped out to a bike shop... bought some cable that perfect .. £3.99
  8. Wow Mark , I know us "MEN" have our happy corners, didn't realise the wives would want their own too haha
  9. If your printing at the standard setting, which is 75C degree for the build plate... drop it down to more like 60-62. No point designing chamfers onto your parts unless your part needs them, although chamfers do help if your not bothered about them on the part.
  10. Conz. Congrats... you now have a " Happy Corner "
  11. Just stay fat & die happy I planned to get fit in January, so I arranged to join a 6-aside football team. Turned up on my first evening, played for 30 minutes and then torn the ligaments in my left ankle... so now I am doing F all again haha.
  12. A lot of the prints are not too good, only due to me printing everything too quickly. I have to glue / weld the fingers together. They will articulate though so that I can stick two fingers up haha. The blue is ultimaker blue and the black is faberdashery.. I have already bought an extra 2 rolls of the black.
  13. Oh, it seems I have turned this thread into the " show us your latest terminator print " thread lol. jonathan, looks pretty cool Here are a few shots of the T800 Endo Arm. Prints straight off the printer, done nothing to them yet, I can already see a few issues I may have with assembly. Hmmm maybe i will reprint a couple bits. Considering the speed and very little patience I had going into this project, I am pretty happy how it looks already Next time I will do a proper job of it ! I need to buy some hex head nuts n bolts of the right size. I need to buy some black spray paint to apply after priming. I have to figure out how to make the tubing and wiring which you can see on the last image. Maybe this week I will try to get time to prime everything. This is one of the images I used when doing the CAD work. I need to add those cylindrical tubes which go from the palm of the hand to the fingers... and also find some nice curly wire coils.
  14. Looks awesome Mark. Which sci-fi gaming terrain is it? I recently bought a board game called Settlers of Catan ( very popular game ) and have considered printing out the 3D board
  15. yes Robert. that would be interesting. He had some pretty good stuff didn't he ?
  16. Yeah agree braddock, most of these free models are either rubbish quality or the good ones certainly get little recognition. Maybe we convince YouMagine to have a " Dogs B****cks " section for uploading high quality models that can either be free or charged for.
  17. Will pop some pic`s up tonight, the finger components printed off last night so I need to try and find a whole bunch of nuts&bolts so I can try out the assembly.
  18. Didier, haha that made me laugh on a miserable Monday morning @Braddock, completely agree with you on those terminator skulls, that`s one reason why I have not printed one of those myself yet, I was intending on remodelling one myself.... but now I will wait for your masterpiece Have finished printing the majority of parts of the t800 endoarm, will try some assembly tonight and post pics if successful !
  19. @Calimero, wow cant wait to see your finished boat model.. Looks a great project. I would print it like you did i think but maybe slow it down a bit over the first chamfered layers? I`m loving the terminator love around here LOL
  20. @Jonask Looks great in black. Now to spray with black primer and go for the chrome finish I`m wondering, does a 1:1 endo skull fit in 8" bed ?
  21. That picture really brought back some great memories! What a brilliant place. It seems the Endo thread has begun lol
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