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Posts posted by tinkergnome

  1. 3 hours ago, zerspaner_gerd said:

    I receive e-mail, but not from every thread.


    @nilrog, @zerspaner_gerd


    Are you aware that you can change the notification settings for every single thread?

    The global preferences are only used for new threads (AFAIK), and there may be different settings for older threads that were migrated from the former forum version.


    There is an option in the menu in the upper right corner (with your username): Manage Followed Content

    You can inspect the settings there, but also select all entries in the list and change the notification for all at once, if you want.


  2. I cannot help with the un-clogging, but one thing i noticed:


    If you don't use the BB core / PVA regularly, it's important that any PVA residues are removed between the uses (or if you put the printcore in the shelf).


    Usually i remove the PVA spool as soon as the print is finished and just feed some PLA through the BB core. I never had a problem again since then.


  3. 9 hours ago, erodriguez said:

    After done a little 3d objects and save as 3mf file, the cura doesn't open it...


    I tried it, and Cura opens your file without problems...

    ...but the 3D object is not little, it's extreme small - only 0.4mm - so it's a bit hard to locate on the screen.... :sunglass:


    Here is how it looks like, if i scale it up by 10000% or so...:


    • Like 1
  4. Here is a picture how the start script looks like in my "hacked" printer definition. The 'priming step' uses the temperatures of the first layer for both extruders.

    Unfortunately i cannot reproduce your problem with this script.

    If it looks different in your machine settings, the changed definition is not used by some reason. Can you make a comparison?

    I can make a pull request for the Mark2 repository, but only if we figure out, if it works properly.





    • Like 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, Bossler said:

    So I would think that the UM3 should be able to go much faster.


    Sorry, but I think, that's a wrong expectation. Because the printhead is lightweight (compared to direct drives) it is also less sturdy (or more wobbly - if you want so...).


    You can even switch off the acceleration and jerk control in Cura entirely, the printer will then use the default values that are defined by the firmware (which are probably quite high).


    I assume you will get much more ringing or other drawbacks. You'll have to find a compromise that works for your specific models and requirements.


  6. 1 hour ago, ChrisRiddell said:

    Would you have any idea's on whats happening here when trying to build on OSX


    rough guess: check the path declarations in the Makefile. Some of the directories have changed - depending on the Arduino version (and perhaps also on the OS version?)


    You can use the following commit as a starting point:


  7. 44 minutes ago, bob-hepple said:

    I am trying to alter the temp cooling down heating up times for the filament on the Mark2


    I doubt that this is solvable with the available internal tools of S3D (at least not in the way that Cura does it).

    You should get in contact with @zerspaner_gerd. He made an (external) python script for this purpose, it would be nice if someone can translate it (it's in german):



    • Like 1
  8. I think, the "cutting mesh" feature is intended for those use cases.


    I have not used it myself yet, and I'm not sure if there are instructions somewhere to find?


    Basically you create and load additional meshes, place them in the areas around the holes, mark them as "cutting mesh" and define different speed settings.

    (use the "per model settings" for the latter tasks)



    • Thanks 1
  9. 8 hours ago, killerb77 said:

    Not sure how to do anything of that.


    It's not that hard. @gr5 made a 'compiling cookbook' a while ago:



    I wouldn't use the Arduino IDE for this project, you have no control about the linker. You cannot decide which object files it includes and in which order.

    Sure, it builds and uploads a *.hex file, but it's not reliable reproducible (IMHO).


    On 2/5/2018 at 3:23 AM, killerb77 said:

    I need to compile myself as there are a couple of changes for the bondtech DDG extruder.


    What do you want to change? I thought @bondtech offers a ready to use firmware?


  10. 8 hours ago, gr5 said:

    it implies your axis are not square.


    ...or the chosen polygon resolution (count of faces) is too low?


    At 50mm diameter one would measure quite a few deviations, if one prints a polygon with (let's say) 20 edges instead of a true cylinder, right?

  11. 5 hours ago, Glomby said:

    Cura also comes with Profiles like "Fine 0.1mm" which are missing from the Mark2 Menu.


    We tried to inherit the quality profiles from the UM2+, but this seems not to work anymore (with Cura 3.x).

    This is a task for someone who knows more about the Cura internals.


    I made a test definition for the Cura 3.2 BETA without this linked quality settings, so you get at least the ability back to use the standard profiles (and you can save your own).


    The link to the definition file is in this thread, if you want to test it. But the modified start script only works for Cura 3.2




  12. 42 minutes ago, garaha2012 said:

    It appears as if the Ultimaker still has the extended length in force, despite the change in firmware.


    Yep, the setting stays there, once it is stored - at least until the next "factory reset".

    Go to "Advanced -> Preferences -> Print area" and reduce the maximum z-value to a lower value (225mm is the default for an UM2+).


    BTW: thank's for the picture - it looks great!

    • Like 1
  13. Cura automatically adds temperature commands at the beginning of the gcode, if the variables are not found in the start script.


    I just noticed, that the behavior has changed for 3.2 BETA. It now inserts the standby temperature for the inactive nozzle.

    That leads to an issue, if the subsequent start script wants to prime the nozzle afterwards. It just does not work anymore, because the standby temperature is usually too cold.


    Adding the available variables to the start script does not work either, because there's seem to be still no separate variables available for multi extruder machines.


    Is this on the todo list? Or is there another way to heat up each extruder to its own configured temperature?


  14. 9 hours ago, RudydG said:

    Sorry, i was't clear! It is the combination of the MK2 with Cura wich does not work with profiles. With my UM2 and UM3 no problems.



    Ok, but I use the Mark2 printer definition together with the printing profiles in Cura without problems. I was not sure, if we are speaking about the same things, that's why i ask....
    Can you shine some light on what precisely does not work?

    (perhaps better in a new thread)



    Edit: I think, i know now what i made different, the root cause seems to be the link to the quality profiles of the UM2+. I made a new version for Cura 3.2.

    Can you try the following printer definition with Cura 3.2 BETA?




    (right click and "Save target as...")

    • Like 2
  15. 2 hours ago, RudydG said:

    The fact that you can't use profiles in Cura


    What's the problem with the profiles? Are you talking about the printing profiles (Fine, draft, Coarse...) and why can't you use them?

    Creating (and update) of custom profiles works fine for me too in Cura 3.1 and 3.2 BETA.

    Or did i missed something different?


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