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Everything posted by tinkergnome

  1. It's probably related to the "heater timeout" in the firmware. If you print via USB (like Octoprint does), you should disable it on the printer: Advanced -> Preferences -> Heater Timeout (reduce the value for "Timeout" until it shows "off")
  2. Hi Jan-Willem, it should be sufficient to reduce the Z_MAX_POS in Configuration.h
  3. Don't be afraid, i do not merge everything... - the tinker versions have skipped this step. I think you're talking about this commit If i remember right, the limit for the "plus" machines is 115C (at the moment...)
  4. For the small icons i do it manually... LCDAssistant generates a (nearly) correct array with "Byte orientation=Vertical", but the size of the bitmap (first two positions of the array) has to be added as single bytes. You can check "include size" and remove the two 0x00 bytes from the first line, or add the size manually. That should work.
  5. I tried to copy the development environment from daid (as far as possible). Try to follow the instructions from these links: Marlin Simulation... on your desktop?!? (For developers) Missing note about how to compile and run the simulator For compiling i use the relevant parts from the (Cura) package.sh (thanks @daid ) This should work on a Mac too (after adjusting some path variables probably).
  6. The speed for the material change wizard depends on the steps/mm of the extruder axis (it's the same for reverse and forward). The used math is simple: 26500 / axis_steps_per_unit[E_AXIS] It's approx. 94 mm/s for an UM2, 72 mm/s for UM2+ and 54 mm/s for the Bondtech extruder. The standard UM2.1 firmware (for the "plus" models) uses a fix value of 80 mm/s. So actually the speeds of the tinker fork are a bit slower.
  7. My advice in this case: print it on a cold buildplate, covered with bluetape (like on the UM2go). Don't forget to re-level the buildplate (because of the bluetape...) and clean the tape with isopropyl alcohol before printing (to get the wax off). Benefits are: strong adhesion on the tape and a nice rough surface on the bottom - perfect for glueing. as an explanation: You're printing with a lot of cooling fan. The plastic shrinks at the higher layers and curls up the edges, because the lower layers are still soft (above the glass temp). It's not a big problem for large flat objects, but for other things (like tall boxes) a cold buildplate works much better.
  8. Allerweltsprodukt stimmt, in deutsch heißen die einfach "Linsenkopf Innensechskant", oder eben "ISO 7380" Am Gehäuse sind diverse Längen in M3 verbaut, die Liste findest Du in der "BOM" (Partnummer "12000" ff.) Gibts in jedem gut sortierten Baumarkt, oder bei Amazon und Ebay...
  9. The fan setting of the current material preset works as an (additional) multiplier. For example: If you define a fan speed of 50% in the slicer and use a material preset with a (max.) fan speed of 70%, your fans are actually running at 35% (0.5 * 0.7). With other words: The printer's "TUNE" menu always shows the value from the slicer (50% in this example), but the effective speed can be reduced by the selected material profile.
  10. ...and in addtion: the pause / change material function is broken... I'll try to fix it soon, but spare time is very rare a.t.m. Yep. The upgrade to the "+" firmware performs an implicit factory reset. That's the intended behaviour of the standard firmware and i have not changed it.
  11. I wonder, if this gap has something to do with your issues. At least i know that this should not be there...
  12. No - that's off topic... The question is: which rotation direction of the second feeder? AFAIK the plus feeder cannot be mirrored (at least not as easy as the old one). You're using a mirrored "Robert" on your special printer if i'm right? I can compile a variant for you, but this is indeed very "special". We will have a firmware with switchable axis directions someday...if anyone finds some time...
  13. ...in this case there's a chance that it depends on the displayed values... If it works with V16.01 - can you share a picture of the screen? I've no other idea a.t.m.
  14. That's normal - your printer's lifetime has expired... (just kidding) Seriously: is it reproducible? Has anyone else noticed the same behaviour?
  15. It needs a test, are you interested? Tinker V16.03 Choose the variant "Tinker-MarlinUltimaker2go-HBK-16.03.hex"
  16. I don't know exactly the changes from bondtech, AFAIK the rotation direction is reversed and the default steps/mm for the e-axis are changed to 492.45 (for the Bondtech QR). Usually the default values from a new firmware are only used if there are no settings stored in the EEPROM or after a factory reset.
  17. Nope. I thought this is explained in the bondtech manual...? The setting is stored in the printers EEPROM. You can do a factory reset, or "print" the short gcode script from the bondtech website.
  18. ...and you have changed the steps/mm for the e axis? (that's important)
  19. The limit switch at the bottom is triggered by the small screw at the back of the buildplate. After that the axis is backed off by 7mm. The error message means, that the endstop is still triggered. If you have replaced the heated bed - is anything different with the "trigger-screw" now? In addition: "connection looks good" means nothing... Can you test the endstop switch with a continuity checker?
  20. AFAIK Cura always creates a closed loop (or: two passes) on a wall. It should work with Cura if you design the walls slightly thicker than the nozzle diameter (>=0.5mm). Or "lie" about the nozzle diameter in Cura (define it smaller then it is). I'm not sure if there are other slicers that work different?
  21. Check your selected material profile on the printer: Material -> Settings Or - on the heatup screen: Goto "TUNE" and check the target temperatures for buildplate and nozzle. If they are not set (zero) the print will never start...
  22. This brief instruction brings the "Ultibot zombie" back to it's normal size.
  23. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/4878-ultimaker-2-strange-noise-on-z-axis-during-slow-movement#reply-75880 It sets the microstepping for the z-axis, open=8 (default), closed=16. AFAIK all other axis are already on 16 microsteps. If you close it with a jumper don't forget to double the steps/mm for the z-axis (from 200 to 400). The sound is a bit different afterwards, but besides that i noticed neither benefits nor drawbacks...
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