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Everything posted by Job_van_gennip

  1. First of all it is best to print with 2,85mm. Printing with 3 can cause some trouble. If you want to print with 3mm anyway you should play a bit with your flow rates. Here you can clearly see sometimes it under extrudes and sometimes it over extrudes. You should try a different flow rate, experiment a bit with it. I would try printing with 2,85 filament to try if the problem remains. Also could you give me your layer height print speed and shell thicknesses.
  2. I think your pcb may have burnt through. Try hooking it up on the x or y and look if it turns then. This way you can look if it is just the port or if it is your extruder motor
  3. I had the same problem when printing them. It was a real pain in the ass and the imperfection ruined about 3 of them for me. The problem is that with such a thin high part the vibrations become too strong and start to cause problems. For me putting the printer on a more solid basis helped a bit and allining the print so it is in line with the motion instead of perpendicular to it. You could also try taking up your thicknesses to 1 and fill to 20 to make it a bit more sturdy and drop the travel speed and acceleration speed a little to make sure it vibrate less.
  4. It indeed looks like a cooling problem since the problem is the worst at the overhang. Altough there are a couple of things that could also cause these crappy kind of prints. I would try to clean your nozzle and level your bed just to make sure before you start ordering new fans
  5. This is very common when a bit of fillament broke in the extruder motor causing a lot of friction. You should check if there is nothing stuck. You could take the block out.
  6. I think you will be able to get them from your local ultimaker reseller probably
  7. Have you tried oiling them guys up? This can help a lot. It is probably just the motors having to work harder because the machine is getting older. Also on this forum there has been a post about the silent sense chip that can make your machine much quiter.
  8. I think it is way easier to use the thickness to control the opacity. The thicker the less light passes. This is also more reliable. Altough for buildings it is a very nice idea!!! would love to see the pyramid of the Louvre. Unfortunately for this I think SandervG is too right that the layers will ruin it:(
  9. You could try to increase the thickness of your print in the settings from 0,6 too 1.0 since to me it seems that the top is collapsing in the void between the infill, since it has a pattern. You could also try using a bigger infill. What is your fan speed?
  10. Did you change your nozzle settings in cura? Just checking. Have you tried with other types of abs? (different color or brand) It can be that it are some inconsistencies in the filament.
  11. What size nozzle were you using and what size are you using now? Probably it is the wrong nozzle size in cura as ultiarjan said. Another cause could have to do with the flow rate. If you use the 0.8 nozzle you sometimes have to increase the flowrate a little bit (110%) to finetune the settings. However cura should adapt the flow automatically.
  12. I would set your shell thickness and bottom thickness to 1.0 and the print speed to 20. Probably the print speed is a little bit too slow as gr5 said. But I assume you put it a little bit lower because you were not satisfied with the quality of your print. You should try that.
  13. I have had the same while i was printing a violin. It has to do with your fan settings. I think the tilting of your head will probably cause these problems. But since we do not sell the type of printers you use I am not sure. But it is something you could try.
  14. I had the same problem once and for me the problem was in the settings. I could not see it anywhere, but after resetting my settings using the cura presets. It went back to normal. You should try that. It is also possible that some of the points are not touching the base (floating). but I do not know what you wanted to print. If the problem is not in that I would go with JohnFox his answer which is the blockage.
  15. I would like it to be easier to switch between most recent (newest post that got a comment) and most recent (newest post).
  16. If you look closely you can see the warping in the first layer. Since it was overnight and nobody stopped the print it kept on spitting out material in the middle of nowhere and you get the fluffy ball. If i see it correct your first layer is really really thin. Maybe your bed is leveled to close? If this is not true you should try using a brim or try some adhesive spray on your bed, but with the size of the print I do not think that should be necessary.
  17. I had the same problem once. For me it was caused by the sideways motion of the printer so i think you could try lowering the speed a little. Altough the time I had it I was using PLA. I am just trouble shooting not sure tough. also you could try to use the 0.6 nozzle
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