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Everything posted by Job_van_gennip

  1. I work at a 3D printing company and I know we print a lot with our trusty Ultimakers, but these numbers even stagger me:p! PS. i know it is probably a bug just really wanted to share
  2. If you print at high overhang angles as you do with this print without using support you will get problems with stringing no matter what you do. You could fight it a little bit by lowering the temperature of you print head a little bit and turning on the retraction. However in prints with this much overhang you will always have this problem a bit. Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  3. I would assume it's the newest stable version as the UM3 doesn't ask you to upgrade to a not stable version?! Got the same message yesterday but didn't want to upgrade before knowing a bit more details about whats new/ has changed. Okey automatic updates are indeed always the stable versions. I think that you should indeed just redo the manual leveling. It probably has forgotten the saved settings.
  4. Have you updated it to the newest version or the newest stable version?
  5. I had looked at this before and it always said my drivers were up to date. Because of you I looked a bit closer into this and it turned out my drivers were so old they did not know how to update themselves... But thanks to you it is now solved!!! thanks a lot!
  6. Last time it also crashed, but I cleared the logs reinstalled and let it crash again to make sure it should be the right logs now. They can be found here
  7. Hey everyone, Since around Cura 2.6 I have the problem that when I try to switch printers Cura just simply stops working. In the older versions of Cura i was able to work around this by going to the printer overview and changes the printers over there, however in cannot use this trick in the new Cura. The only way I can switch now is by deleting the other printers which is not really ideal. Have tried reinstalling a few times and it does nothing. Could someone help me? With kind regards, Job van Gennip
  8. 3Devo has a shredder and filament extruder. We are already using the extruder from time to time, but have not yet been able to use the shredder. But you should look at that if you are interested.
  9. You should maybe try a newer version of cura. I am not sure but maybe the firmware on your printer is newer than the slicer you are using. Also you can see where you can get spare parts on the ultimaker site. They also have a tab showing the retailers closest to you.
  10. Waarschijnlijk hebben hun wat extra upgrades op de printer of misschien een keer alle verbindingen langsgaan of er niks los zit. Het kan namelijk zijn dat er wat speling op de printer zit die pas problemen gaat geven als er op hele hoge snelheden wordt geprint. Voor de ringetjes, dit is vaak een probleem met de leveling van het printbed. Hij staat dan net iets te ver van de nozzle af, hierdoor wordt het fillament niet plat genoeg gedrukt en krijg je vaak deze kiertjes. Als dit het niet is ligt het vaak aan je slicer instellingen. Wanneer je het product in layer view bekijkt kun je dit vaak zien. anders zou je ook eens kunnen proberen met een ander model of het daar ook gebeurt.
  11. Zou je kunnen kijken wat er gebeurt als je de volgende settings verlaagt vmaxX 200 vmaxY 200 a travel 2000 Weet niet precies hoe het bij prusa zit maar denk dat de snelheid met 200mm/s sowieso heel erg hoog ligt (vmaxx, vmaxy) en denk dat de versnellingen voor het travelen (wat hij tussen letters veel zal doen) te hoog staat.
  12. What material do you print with and what settings do you use? Could you also tell us what type of products you are printing are the products from thingiverse for example or did you make them yourself? The more information the better we can help. Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  13. It looks a little bit like extreme stringing. I would say even some sort of over extrusion. I think the printer builds up to much pressure in the nozzle similar to a kit sprayer that has a clogging. Did you change anything in the flow settings?
  14. You should enable retraction (or increase the amount retracted) and enable z hop when retracted.
  15. There is also a company called 3D solex who created a sort of olson block version of a print core.
  16. You can set the per model setting for every part. This way you can specify that the bottom part (first layers) should be printed with the first or second extruder. you do this by clicking on the object and than clicking on the per model settings option (last option in the same column as the rotate and move function)
  17. Dear Jan, The rods are only clamped in, but this is when the blocks are not broken enough to keep them firmly in place. However because of the crack it lost its grip and the rod can shoot out. I would advice to not print and repair it first to make sure you do not damage the machine. Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  18. The blocks are very fragile, this problem is known at ultimaker. The best you can do is contact the store you bought it and send it to them for a repair (should be covered by warranty). Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  19. I think it is a temp problem, try to print a temps starting from 205 and go up to 215. This would also explain why it gets better the higher it goes, it gets influenced less and less by the heat of the printbed. Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  20. If you have the problem after having the printer for a while it can also be that you have too many files on it. There is a threshold were the printer suddenly cannot recognize it anymore. However this does not sound like that problem yet, but you could try if it helps stabilize a bit.
  21. Dear everyone, We recently got a new lasercutter and are currently busy getting to know the machines and all his ins and outs. Of course it is interesting to see the combination of the speed of the lasercutter with the three dimensions of a 3D printer. I would like to know if there are people here with some experience with lasercutters in the first place (maybe some tips). And are there people who maybe have suggestions on how they would combine the power of these two rapid prototyping machines. Eager to hear from you Kind regards, Job van Gennip
  22. I would recommend some sort of glue spray to improve bed adhesion. Oil for sewing machines for the maintenance of the axis. Some small pliers and small files, maybe a stanley knife. And definitely some sort of filling knife to get your prints of. But as geert already mentioned learning how the machine works will be the most important
  23. Did you calibrate the x and y axis to be perpendicular?
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