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Everything posted by CarloK

  1. And you also need the signature file which is: http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/UM3-rootfs- These files can be installed on both the UM3 and UM3 Extended. Instead of downloading these specific versions you can always download the most recent versions: http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/latest.tar.xz http://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases/latest.tar.xz.sig
  2. A small update: This procedure has become a little bit easier since earlier this year.With the printer in developer mode you use SSH to log in as ultimaker / ultimaker and you are immediately in the command util prompt. No more need to start the python3 command. The machine configuration file jedi.json is now split into several files where um3.json is on top and the other files derive from this, overruling settings and/or adding new settings. The numbers are from the Ultimaker model numbers: 9066= UM3 9511= UM3 extended 9502= UM2+ etc. Some names and numbers were used for prototypes.
  3. This 'strange' behavior is perfectly understandable when you realise the printer's 0, 0, 0 (x, y, z) coordinate is at the left front top, but the printer homes at the location where the endstops are, i.e. at the left rear bottom. So, the printer homes at 0, 215, 210
  4. Most likely your USB stick has a few bad sectors. Over time this happens to all USB sticks and memory cards. Good quality brands just take a bit longer to fail. Software exists to scan your USB drive for these errors and mark those sectors as bad. But, since your prints are way more expensive and time consuming I would suggest to buy a new USB drive. Just get the smallest size you can find, even a few Gb will do.
  5. I'm surprised you have these problems. The v4.0 version isn't that different from the previous v3.7. It is mostly Cura Connect and some small bug fixes for improved user experience. release notes v4.0.1 Older firmware versions can be downloaded from: https://software.ultimaker.com/jedi/releases You need to download two files; both the file ending at *.tar.xz and *.tar.xz.sig Put those files on a usb stick and choose the firmware update function from the printer menu. More info on the procedure: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/23129-updating-firmware Can you report for your problems to have been fixed with this downgrade?
  6. About the closed enclosure: this is patented by a large 3D printing firm. That's why you have to buy printer doors from another company. I don't know how the other printer brands can supply a closed enclosure, they run the risk of an expensive lawsuit.
  7. The screw head position in the picture shown above is wrong! Here is another picture from 3DVerkstan's website: As you can see the screw head should be in the area RetromanIE marked red in his picture. A correct installed feeder should have tension on the spring, i.e. without opening the feeder housing you can see the spring head pressed against the inside of the housing (only 2 mm down). Check: 1) The tension indicator should be about in the middle of the scale. When it is all the way up then the tension will be too low and you get under extrusion. 2) Perhaps your nozzle is clogged? Do a hot/cold pull. 3) Did you print abrasive materials like brass fill? Over a longer time this will wear the feeder wheel, bowden tube and perhaps other parts as well. from what you described it seems issue 1) is your main problem.
  8. High quality and high speed don't match. A feature request never hurts. Just describe your problem and have Ultimaker figure out the best way to solve it.That said... the UM2 electronics are based on old technology and already stretched to their limits with little spare processing power. There is no easy solution for a significant performance increase in this area. The UM3 has a new hardware platform where more options for improvement can be made.
  9. I looked into the changes for the last two years of your firmware and there isn't a change that improves print quality. Most important changes are for improving the material change and some other small fixes. S3D is from another company and I can't answer this question as I don't have that software. Perhaps you can ask at the S3D forum? I think my explanation above explains why you see the jerky movements when slicing with Cura. Those curves are at the system's limit and then manually increasing the speed causes problems. Every system has a limit, even when the limit isn't always where you'd expect it. The UM2 can go fast, but not if you feed lots of tiny segments. To prove my theory it would be nice if you can reproduce the S3d results. For example, higher speeds can be achieved when S3d uses fewer line segments. Or perhaps S3d uses a lower speed (even when configured higher). Or, this proves you have found a bug in the Ultimaker software and we can look into it deeper (right now I can't find anything wrong).
  10. I suspect the problem is caused by the Marlin planner as indicated by gr5. Marlin needs to plan some movements ahead. When there are less than 8 pending moves in the planner, Marlin will reduce the movement speed in order not to exhaust the planner buffer. When draining continues the speed will be reduced even more until 8 steps are in the buffer again. Here somewhere is a critical line your speed and segment size settings should not cross, i.e. when 8 of your line segments are shorter than the printer will output with the current speed settings the print buffer will drain and slow done. Looking at the last layer of the posted gcode I see 14 line segments with a total XY length of just above 5mm at a speed of 3510 (== 50.8mm/s). You are printing way faster than the planner buffer can catch up with!! Every layer switch is slow to Marlin, so here the planner buffer catches up again and prints at full speed until after about 10 segments the planner buffer gets too low again. You say the effect disappears when you adjust the speed in S3D. Could you post the gcode for that sped-up version as well? (same layers please). Which firmware version have you loaded in your printer?
  11. Some version combinations of Cura and firmware caused problems since Cura overwrites the material profiles on the printer. Do a factory reset on the printer, this will create a fresh copy of the material profiles on the printer. Use Cura v2.7 or newer to prevent this problem from recurring.
  12. I guess you mean the Cura software? This thread is about the software that runs on the printer internally, also known as firmware. Cura software problems can be reported in the Cura thread.
  13. No stability problems. In testing we discovered the right nozzle to be a tiny bit colder than the set temperature, about 4 degrees Celcius too cold at 200C. Since our printing profiles should give the same results on both nozzles we changed the firmware to heat the right nozzle a little bit more so its closer to the intended temperature.
  14. New stable firmware releases are planned about every 3 to 4 months, so expect v4.0 to be released in the coming weeks. Testing versions are released more frequent at irregular intervals. For more info see the new sticky forum topic on firmware releases: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/51313-ultimaker-firmware-help-us-test
  15. Not a complete example for your question, but it should help you understand the used techniques: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/23329-inside-the-ultimaker-3-day-3-remote-access-part-2
  16. Which firmware are you running on the printer? What material are you printing in the 0.8mm nozzle? Is it original Ultimaker or a generic material? The supported nozzle sizes and materials are a combination stored in material profiles on the printer. Cura v2.6 and earlier did overwrite those material settings on the printer. You might have to install Cura 2.7 again, this fixes the profile overwrite problem. Verify you have firmware v3.7 on the printer and do a factory reset on the printer in order to restore the original printer's material profiles.
  17. A late response, but since this question popped-up in a search: This problem was fixed in the firmware that comes with Cura v2.4, February 21, 2017. Cura release notes
  18. It was fixed in the firmware that comes with Cura v2.4, February 21, 2017. Cura release notes
  19. The machine fails to start because it has no MAC address programmed. That's also why the LAN connection failed. Please contact your reseller.
  20. The second nozzle heating up is not desirable but can have multiple reasons: - Which Cura and firmware versions are you using? A few improvements have been made here in the last year. Cura 2.6 with firmware 3.7 doesn't do this on my machine. - When active leveling is enabled, then the second nozzle will always be heated to melt filament that's possibly sticking out and corrupting the measurement. I created a feature request to skip leveling the second nozzle when only printing with a single material but can't promise on this being implemented.
  21. The log files are stored on non-volatile Flash memory. But, we see that the attached log files are mostly empty and lack the details we want to see. Technical answer: most likely the power cycling caused the journaling file system to execute a roll back. I like the suggestion for automatic storing the log files to USB drive in case of a critical error. We added this to our list of desired UM3 features. Several I2C communication problems were fixed in firmware v3.6 and v3.7. All known I2C problems have been squashed, let's hope that's all.
  22. Somehow you managed to give your UM3 a name with spaces included. That's not allowed. Could you try again with a simpler name, and use dashes instead of spaces?
  23. How did you configure the printer in Cura, i.e. when you added the printer to Cura, which settings did you choose? Do you still have those problems when you remove the printer from Cura and add it again? Can you post the last part of your generated gcode file? In the last part many of the used Cura settings are exported and I would like to see those.
  24. Could be many things. Try adding G21 at the start of your gcode. This will configure the distance units to be in millimeters (some printers do default to inches).
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