Just wondering if your temperature sensor is faulty, 230C is pretty high for PLA.
Do you get the same results with other types of PLA? I use 210C with the default 100% feed rate.
Try increasing your infill percentage, I like to use above 30, also try slowing down the infill speed I would go anywhere lower then 45% i personally use about 30% speed when printing infill and outer layers.
Also if the last picture is your external layer, try adding more layers to the outer side, about 4 or 5. That should help make the outside a lot more "pretty"
I will increase the infill percentage and I have 6 layers on the top, so the outside is pretty. but the first layers are the ones that are bothering me.
look at the first pictures, some lines are incomplete
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fernando-rocha 4
I will increase the infill percentage and I have 6 layers on the top, so the outside is pretty. but the first layers are the ones that are bothering me.
look at the first pictures, some lines are incomplete
also if u look closer at that infill 'grid', there are dots and empty spaces, its not making complete lines. check this one I'm printing right now. (same configs just other color of PLA/PHA)
Edited by GuestLink to post
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