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Looking for beta testers.


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Posted · Looking for beta testers.

I've had a lot on my plate recently, and only now am getting a chance to try and test the new software. While I use a workstation laptop to do all my 3D modeling, I pretty much exclusively use my Asus eeePC 901 netbook for my printing, so I can leave it running while using my laptop elsewhere. I just installed 13.05 to the netbook, and I'm getting a display issue (screenshot posted). I suspect 13.05 will work on my laptop since 13.04 beta installed just fine on it. Version 13.03 works fine on the netbook. This issue seems to only affect the part placement window. Is this a problem with the software or my computer?



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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I've had a lot on my plate recently, and only now am getting a chance to try and test the new software. While I use a workstation laptop to do all my 3D modeling, I pretty much exclusively use my Asus eeePC 901 netbook for my printing, so I can leave it running while using my laptop elsewhere. I just installed 13.05 to the netbook, and I'm getting a display issue (screenshot posted). I suspect 13.05 will work on my laptop since 13.04 beta installed just fine on it. Version 13.03 works fine on the netbook. This issue seems to only affect the part placement window. Is this a problem with the software or my computer?


    The beta is using OpenGL shaders. Looks like your notebook is not supporting shaders.

    As for that model Bob. It's an interesting one, I'll have to investigate.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi Daid, trying to slice my troubled stl model generated from the Revit software in your new 13.05: it slice the slab correctly, but, on the other hand, has new problem with the walls where there are holes for windows - this problem was not in the 13.04... I can send you my stl file and gcode if you want to see WTF...?



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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Daid, I'm trying to build Cura from source.

    Until version 13.04 it works fine, but when I to build from the "SteamEngine" branch, the resulting Cura.app is not slicing.

    I'm on Mac, and to build I use "./package.sh darwin"

    I'm missing something?


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    When testing models built with a win 64 bit version of OpenScad , I was able to reduce the facet size considerably and still have them render without OpenScad crashing. The cylindar in the image is 15.6mm in diameter. I assumed before that the paths you see in repetier were either due to the model facet size or repetier display, i see now they are due to slicing, even with a minimum $fa or $fn they are still there. There is a difference with the SE slicing though, the facets are distributed around the perimeter of the cylinder. Not done much printing to see the effects, but it does appear to make the cylinder 'rougher' than when sliced with either Cura 13.04 or KISS but I need to do more printing and another modeller to be sure of this.

    cura 13.04steamEngine2kisscuraSE 1305multi cura1304multi cura1305multi KISS


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.



    hi there I am having some troubles slicing this :

    in 13.05.

    it slices well in 13.04 but It totally ignores halve the model in the new software.


    I found this problem. It's related to the "normals" of the model, which are not all in the same direction. I've updated my engine to handle this properly. (As workaround you can most likely fix it with netfabb cloud service)

    Good catch! I do like problems like this. As I think the slicer should do it's best job possible, even if a model is not 100% proper.


    Hi Daid, trying to slice my troubled stl model generated from the Revit software in your new 13.05: it slice the slab correctly, but, on the other hand, has new problem with the walls where there are holes for windows - this problem was not in the 13.04... I can send you my stl file and gcode if you want to see WTF...?



    If you can share the STL file, that might help.


    Daid, I'm trying to build Cura from source.

    Until version 13.04 it works fine, but when I to build from the "SteamEngine" branch, the resulting Cura.app is not slicing.

    I'm on Mac, and to build I use "./package.sh darwin"

    I'm missing something?


    Yes, you are missing the C++ engine from https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine

    But you'll get a big fat "access denied" error, because I haven't released the C++ engine sources yet.

    You can copy the "CuraEngine" executable from the current available release.


    When testing models built with a win 64 bit version of OpenScad , I was able to reduce the facet size considerably and still have them render with OpenScad crashing. The cylindar in the image is 15.6mm in diameter. I assumed before that the paths you see in repetier were either due to the model facet size or repetier display, i see now they are due to slicing, even with a minimum $fa or $fn they are still there. There is a difference with the SE slicing though, the facets are distributed around the perimeter of the cylinder. Not done much printing to see the effects, but it does appear to make the cylinder 'rougher' than when sliced with either Cura 13.04 or KISS but I need to do more printing and another modeller to be sure of this.


    Make sure you are using the 13.05 version, it has some changes which will effect these results.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi Daid,

    I would very much like to be a tester. Great work said!


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Make sure you are using the 13.05 version, it has some changes which will effect these results.


    did, new image attached to gallery. a but of a diff, but still there.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.


    thanks, you are doing an awesome job here.

    please keep up the good work



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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I've uploaded an 13.05.1 to http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/

    This fixes the SD card copy problem on MacOS. Puts the 'combing' paths more inside the model, removing the outside scaring of models. Removes one more problem with odd order of doing infill lines. Add the overhang view again. Solves the problem with the "spool part x3". Adds a 500ms delay before starting slicing so you don't see 10 restarts when changing settings (this was already intended and implemented, but the delay was wrong in 1ms instead of 500ms)

    Fixed the GCode preview to look pretty again (rounded corners)

    I've also looked at making triangle infills instead of square infills, which in theory would be stronger. But I haven't got the results I want yet.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    I've uploaded an 13.05.1 to http://software.ultimaker.com/Cura_closed_beta/

    This fixes the SD card copy problem on MacOS. Puts the 'combing' paths more inside the model, removing the outside scaring of models. Removes one more problem with odd order of doing infill lines. Add the overhang view again. Solves the problem with the "spool part x3". Adds a 500ms delay before starting slicing so you don't see 10 restarts when changing settings (this was already intended and implemented, but the delay was wrong in 1ms instead of 500ms)

    Fixed the GCode preview to look pretty again (rounded corners)

    I've also looked at making triangle infills instead of square infills, which in theory would be stronger. But I haven't got the results I want yet.


    Thanks for the update Daid!

    The triangle infill idea sounds cool. What if it laid down one set of parallel lines, followed by a set at 60* to those, then third third set. Whenever the print head gets to an intersection point (2nd and 3rd sets), it does a very short rapid across it to prevent an overextruded blob.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Thoughts so far on 13.05.1:

    Outside quality is looking good

    The new grid infill pattern end up being only a pattern of very narrow, free standing columns, where the lines cross. Works great as a low density inner support. But it is not a strong form.

    In some areas of the print, it infill behavior is strange. It stays very near the perimeter and essentially vibrates. This causes the head to dwell too long near thin overhangs, heating them up. I think it is trying to produce an area of 100% infill, underneath a soon to be exposed layer. It just seems like adding more perimeter passes would accomplish this without so much dwell time and vibration.



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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.


    Order of infill looks much better now! thanks.

    Just want to ask again will you be adding any more control to the retraction settings in previous versions being able to force retraction on a move over a certain distance was a helpful parameter to get good prints on my printer.




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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.


    Another issue I am having is getting the new Cura to slice (using MAC OS) If i load a model and then adjust the setting to the suit the print. sometimes it will just hang. Is there any way we can force it to slice the object.

    Also will the view of the Ultimaker Z plate (as per 13.04) be returning? It was really useful to quickly see the orientation of the objects on the bed.

    Please keep up the good work


    Damn me, i just realised I hadn't run the set up wizard, pretty view of the Z bed found!!!


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    It most likely is slicing. I've just found out that a certain piece of code can take a long while (minutes) on high poly models. Depending on how the model is made. This process is done before the progress bar starts to fill. If you see a progress-bar, it IS working.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    That makes sense,

    the model that is causing me trouble is somewhat complicated.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Someone at Ultimaker came with the perfect test piece, it took 5 minutes to slice, which I reduced to 22 seconds for the next version.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Daid, I think found a bug: the "Enable retraction" checkbox is not woking (at least on a Mac), I'm using your last dmg: 13.05.1

    It don't matter if it's checked or not, the gcode created is the same.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Retraction is working for me in 13.05.1 on a Mac. Indeed, if anything it's working too well...

    I have a print that has a 10cm long, 2mm thick 'thin wall'. With a 30% infill setting (and my non-standard 0.65mm nozzle), I end up with infill sections that are roughly 0.75mm long, and spaced about 2.5mm apart. And it does a retraction between each of them.... the extruder gear goes crazy filing in the wall - constant back and forth....

    The net advance of the filament in between retractions is only about 1.75 microns - enough to extrude about 1/10mm³. After a while, it just gets too much, and it starts to grind the filament.

    Thin wall infill - 0.75mm extrusions, every 2.5mm

    Not exactly sure what to do about it - maybe infill in thin wall sections could be done differently - longer diagonal moves, maybe? Maybe there needs to be some sort of minimum incremental extrusion since the last retraction, before another one can happen?

    A crude solution would be the ability to set the minimum move distance for retractions to happen - but that seems to be missing currently.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Mmm, yes, retraction enable tickbox... ok, fixed for the next version (silly me)

    Not sure about those small moves with retraction, I'll have to look. It shouldn't be doing that. I'll see if I can make a test case.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Ah, I see the "lots of retractions on thin walls" now. I see what is happening, and I did introduce it in 13.05.1 (due to a change in the combing code)

    I'm not 100% sure on the proper fix yet, but I have some ideas.


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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi Daid.

    Thanks for the new version of Cura.

    Is there a way to change the fill under the sloping walls with zigzag because the drives are heavily burdened. In Kisslicer it's the same.

    The guides on the print head are already loose with at least 0.1 mm.




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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    >The guides on the print head are already loose with at least 0.1 mm.

    You mean the acceleration over many months has loosened up your print head?

    You could just lower acceleration in Marlin. There's a M code to set the acceleration - you could lower this and then your head would shake more gently. Personally I would just edit the start gcodes in Cura:





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    Posted · Looking for beta testers.

    Hi gr5,

    thanks for the link.

    I currently have these settings.

    // default settings

    #define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT {78.7402,78.7402,200.0*8/3,760.0*1.1} // default steps per unit for ultimaker

    #define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE {500, 500, 30, 30} // (mm/sec)

    #define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION {9000,9000,600,10000} // X, Y, Z, E maximum start speed for accelerated moves. E default values are good for skeinforge 40+, for older versions raise them a lot.

    #define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for printing moves

    #define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION 3000 // X, Y, Z and E max acceleration in mm/s^2 for r retracts

    I will reduce the acceleration times.

    I will soon replace the LM6UU with brass bearings.




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