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Cura 2.7 | Beta


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Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

Some virus scanners get triggered by how Cura communicates between its front-end and its back-end. This happens via a local socket and that's sort of uncommon on Windows. Changing this to some other technique would be fairly involved though...

We sign our builds, so concerned people can always check the signature to make sure the application hasn't been modified in transit (Windows and MacOS do this automatically when you open the installer/app, but for Linux we provide a separate .asc file).

In my opinion, the ideal solution on Ultimaker's part is to make sure that Cura gets whitelisted with some of the major virus scanners. There's some talk about that in the office now and then, but five minutes later everyone has forgotten about it...

Depending on the virus scanner and level purchased or free, I believe that it can be whitelisted on the local machines.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Depending on the virus scanner and level purchased or free, I believe that it can be whitelisted on the local machines.

    I have Trend Micro Internet Security and it's pretty aggressive (which is good).  Most of the time it nails it once the download completes, then I have to try to flag it as OK and then do the 'Run As Administrator' bit to install it, then more warnings to actually run it.  

    No other software, beta or what have you, makes me do these additional steps  :)

    That said, it would be "really awesome" for the end user experience if this was resolved before it's put up for release/evaluation.  I don't think that's too much to ask.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta
    I have Trend Micro Internet Security and it's pretty aggressive (which is good).  Most of the time it nails it once the download completes, then I have to try to flag it as OK and then do the 'Run As Administrator' bit to install it, then more warnings to actually run it.  

    No other software, beta or what have you, makes me do these additional steps  :)

    That said, it would be "really awesome" for the end user experience if this was resolved before it's put up for release/evaluation.  I don't think that's too much to ask.

    That is interesting. Once I whitelist a program (I am using AVG and it catches many, many things as well) it stays whitelisted.

    But, I agree about antivirus stuff being aggressive. I am never one to complain when the credit card companies, banks, or Antivirus wants me to verify anything. Too much going down these days. I do appreciate it.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    I found a bug in 2.6.2

    If I added this to the machine start code

    ;Slice at: {day} {date} {time}

    ;Adhesion type: {adhesion_type}

    ;Layer height: {layer_height}

    ;First layer height: {layer_height_0}

    ;Retraction amount: {retraction_amount}

    ;Support enable: {support_enable}

    ;Wall thickness: {wall_thickness}

    ;Speed print: {speed_print}

    ;Top thickness: {top_thickness}

    ;Bed temperature: {material_bed_temperature}

    ;Min infill area: {min_infill_area}

    ;Infill density: {infill_sparse_density}

    ;Print temperature: {material_print_temperature}

    ;Fan Speed: {cool_fan_speed}

    Cura didn't add this lines to the gcode file

    M190 S50

    M104 S200

    M109 S200

    I manually added them my self but it sound like a bug in the older version, is this fixed in 2.7 ?



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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    No, this is to be expected.

    If your start gcode contains the string {material_print_temperature}, CuraEngine will think you are handling the print temperature by yourself. You either have to remove the ";Print temperature: {material_print_temperature}" line or you will have to add M104 S{material_print_temperature} (etc) somewhere in your start gcode.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Combing in CURA 2.x could be improved a bit as travel moves go over holes in your parts that have inner and outer walls. It would be nice if it went around them to eliminate little blobs you can get from larger nozzles or materials that tend to ooze a lot.

    Is this something currently being worked on or is there a limitation of why you can't comb around them?

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    I would also like to thank you on adding zoom in mouse pointer direction.

    I makes it so much easier to look at a specific part of a print.

    Also center part on selection is now working great.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    No, this is to be expected.

    If your start gcode contains the string {material_print_temperature}, CuraEngine will think you are handling the print temperature by yourself. You either have to remove the ";Print temperature: {material_print_temperature}" line or you will have to add M104 S{material_print_temperature} (etc) somewhere in your start gcode.

    Ok, thanks. I rest my case then :)

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Hi all,

    I am currently making a print with 2.7 and it covers the outside surface with tiny blobs which show up in cura as yellow dots ( Top/Bottom ) in layer view.

    I checked the same file in 2.6.1 and it shows up clean. Any idea what is causing this ??

    Picture for reference, and the file is from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2134605 :


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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Found it myself !!

    I just thought of what option i used in addition to 2.6.1 when fiddeling around with 2.7 last night...

    I checked this model and another random one with the same setting on and off, and both produced the same results, the problem lies with the option "Print Thin Walls"

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    I've the Ultimaker 2+ and 3 printers and Cura is the best 3d software on the market. There is a feature I would like, or pay for the software and update, when you are printing a 3d object larger than the volume of Printer, the software help you spit the object into two parts or group to print separate prints. Object A make have a pin (.25 length) to plug into Object B (pin hole locator). Than is something to think about in the future.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Your application to download the new Beta version has some fields that are not readable. I've no idea what you want in those spaces, so can't give you the information you want. Even trying to select the area of the field is disabled. Make it so the field labels are visible, or folks won't be able to participate!

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Version 2.7 bata has really improved the USB connection. I need to continually click the Pre-heat button to get the print bed to got to higher temperatures. It would be very helpful when installing a new filament if there was a manual control of the hot end nozzle temperature, mechanical extruder and moving the print bed up and down.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    I notice octoprint, the print view the webcam takes up the entire window blocking everything and zoomed way in. You can click the "prepare" button to get back even thought the button is not visible.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    The source code for the SolidWorks plug-in has now been made public: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraSolidWorksPlugin

    So please take a look!

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    The source code for the SolidWorks plug-in has now been made public: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraSolidWorksPlugin

    So please take a look!

    Could you please specify if there is a SolidWorks Installation requred, if yes, which Version, and if it supports 2.7 only or also 2.6.x?

    Can't give 2.7 a try as it immediately quits with error when starting... :-(

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    I'd also like to know what versions of Solidworks the plugin supports (if any limit?)

    Also, could there please be a "New Material Wizard" developed?  It is so easy to make settings for a new filament type in S3D.  Not so much in Cura.  (If there's already a way to do so, it's evaded me)

    Would you consider producing some videos that show off how to use various features of Cura?  Ultimaker has some powerful production capabilities, based on your frequent video releases.  Why not tap those resources and make a few tutorials on how to use Cura?  I think that would be especially useful given the new features you have added.  And many times, we find out by accident Cura has something a competitor has!  With the changes happening so often, it's often hard to keep up.  Blog posts are nice...video demonstrations even better!

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    ha... managed to get 2.7 running on my office PC - thank god I got admin rights :-)

    Nevertheless, also using the supplied test.slprt and test.slasm, I get the note "Can not open file type"...

    Very strange... any hint or is it just an Error80 (means me...)

    b.t.w. @LePaul, I completely support your request(s). Also some colleagues in the company I'm working for (we have 2 UM2+ and 1 UM3) raised the video idea some time ago...

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    @Nallath, @Ghostkeeper:

    I use a SW called Vector Aspire for generating my gCodes for milling. There is a functionality, that if you place your "homemade" postprocessor in a defined folder (called mypostprocessors), the delivered default postprocessors (~30 different) will not be displayed in the GUI selection - just to make the list shorter.

    Would it be a possibility to use such feature to sort the material profiles? I have my own already in appdata...\\materials and delete the delivered profiles from the program directory every time I update Cura to cleanup the list...

    Or implement a checkbox in material management to select the relevant...

    What do you think?

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Okay I think I found a bug in 2.7 beta.  Or maybe it's in the "0.8 pla fast" profile.  Or maybe this is on purpose.

     I just downloaded it and installed it yesterday (clean fresh install on a computer that never had cura installed before).  When I choose AA 0.8 cores and just do the recommended print it does two shell passes (two!).  This is much slower than 2.6.2 which does one pass[correction it also does two passes but... profiles are different].  Zooming in on things (customizing) I see this (all default settings):


    Notice I chose AA 0.8.  Notice that the default wall thickness is 0.97.  Why not 0.75?  This is supposed to be the fast profile.  And why are the two shell passes different thickness: inner .62 and outer .35.  Isn't .35 a bit too thin for a 0.8mm nozzle?  I mean it does it.  It doesn't look horrible.  But it prints much slower than if I did a single .75mm thick shell pass.

    I mean on the forum I'm always telling people that the 0.8mm nozzle prints 4X  as fast (.6mm nozzle 2X as fast).  You can print twice as thick (e.g. .4mm thick layers) and you can print with one wall pass (0.8mm thick walls) for 4X the speed.  But now I realize that this is only true if they use cura 15.*?  Or if they go deep into the settings.  Because if all I change is shell thickness from 0.97 to 0.75 cura *still* does two passes on the outer wall!  with a 0.8mm nozzle!  You have to go drill down and edit inner/outer line widths to get it to do one pass.

    Is this a profile bug?  Or is there a good reason to do two pass shells?  On a "fast" print? The "extra fast" and "sprint" profiles all do the same thing. But when I changed inner/outer line and wall thickness all to 0.75 the print sped up by another 20% (43 minutes instead of 53 minutes).

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    MAJOR UNDEREXTRUSION feature in cura 2.7 beta. Maybe in Cura 2.*, I don't know. This is related to the above post. This took me all day to figure out. Here is a photo of the problem:


    There were sooo many false leads. I looked at it in gcode analyzer which showed me all kinds of unexpected things but eventually I realized it was the z seam. Wow - that is an intense z-seam! It turned out to be a long/slow retraction on layer change and the new layer starts out with the outermost shell (actually I think it does inner shell but this is a .8mm nozzle and I only wanted one shell).


    Now if you use the default profiles this isn't a problem. But if you use the default profiles it will print 20% slower because it will do two passes with .8mm nozzle for a .8mm wall (see my previous post above). So with default profiles the inner shell will be severly underextruded right after the layer change point but no one cares in that case as you can't see it and even at severe underextrusion it still supplies a some inner suport.

    It's only because I have to print over a hundred of these that I tried to tune my print faster than usual. And that is the whole point of the 0.8mm nozzle in my opinion - trying to get much faster prints. Granted this was already much faster without forcing outer shell to just one layer but I have no idea why "retract on layer change" is enabled in the 0.8 nozzle fast profile.

    In addition I have been playing with the gradual infill feature which also saved some significant time.

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    Posted (edited) · Cura 2.7 | Beta
    Could you please specify if there is a SolidWorks Installation requred, if yes, which Version, and if it supports 2.7 only or also 2.6.x?

    The original SolidWorks plug-in as it stands now was made for the 2016 version. We've made a fix for the 2017 version that's about to be merged. That should coincide (approximately) with the 2.7 stable release. We won't support older versions.

    Also, could there please be a "New Material Wizard" developed?  It is so easy to make settings for a new filament type in S3D.  Not so much in Cura.  If there's already a way to do so, it's evaded me)

    There is a way to do this: You create a new custom material in the Material Manager, and in the Print Settings you can fill a few (6) settings in. Then you activate that material and you create a new quality profile with your settings. It's not pretty and it's not easy to share the profiles afterwards, but it's workable.

    Would you consider producing some videos that show off how to use various features of Cura?

    Something for you, Maht?

    I use a SW called Vector Aspire for generating my gCodes for milling. There is a functionality, that if you place your "homemade" postprocessor in a defined folder (called mypostprocessors), the delivered default postprocessors (~30 different) will not be displayed in the GUI selection - just to make the list shorter.

    Would it be a possibility to use such feature to sort the material profiles? I have my own already in appdata...\\materials and delete the delivered profiles from the program directory every time I update Cura to cleanup the list...

    Or implement a checkbox in material management to select the relevant...

    Hiding default materials has been requested fairly often. I think we can do that.

    Okay I think I found a bug in 2.7 beta.  Or maybe it's in the "0.8 pla fast" profile.  Or maybe this is on purpose.

    Yeah, we found that bug as well. We've classified it as a blocker for the 2.7 stable release. Our "solution" right now is to (sadly) remove the Wall Extruder setting and retain only its child settings, Outer Wall Extruder and Inner Wall Extruder.

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    Added some information.
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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta
    Would you consider producing some videos that show off how to use various features of Cura?

    This is a good idea and something we have definitely considered, but given the frequency of updates and the weight of resources it requires, might be better to do for each stable release rather than beta. I will certainly pass on the idea though.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Would you consider producing some videos that show off how to use various features of Cura?

    This is a good idea and something we have definitely considered, but given the frequency of updates and the weight of resources it requires, might be better to do for each stable release rather than beta. I will certainly pass on the idea though.

    I agree that doing this for Betas would be a bad idea, with such fluid changes going on. But for stable releases, please do so! Cura has some real strengths versus S3D and other slicers but unless you are a devout follower here on the forums, it isn't known about. People enjoy short tutorials on software they are trying to get the most out of. Cura has a lot to offer but those menu options can be overwhelming.

    I would be very open to working with your team/staff on some ideas. Let's make the powerful features of Cura more well known.

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    Posted · Cura 2.7 | Beta

    Please a few words about the virus IDP.Generic in the Cura 2.7.0.



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