On 12/20/2019 at 11:38 AM, sono said:Glad to hear you take this so seriously, I am sure i will post more a detailed follow-up come the new year.
As noted it's mostly about the forced bed cooldown cycle where the fw forces one to wait for the bed to go below 60°C before it starts the next print cycle (for safety reasons?) which i have taken physical measures to speed up, using the fan from a nearby soldering station, which is a little ludicrous. It would be good if there was a user friendly manual override or a configurable cooldown end temperature.
When I have safely and cleanly removed a print I would want to start the next cycle, having to wait instead for the machine to cool down further is quite annoying as it can take several minutes for the bed to cool down even with fanning. Consider that all of this is done with the knowledge that the next thing the machine will do is heat the bed back up. Annoying!
Second, the awkward manual nozzle purging procedure after a filament change from a higher to a lower temperature filament could be made easier if the "Move" command did not reset the manually set head temperature. The head temperature could still revert to idle after an inactivity timeout or similiar, as long as the nozzle stays at the manually set temperature during filament operation. We do not have a material station so i can't speak for that.
I don't mind the destroyed buildtak, it was lessons learned. You may be glad to hear that the levelling worked perfectly with the third party surfaces (still using a PEI buildtak for PLA which is not taking noticeable damage at those temps), until the 270°C hot nozzle dug into the 120°C surface which I only tried based on user reviews of the buildtak. Now I know. Which is fine!
I am questioning the sanity of heating up the nozzles before levelling and then letting them cool down during the levelling process just to heat them back up. It seems to me that thermal expansion of such a small volume of metal can't be the driving factor to have them heat up in the first place. I realize (now) that you don't support the use of aftermarket surfaces, and there are a lot of factors that i was and am still unaware of (e.g. the mentioned EMF with the capacitve sensor etc.) and by no means do i wish to sound overly critical.
It just *appeared* to me that there was not much focus on speedy print cycle turnover and flexibility vs. achieving a robust and steady workflow so i wanted to make that voice heard.
Either way happy holidays and a great new year to all of you, great product , don't work too hard until january 🙂
I have the same complaints since the last update I performed, seems like a waste of time since we print a lot of CPE and PC and it takes a while to heat up the build plate. Regarding the Buildtak, we use the Ultimaker Adhesion Stickers and the same thing happens with those; the nozzle melts holes in them and like you said it seems unnecessary to preheat everything so hot. @SandervG I think it would be simple to change the logic to use the buildplate/nozzle temps from the upcoming print but max out at 70 or 80C on the bed and 230C on the nozzles.
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robinmdh 106
we were actually talking about removing this recently, it skips waiting for the deprime(and purge if you have a material station) which is the intended behavior, and is meant to get you ready for the next print ASAP. it would work quit well in the 5.5.x version but is broken in 5.4.x we are aware but people keep telling me nobody uses it.... so the option to remove it is a serious possibility.
I use it quite a bit so I'll use this to argue to keep it, if you don't mind. We may need to rename it though...
Look, the machine wasn't build with buildtak in mind, sorry, sad to hear it's a problem.
The" build temperature initial layer" setting in cura might help but for the rest, it is just not designed for that and buildtak may cause the bed leveling to be off as well., the leveling method requires a lot of assumptions about the surface of the buildplate, change those and it is unlikely to work as well as you might otherwise expect.
I use dissolved old PVA for adhesion, 3d lack/hairspray also works great or use a glue-stick, but add anything 3rd party to the mix and you are likely outside of designed for specs...
Higher reliability vs ease of use is a very difficult decision to make, what appears unnecessary may actually serve a purpose, which just isn't obvious (like resetting the nozzle lift switch) or why the heaters appear off during leveling (interference with the sensor) etc. but we do have some stories planned for this, if you could be more specific that might help. but then I'd suggest a video where you indicate the slow/useless bits and precise version numbers and any preconditions like you did a print before that you aborted, etc.
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sono 4
Glad to hear you take this so seriously, I am sure i will post more a detailed follow-up come the new year.
As noted it's mostly about the forced bed cooldown cycle where the fw forces one to wait for the bed to go below 60°C before it starts the next print cycle (for safety reasons?) which i have taken physical measures to speed up, using the fan from a nearby soldering station, which is a little ludicrous. It would be good if there was a user friendly manual override or a configurable cooldown end temperature.
When I have safely and cleanly removed a print I would want to start the next cycle, having to wait instead for the machine to cool down further is quite annoying as it can take several minutes for the bed to cool down even with fanning. Consider that all of this is done with the knowledge that the next thing the machine will do is heat the bed back up. Annoying!
Second, the awkward manual nozzle purging procedure after a filament change from a higher to a lower temperature filament could be made easier if the "Move" command did not reset the manually set head temperature. The head temperature could still revert to idle after an inactivity timeout or similiar, as long as the nozzle stays at the manually set temperature during filament operation. We do not have a material station so i can't speak for that.
I don't mind the destroyed buildtak, it was lessons learned. You may be glad to hear that the levelling worked perfectly with the third party surfaces (still using a PEI buildtak for PLA which is not taking noticeable damage at those temps), until the 270°C hot nozzle dug into the 120°C surface which I only tried based on user reviews of the buildtak. Now I know. Which is fine!
I am questioning the sanity of heating up the nozzles before levelling and then letting them cool down during the levelling process just to heat them back up. It seems to me that thermal expansion of such a small volume of metal can't be the driving factor to have them heat up in the first place. I realize (now) that you don't support the use of aftermarket surfaces, and there are a lot of factors that i was and am still unaware of (e.g. the mentioned EMF with the capacitve sensor etc.) and by no means do i wish to sound overly critical.
It just *appeared* to me that there was not much focus on speedy print cycle turnover and flexibility vs. achieving a robust and steady workflow so i wanted to make that voice heard.
Either way happy holidays and a great new year to all of you, great product , don't work too hard until january 🙂
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