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    • The added temperature instructions are a known bug in Cura 5.7.2. You can either try using the 5.8 beta or I wrote a post-processing script that will automatically delete them. So that's almost certainly the easier issue 🙂   I'm not an expert on dual extruder printers (I'd really like to have one though 🥲) I've had a look through all the settings and can't find anything that seems like what you want. It's probably just being Cura being conservative to prevent the extruder that's being switched to from drooling while it's waiting at printing temperature, plus having a hot end with no filament in it stay hot for a while is bad (although so is having a hot end with filament in it stay hot).
    • When 3d printers get to a corner, they typically slow down.  You go from being stable printing fast with a high pressure in the nozzle to suddenly slowing down and so they tend to overextrude on the corners.   One fix is to set the jerk and acceleration as high as possible without losing steps so that it doesn't slow down much.  Another fix is to print slow enough that it doesn't slow down at the corners much.  For example if jerk speed is 20mm/sec then you could print at say 35mm/sec and it will barely slow at all on the corners.   I just looked at your 3mf file and that's an ultimaker s7.  Which does not have a direct drive extruder.  Please send the project file for the printer that is over extruding the corners.  If it is indeed the S7 then I recommend you disable accel control and jerk control.  Those features reduce ringing but increase bulging corners and also slow down the print time.    
    • But you'll have to transfer your old connector to the new stepper.  So probably it involves soldering and heat shrink insulation.  It's actually very rare for steppers to fail.  Much more likely the stepper driver.
    • SY42STH38-1684A.   https://www.pololu.com/product/2267
    • I recently acquired a Makerbot Replicator 2X for cheap, and have been getting it set up to work in Cura. I've gotten it working, but there are two annoying issues:   At the beginning of printing, Cura adds some code to heat the extruders before the start gcode, but it's done in the stupidest way possible. It starts heating the right extruder to the standby temp, waits for it to heat fully, then starts heating the left extruder and forces a second wait until it also hits the standby temp. Then it runs the start gcode where the bed is heated and the extruders are heated the rest of the way. This adds several minutes delay to the print job because they are heated sequentially instead of simultaneously. How can I prevent the highlighted commands Cura adds before the start gcode from being inserted? I want the bed to heat first, then both extruders to heat simultaneously once the bed is up to temp. I can't just edit the gcode file because Makerbot uses the x3g file format which isn't editable, I need to stop Cura from putting them in in the first place. How?   ;FLAVOR:Makerbot ;TIME:6785 ;MINX:-46.615 ;MINY:-53.263 ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:116.614 ;MAXY:41.084 ;MAXZ:17 ;TARGET_MACHINE.NAME:Unknown ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 5.7.2 T1 M104 S240 M104 T0 S230 M116 M104 S240 M116 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ; ; begin start gcode ;M136; enable build M73 P0; build progress 0% G21 (set units to mm) M92 X88.8 Y88.8 Z400 A75 B75; sets steps per mm for Replicator 2X G162 X Y F2000; home XY axes maximum G90; set positioning to absolute G161 Z F900; home Z axis minimum G92 X0 Y0 Z-5 A0 B0; set Z to -5 G1 Z0.0 F900; move Z to '0' G161 Z F100; home Z axis minimum M132 X Y Z A B; Recall stored home offsets for XYZAB axis G92 X152 Y72 Z0 A-15 B-15; reset positions G1 X-112 Y-73 Z150 F3300.0; move to waiting position G130 X20 Y20 A20 B20; Lower stepper Vrefs while heating M109 S110 T0; Heat bed to startup temp M134 T0; wait for bed to heat M104 S240 T0; Heat extruder 0 M104 S240 T1; Heat extruder 1 M133 T0; Wait for extruder 0 to heat M133 T1; Wait for extruder 1 to heat   The second issue is easier (I think). Cura starts heating the idle extruder from standby temp to print temp shortly before switching. How can I increase that time interval so that the idle extruder reaches print temp just before the switch, instead of having to wait 10-15 seconds to finish heating each time it switches extruders?
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