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Everything posted by Daid

  1. I think the "cool lift head" feature seems to be causing your rendering issue. Which kinda make sense (for me) as it does extra Z moves that the GCode reader sees as layer changing moves.
  2. The wooden parts of the dual extrusion kit are numbered: 1128 1190 1191 1192 While I can find the STEP files of these parts, it looks like the laser-cut drawing of this pack has been improperly archived. (No big surprise there, lots of things for the UM Original are not properly archived. Pretty sure the file is in the archive, but not where I would expect it) You want step files or 2D drawings? For the injection molded parts, the feeder upgrade kit has these.
  3. Instead of a profile-manager, you could use the machine manager right now, as every machine has it's own profile. It's a bit of a hack, but it can help you with managing a lot of different profiles. (14.07 allows you to rename machines which helps in this case)
  4. Mikk36, are you using any plugins? It looks like Cura incorrectly detected the layer height for some layers, which is odd...
  5. No, that's not true, you cannot assign any parameter to any region. But I can add a lot more parameters without making it insanely complex.
  6. Do you have a G92 in your start code?
  7. Actually the UM nozzle can print 0.5mm (or even 0.8) lines just fine. You'll lose some external quality, but the lines are put down perfectly. This due the flat area on the nozzle. That's where the whole "shell thickness" setting comes from, it's fine to have it at a not-multiple-of-nozzle-size.
  8. Geen van de objecten mag hoger zijn dan de "gantry" height (55mm) anders zal Cura altijd "all at once doen". Verder moet Cura een print volgorde kunnen uitvogelen, wat heel soms mis kan gaan.
  9. For this to work, you (unfortunately) need to switch the "GCode flavor" from UltiGCode to "RepRap (Marlin/Sprinter)" in the machine settings. (Whole bunch of technical reasons)
  10. (I want to stay away from the whole support is good/bad/crap/great/unhelpful/warranty discussion. I'm part of R&D. So see my post as from R&D. Not sales&support) Some heated beds have soldering problems on the connector. This can be fixed at home but that does require some equipment that not everyone might have. You need a soldering iron and something to heat the bed with (we used a electric cooking plate) I can provide some instructions if you want. While the defect rate of these beds have been a lot lower then in the early days of the UM2, there are still some beds that pass QA but fail later due to bad connections. We're working on changing this design to prevent this later on. But the proper solution is quite difficult to implement. (not to mention we want a longer test period to make sure we're not introducing worse problems)
  11. It can be done, but I do not know the details. I pretty much gave up on trying to help people when Makerbot actively refused my posts on their support groups. Note that I haven't had reports of anyone getting it to work with dual-extrusion. But for single extrusion it can work for sure.
  12. This might also be a nice option for you, I've read about some people printing a negative, then casting some ceramic like material in it, then bake it (which evaporates the PLA print) then you can use the result to cast your mold from. Extra bonus, nice ceramic model as show piece.
  13. While 100% infill is quite solid, there is always some trapped air inside. There are some tiny corners not filled. I would recommend: High wall thickness (2.0mm), 100% infill, 130% flow, 260C, 30mm/s print speed. This means you slightly over-extrude, filling up more gaps, thick walls make up for a stronger print with less air holes, as the biggest air holes will be between the infill and the walls. You might even try 1000.0mm wall thickness.
  14. Some machines experience slowdowns like this with super-high polygon models (2mil triangles is way over the top, 200k is much better) I haven't nailed down the cause yet.
  15. Not sure if there is a plugin that can do this effect (as it can be done in a plugin). But I have a development version of Cura that can do "variable sparse infill thickness" where the sparse infill is every X layers.
  16. Older versions of cura's print window did offer pause, but it was buggy and caused problems. What happens in Cura's print window, is that the print window sees the M0/M1 GCode, and then triggers a pause internally instead of sending that M0/M1. Don't think PrintRun has this behaviour, but I'm using a 2 year old version of Printrun myself.
  17. Adaptive infill is quite a challange to implement for me right now. But, if you want, I have a version that can do "infill every X layers". This isn't in a public release yet, but if you want, I can send you a test version.
  18. While I know where this popup comes from, I cannot seem to prevent it. It's cura scanning the clipboard for Cura_profile strings. But it throws this error if the clipboard is locked at exactly the right time by another application. (Maybe I should scrap the whole feature...)
  19. 9 months? That's a long wait for a single micro-switch. Anyhow, you could use any other homing switch, the right front homing switch isn't that important for example, so you could use that one in place of the Z homing switch. You could attach it with some tape while you print a nicer holder for it.
  20. What is happening here, is that the nozzle is moving so slow, that it's melting the layers below it. The material is also flowing out faster then intended, causing it to blob more. A work-around is to use the tweak-at-z plugin to lower the temparture around the height where the chin is. This should help a bit. In the future, I would like the temperature to be speed related. But figuring out the correct parameters for this is quite complex. The cool-head-lift feature could help. Or printing multiple at the same time. As this gives each one time to cool down, and then the head does not have to move as slow as it does now. (The paths you see in the layer view are because of a viewer optimization, only the top X layers are drawn full, the others are drawn with thin lines)
  21. Sounds more like a mechanical problem with the machine then a software problem. As you most likely didn't change any software but mechanically stuff could have gotten lose. You might want to check the Printrbot forums as well for advice.
  22. The ??? have to be replaced by actual values, which I do not know out of my head.
  23. Don't think those drawings are online right now. Which thing are you looking for exactly? Then I can look it up for you.
  24. Oh, most certainly, but I rather delay this addition. Also because there is lots of work on compilers being done to make this easier (openmp) but this isn't fully supported by all my target platforms yet.
  25. This. Software workaround for hardware problems always ends in tears.
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