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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @nzo, Thank you for your message and sharing your feedback with us. Time will tell, but I can imagine some of the things you experience will just require some getting used to. Just like you say you had a hard time finding your way in the beginning on the previous forum, which you grew to like after some time, perhaps you will also grow to like the new forum after you are more familiar with its ways. This sounds like a very accurate impression. If you have some specific problems in your user experience that you can share, I can think with you towards a potential solution. The first thing that comes to mind, did you already take a look at the Fluid view? You can either see all new topics, or just those of the categories you select on the right. Looking forward to hear what you think, and if there is more we can do to help
  2. @Msuurmond correct me if I am wrong, but I recall the explanation that if you upload let's say, 8 10x10cm models, Cura automatically divides them up to 4 build plates and can send all build plates to Cura Connect in one go (if you have an Ultimaker 3). Especially with larger projects, multiple parts, it can be a great tool to optimize and simplify the workflow. Or, if I am completely wrong, consider this a feature request
  3. I know, that will follow later. The more 'not too distant future' it will get, the bigger the disclaimer that things are in exploring phase and are subjective to change. The above-mentioned things are mostly out of the exploring phase and into the building phase.
  4. A little while ago we hosted an 'Ask Me Anything' with our Cura team and one of the questions asked was about a notorious 'Top 50' list which formed the scope of what our Cura team was working on. @Msuurmond said there was indeed a list (we actually do plan ahead yes!) and we would look into what of this information we can share so you have a better idea of what the future holds and what we are working on. Today I received a few features we are working on and we would like to share them with you. It is not all 50 features. Good things come in small packages. But it is a nice collection of features we are building and/or exploring. Faster startup times (it will be done faster than your morning coffee) Tree support. A different, more efficient way of generating automated support. Adaptive layer height (yes!) Plugin browser update Multiple build plates (awesome!) Signed windows installer/executable, no more warning while installing Cura on Windows Manual remove support ... and like 43 other things which might be shared at a later date We hope you enjoy this little prospect and you are as excited about some of those features as I am! We're curious to hear what you think and I hope you have a great day! (I happen to remember @ultiarjan and @Dim3nsioneer showed interest in this list)
  5. I've shared the feedback with IPboard and they were looking into it. That conversation is still ongoing.
  6. Good point, completely overlooked that. That is indeed thin. And Cura assumes by default it is 2.85. Did you adjust this value?
  7. Hah, I certainly did, they were delicious! But as according to the original agreement, they all went to R&D! @chuckmcgee, I'm not really sure how flexible soft PLA is compared to TPU95A, but just because it is flexible does not mean it is more or less the same (it can tho, but not necessarily). Regarding the feeder, yes that is what I mean. The middle is considered 'default' tension. You may want to increase the tension a bit, so the teeth have better traction on the filament while pushing it up. Hotter is not always better. Depending how fast the filament is being extruded through your nozzle, (speed movement & layer thickness) the material can stay in your nozzle for too long and even burn or the heat will crawl up through the filament making it softer higher up 'in the chain', where it will expand due to the pressure it receives from the feeder, trying to push more down in the bowden tube. When it has expanded, it may become significantly more difficult to push further down, into the nozzle, and you can get under extrusion. A good indicator of whether or not it expanded, is when you pull the filament back out through the bowden tube. Good luck, and curious to hear about your findings!
  8. @Titus, I believe you asked about it a few days ago, if there was a way to customize your view to see only the topics/categories you cared most about. I just wanted to suggest that you could try the fluid view. It shows all recently updates topics, and on the right you can select from which categories. That way you only what you are most interested in. Perhaps to your interest
  9. Hi @chuckmcgee, thank you for sharing your findings with us so thoroughly. Looked like indeed you did some research. I think dropping a few drops of sewing machine oil down the bowden tube could help, and if nothing else perhaps it could eliminate the bowden tube as a cause and helps us closer to the actual problem through elimination. But, there are also other things we can try first. I'm wondering, have you changed the feeder tension on your Ultimaker, and if so, what tension is it set now? If not, perhaps you could try with a tighter feeder. And I think I would disable retractions all together by the way.
  10. Hi, what are your settings? I think if you should enable ' One email per day with all new content from that day ' and ' Only send one email notification for content I follow until I revisit the community ' this should both reduce the amount of emails you receive. Do you have both of them enabled, and saved your settings?
  11. Sorry, I am afraid that feature is not supported by Ipboard and no better alternative than following a thread. If you frequently use the same browser you could also consider bookmarking threads in your browser. Not really a forum feature, but perhaps it helps.
  12. It is good to know that you care @kmanstudios
  13. The Z18 does not have a heated bed does it? If not, it would have no radiation of the heat and it would be slightly more forgiving towards overhangs. Downside; anything except PLA would be much more cumbersome to print with. You could also try to print such a model without the heat of your heated bed, use an alternative adhesive, and see how that goes.
  14. Hi @nilrog , I had this warning as well and just updated my OSX and it works just fine on Safari. Are you willing to give this a shot?
  15. Hi @chhu79, welcome to the Ultimaker community. You have chosen a challenging print for your second 3D print. But the Ultimaker 3 should be able to do it with no problems. Unfortunately, even the Ultimaker 3 is subjective to external forces like gravity. This globe has quite a steep overhang, and your print would look much better if you would print it with a support material like PVA. This would allow the layers at the bottom of the curvature to rest on the support and come out nicer. Not entirely sure by the look of the photo, but it looks like most strings appear where the land is extruded, with the overhang in mind they were expected to hang there mid-air. Another thing you can take into account is that the heat of your build plate radiates. Depending on how high you set it, this may keep the bottom layers of your print warm, which makes it even more sensitive to overhangs. And finally, when you have selected a profile, go to layer view in Cura and see if there are any red or difficult areas. There is also a print simulation in the latest Cura. This allows you to catch any errors before you have started your print Good luck! There is a lot of expertise in our community, feel free to make it your own!
  16. We're also fine-tuning the process to stop spam. You may have read that we experimented and wanted to remove the moderator approval step to create a better and faster onboarding process for new members, however, this did not work as we wanted because as a regular member you do not have the ability to flag someone as a spammer, you could only report content. When reported, it remained visible until a moderator stepped in. So that did not really solve anything. We are now switching back to the first content moderator approval, and I've talked to IPboard about allowing all members to flag 'new members' as a spammer, and this would hide their content and prevent from posting new. It would always require a moderator / admin to actually ban or unflag an account. With all the eyes on our forum, this should work well I think and allow a faster onboarding for the well-intended users. There may be a few spammers who created an account yesterday and decide to post in the upcoming days, please report them and we'll handle it as soon as possible. Our apologies for any inconvenience and unwanted content they may decide to post.
  17. Good point, I will see if this can be 'patched' to the locking menu. Regarding notifications, the deleting of notifications read, a clearer distinction between read and unread and switching to unread when you have clicked a notification, not opening the tap was mentioned to IPboard, and they would look into it. I will let you know once I have some tangible feedback.
  18. @kmanstudios and @nzo , could you try to open up your email notification in a different browser, and see if that changes anything? Thank you
  19. Once or every time? Indeed, @kmanstudios had a similar experience, and we're looking into it. Can you paste the URL in a DM to me, and we'll look into it. Thank you! [edit] @NZO, can you leave such replies in the dedicated feedback thread?
  20. For me it seems to be still there. It is set to everyone to see it. Could you try a different browser if refreshing or restarting the page does not solve it?
  21. Hi @yellowshark , I've moved your posts to the correct feedback thread. Now about your question; yes those notifications are gone. This was a conscious choice given the complexity and overall scope of necessities and timeframe we had. Follows you generated from previous activity were migrated. What I meant was when you click the notification bell because you have (let's say) 4 new notifications, these 4 are light grey. You click one and read the post. When you go back to the bell and notification overview, they are all dark grey, because you have viewed the list already. And now they are dark grey. I realize this is not ideal, and I'm going to talk to IPboard to see what we can do to change this behavior. I don't think so. But I also don't see a problem with this dialogue. Curious to hear what others think of it. To me it seems like an opportunity to configure how you want to receive notifications. Some topics you might find very interesting, and you want to be notified immediately, other categories once a day might be fine. Just set it once how you want it, and then leave it. It is not like you have to go through it daily.
  22. @yellowshark, can you leave your feedback in the feedback thread from now on?
  23. With the new forum I wanted to experiment and make the onboarding process easier for new users. It means I removed the moderator approval step, and new users would start with a restricted account. A restricted account allowed for 3 posts per day max, and when flagged as a spammer it should prevent them from posting more content. Currently everyone can report a user, and it is up to a moderator to flag him as a spammer. I'm looking if it will be possible that everyone can flag a spammer as a spammer to prevent him from posting, and next a moderator will have the final say. We can always decide to put the moderator step back in place for new users, but I feel like if the above scenario can be configured it will be better for new users and be more fierce towards spammers.
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