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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. The forum stores a cookie that tracks when you visited the forum and updates its timestamp everytime you visit. It should not update when you just browse the internet and your browser remembers your credentials.
  2. Fixed! (well, last week already but I forgot to mention it here).
  3. Hi @nlkirchn , where are you trying to save the gcode? On your computer or a removable disk of some kind? How long have you waited to see if perhaps the software needed a couple of more seconds, and last did you actually press the save button and not mistake the automatic slicing for saving? (Which version of Cura are you using?) Thank you!
  4. There are more things to take into account. In the '2.85' bowden tube (the inner diameter is actually 3.16mm) you almost completely undermine your retraction settings if you feed 1.75mm through it and lose almost all control over your filament. The feeder also is dialed in for 2.85mm filament, not sure how it would respond to 1.75mm filament. Then, at the end of the line, there is also the print core. Anyway, I would definitely stress to start off with regular 2.85mm filament, how it is intended to be used. After a while, when you are familiar with the Ultimaker 3Extended, ask yourself if you got used to 2.85mm filament and just continue to use it or that you still want to convert. Perhaps the need will be gone then and you'll use it as intended. If not, there is a lot of help here to help you out
  5. That would be very interesting and much appreciated! Note that you can not use an Ultimaker 2Extended door on an Ultimaker 3 Extended. While the frame may look a like, the print head actually sticks out further on the front and would bump into an Ultimaker 2 Extended door.
  6. No problem, hopefully it was clear. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask! I understand, no one wants to need support. We also do our best to prevent this and make our Ultimaker 3D printers as reliable and user friendly as possible. We also take maintenance into user account when designing the Ultimaker, so you can do all maintenance yourself and ensure a long lifetime for your machinery. As good as we design it, it might be good to mention that just like every piece of machine, a few drops of oil and some cleaning now and then get you a long way When you have a spare part made, do you also test fit it in the car and perhaps function test it, depending on its purpose? Do you get it machined afterwards with different tools? Re leadtime, hm. It should usually be in stock as far as I know. I suppose it gives you some more time to talk to other users and get a better feel for Ultimaker
  7. No problem :), and I can totally imagine! Yes (well, kinda) and yes. Since a couple of years we have stopped with direct sales and decided it would be in our users benefit if there was localized support in their own language, culture and timezone. And we pride ourselves for our close relationship with our partners, the effort we put into training them and how we take care of our customers in general. Since you seem to be in Germany you have a range of options to choose from. Our network consists of a sales partner and resellers. We, Ultimaker, communicate mostly with the sales partner in a region. In their turn, they maintain communication with all resellers. If you want to keep your lines as short as possible, I would recommend to get in touch with iGo3D. They have certified people who can tell you all about Ultimaker and also have the skills and know-how how to repair it, if it would be necessary. Besides this, Ultimaker has a great community of product experts. There is also a variety of Ultimaker employees roaming these forums, also from R&D. Everyone is here to help each other and learn from each other. But for 'official' support, the place where you bought your Ultimaker is where you should go. I hear your concern re iGo3D. When you would feel abandoned, you can always reach out to us and we will help you get in touch with iGo and make sure you get the help you deserve. (this is not something specifically for them, in general, we want to make sure all our customers are treated well). Re repairs; depending on the intensity of your defect and the involved necessary tools you can discuss with your reseller if you would prefer to send your Ultimaker in or try to repair it yourself. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions One question from my side; what are you planning on making? What have you been making with your Raise3D?
  8. Hi @Bossler, Welcome to the community! Looks like I am the first one to reply. Usually, this thread is used when people want to sell, so not that often monitored by most members of the community. But you've definitely selected the right category based on its description. I'm happy to hear that you are considering an Ultimaker 3 Extended when looking for an alternative for your current 3D printer, the Raise3D. Regarding your experience of why you feel like you need to cross the Raise3D of your list, I like to think we have always helped our customers where possible (and reasonable I must add). Outside of that, we also have this awesome community to help everyone in need, if help can be offered in the form of advice and aid. One unbiased thing that can vouch for this I think, is that if we did a terrible way of interacting with our users we would never have such a community of 3D printing experts. Re your concern with 1.75mm filament; yes. That is a bridge you probably will have to cross and then burn. Welcome to the land of 2.85mm filament. I would not recommend to mod your Ultimaker 3 into 1.75mm filament. There are some mod (I know @gr5 sold one) for the Ultimaker 2(+), but they are rare. Since we are working with a bowden tube, 2.85mm filament works just slightly better. 1kg reels; you can. It kinda depends on the diameter of the hole in the reel, but you can print your own reel holder if it would not fit or put the reel on a lazy susan. There are decent alternatives outside of the regular spoolholder that is included with the Ultimaker. Closed door; also yes! Check out this link In general, yes it works. But it is definitely more tricky than regular filament and has some more limitations. It kinda depends on how flexible the filament needs to be and if there are any special requirements to it. You can find a variety of topics about flexible filament on our forums with various tips and tricks. Woodfill materials are no problem. It is recommended to use a bigger nozzle so the fibers don't block your nozzle that easily. With the Ultimaker 3 you have the choice of an 0.8 print core If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask and by all means poke around in our community! Looking forward hearing from you!
  9. Lol yea that is confusing. Also because the 'To the top' seems to be behind the quote, but is actually in front of it. I think it would be easiest if the 'To the top' button moved a couple of pixels higher so they just don't overlap. Would that work as well for you?
  10. I could inquire, but I imagine the one hour is set for safety reasons as well. Since the text is stored anyway, do we consider it a problem that needs fixing, if it may create issues on the other end? Appreciate the feedback though! Thanks.
  11. When do you see this 'Quote 1 post'? When I quote a full post or a fragment I don't get it.
  12. As you may have noticed, the menu has disappeared from your view when you scroll down. It brought some problems along and we found another way to provide you with additional ways of navigating when you are halfway down a page. It behaves just as the top menu, you can click both buttons but by hovering over a dropdown appears which unfolds the entire menu. Besides this, you also have the 'To the top' button in the corner which brings you to the top of the page in a flash. I'm curious to hear what you think! If you have any other feedback about our forum, please feel free to share it with us!
  13. Hi @Ich, there are several error messages that indicate that the fix in upcoming firmware will help you a great deal. A couple of suggestions to help you in the meantime: Are there many Ultimaker or other devices connected to your network? It can be that the network in general is being overloaded, and therefor it is more difficult to connect to it. Could you also try the following: Cura Connect reset (System > Maintenance > Cura Connect Reset) Perhaps something did not install correctly. This action will remove all data which could be involved with your problems. This is different from a factory reset, so you don't need to reconfigure your Ultimaker. You only have to go through the wifi set up. Do you use a 5 GHz wifi network? The Ultimaker wifi connection is much more stable on a 2.4GHz. Good luck!
  14. The test versions are always based on the latest stable version with some newly added functionalities and improvements. Before we add these functionalities into the stable version we would like to hear what you think of them! Before you start testing, we would like to warn you this is a testing version, so it may contain bugs. If you are working on an important or time sensitive project we recommend you continue to use the stable version. Moving on, these are the release notes for test version TESTING v4.2.90.20180112-test Known Issues: This release is not available as installer image for new machines. This version is only available as the compressed-file variant for menu based installation of the network or via a USB stick. Bug fixes: Firmware updates sometimes failed to be able to update the Marlin part at first installation of the firmware Marlin temperature readings fixed - even with prior changes, spikes in measurement still could occur. In the case of an invalid machine identification, selecting a material would yield an empty list from which no return was possible, except for power-cycling the printer. Now it will show a message and have the option to return to the previous menu. Note: if this still happens, it's recommended to contact your reseller. User experience: Improved support for mouse and trackball as a replacement for the dial-wheel/button. Web API When the client is authenticated, the endpoint HTTP://<printer_ip>/print_job/gcode will allow you to download the gcode of the object currently being printed. Other: Several other tiny bug fixes and improvements. So, ready to start testing? The testing firmware version is available for download through the menu on your Ultimaker 3 / Ultimaker 3 Extended. Go to ‘System’ => ‘Maintenance’ => ‘update firmware’ and select ‘Testing version’. You can also use it to go back to the latest stable version at any time!
  15. Thank you, I will share your findings with my colleagues and report back.
  16. ok! Also, good suggestion about the range bars!
  17. In the emails that you received, was it about all different topics, or also different emails about multiple replies in one and the same topic? Did you only receive emails about new replies, or also 'likes' or other forms of activity?
  18. Hey @Bollicine, welcome to the community! This print is quite an introduction, it looks great. How come after using your Ultimaker 2+ for a few years already, you have now decided to join the community? You are more than welcome of course, I am just curious. Do you also drink from the concrete cup, I assume it is coated with something then? Is your concrete cover solely a shell covering your regular coffee machine, or did you remove the existing cover? Looking forward seeing more of your work!
  19. You should look at the notification field in 2 sections. 1 section allows you to choose in what frequency you want to receive notification emails, and the second section (below) allows you to configure what behavior should trigger what kind of notification. This can be a notification in the notification bell, or an email. When you select email, your preference in the first field applies, when you select a notification you will see it appear under the notification bell when you log in again. If you deselect both, you won't get any notifications.
  20. A gazillion emails about notifications, or a gazillion notifications under the notification bell? @nilrog , can you send me a screenshot of your notification settings, and can you tell me what you expect to happen with those settings and how that is different from what is happening? About what behaviour did you receive notifications, quotes, replies, mentions? @kmanstudios , can you do the same? Feel free to send it to me in a DM or here. Whichever you prefer. Thank you!
  21. If you would say it was resin I would also have believed it, looks good!
  22. @nilrog, if you are still willing to try the Ultimaker theme we have introduced an elegant solution today that tells you in which thread you are while scrolling through a page. The title of a thread is added after the timestamp that tells you when a post is made. We are currently also looking into the menu which is causing the anchor point bugs you have been running into.
  23. I don't believe we do, but I remember it from 'the old days'. Re research papers, what kind of information would you be interested in? And I could see if I could fetch it. I don't think we have any 'ready to go' papers lying ready on someones desk no..
  24. Hi @adshale_de , what TomNagel is referring to I think is if the filament got entangled on its own, like it formed a knot. Preventing any further feeding. Can you confirm if there was any entanglement? (As an example, I pulled an image of the internet: Regarding degradation of PVA; do you have any indication of what the temperature of moist is in the area of your Ultimaker? Is there an AC in the area? That it turns brittle is likely to be an indication that it absorbed too much moist. During a print of 3 days this should not happen normally within a 'normal' environment, but perhaps there is something in your printing space which negatively influenced PVA. PVA can do wonders, but unfortunately, it can be sensitive too.
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