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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi, If you are interested meeting other community members, seeing Ultimaker in real life or just visit 3D printing related events, make sure to check out the Calendar page on our forum. You can see which events take place where, and when the created events allow it you can even RSVP and show other you are going and potentially meet up. Feel free to create and promote a local user group and meet other community members in real life
  2. Hi, Welcome to the new Ultimaker community forum! Whether you just arrived for the first time, or you are a regular guest already, you might be wondering where you can find some of the basic features of this forum. To make the transition as smooth as possible, I’ve written some guidelines that should help you. The top right is where you can log in or register to create an account for the Ultimaker community. When logged in, you can access your profile there, see your notifications and direct messages. In your account, you can view your profile and via account settings you can access your notification preferences . We recommend checking your notification preferences to make sure they are to your liking. You can receive notifications from content that you follow and receive, subforums that you follow and even users you have chosen to follow. No need to miss anything. In the menu you can find: Browse - Forums, this is where you can talk and dive into the knowledge that is in our community. - Calendar, you can create your own events here. So will Ultimaker. You can notify if you will be going to an event and receive notifications. - 3D Prints, you can share your 3D print here and you can check out what your fellow community members have made. You can also share gcodes, curaproject.3mf files and jpg (pictures of your print) here. - Leaderboard, which community members are most active and what topics are most popular. You can find it here! - Our picks, hand picked content, selected just for you. Must reads for everyone. - Clubs , this is a private section of the forums. It is not uncommon we test a variety of new products or services in our community, sometimes open beta tests (like Cura), and sometimes closed (like [censored]). The closed beta’s will take place in private clubs. - Guidelines , our house rules. I would like to invite you to take a look at them before you start. Activity offers a couple of different filters that offer you new content. Under ‘My Activity Streams’ you can create your own filter to fully focus on topics you care about. Ultimaker.com; is an easy and fast way to our main website. We love to hear from you. So when you have a question, make sure to post it on our forums. There is a chance somebody already asked it before you, so the fastest way to your answer might be just a quick search via our search bar in the top right corner. Didn't find your answer? Then click ‘Start new topic’ and launch your question into our community. It's important you select the right category to post your question in. For example, our Cura team monitors the Cura thread but not per se the ‘official news’ channel. Secondly, there is a new option to add tags to your post. This can be a quick way to create context to your question, and is also a fast way to search or filter content you need. We hope you enjoy our new forum, you can let us know what you think right here and if you're new, feel free to introduce yourself here As always, have a great day!
  3. New forum, new start. First of all, welcome to everyone on our new community forum software. We hope you'll like it here. We are very happy to have moved to IPboard and make this our new home. As always, we are eager to hear your feedback. If you have any questions or discover any bugs, let us know. If you don't... hearts and hugs are also welcome
  4. Hi @druckpunkt3d , welcome to our (new) community and thank you for the introduction. I must have overlooked your post previously. Sounds like you already had quite a 3D printing journey. What are you mostly printing for your business? I'm curious to hear how the Ultimaker 3 is working for you. And if you have any questions, this is the place
  5. Hi people, regarding the migration.. we are going to initiate the migration tomorrow on Thursday. It is estimated that from approximately 10am the forum will go into lockdown and we aim to go back live on Monday 18th.
  6. Hi @Nilrog, follows you have on topics, for example what you have replied to, will be preserved. Bookmarks you have made to a certain page will be redirected to the new location. During the lockdown we will also do some optimization to the subforums, so there will be less confusion where to post content. For example, we'll have 1 sub-forum 'Help, tips & tricks'. This is a collection of the existing 'Tips & tricks', 'Post processing' and 'Community print service'. This subforum in general will be new, so won't have any follows yet. But all content IN there, will continue to keep its follows. Hope this answers your question. Regarding the migration, we are going to initiate the migration tomorrow on Thursday. It is estimated that from approximately 10am the forum will go into lockdown and we aim to go back live on Monday 18th.
  7. @stu_le_brew, thanks. I can remember it as well. A lot of lessons are learned, and we are migrating towards and with the professional help of IPboard. Who also do their best to prepare as thorough as possible. @NZO, thanks! I certainly am, not at the very least so we have a pleasant environment in which we can interact with each other without unwanted hassles, workarounds and bugs. Let the light be bright!
  8. We are currently looking at December 14th, Thursday, to start the migration process. If there are no delays, we should be back open on December 18th in our new home
  9. I would agree it already is fairly quiet, but I suppose things could always be quieter What is ESP? And even Xray vision.. but I can also see PLA crack if it is brittle enough
  10. Hi @NZO, some parts are similar, in the core mechanics the machine is the same. But there are some impressive differences in the 'drive train', which starts at the feeder all the way to the nozzle. The other parts are more or less the same unless my memory fails me. A short summary of the differences in case you missed it; - feeder is upgraded to a geared and improved feeder, - bowden tube is the same. - print head housing is glass filled, therefore stronger (before it could snap if the thumbscrews were too tight), - improved fan brackets, - more silent fans I believe (but position also improved sound) - stronger heater (40W I believe) - more accurate PT100 (build differently) - spring is replaced for a spacer, which makes your PTFE live longer, - PTFE is also made of a different material, glass filled too, - Olsson block (swappable nozzle) included by default. I think those are the mayor (all?) differences. Belts are the same. In the sliderblocks should be an auto tensioner (nothing too fancy, a spring). If your belts are not slacking, I wouldn't worry about it.
  11. We actually put quite some effort into these resource materials and we have a professional and well informed materials team We did an AMA a while back with @TomHe, perhaps also interesting to read If there is anything else you would like to know/learn, feel free to ask!
  12. Hi @Dennispo, thank you for sharing! I moved it to another thread where I think it is more appropriate. Great video, although I am afraid my Chinese is probably even worse than @Kmanstudios
  13. Hi @MichielCelis, welcome to the forums! The thread you are replying to is from 2013, and barely relevant anymore. By now you are able to disable autoslicing if you go into the preferences of Cura. I think by default it is enabled, but if it bothers you feel free to disable it Have a great day!
  14. Hi @Lekorlien, I will send you an email with a little form to collect structured feedback. It is peculiar that a gcode will reboot your Ultimaker 3, and we would like to look into this closer. Please fill out the form and return it, and we can go from there. Thank you for your time, and our apologies for the inconvenience!
  15. Hi Everyone, I wanted to share an update about the migration. There is still hope we can migrate mid-December, although preparations are not fully completed yet. So it is still too soon to tell right now. Technical preparations are mostly finalized by our development team and by IPboard's, but as we speak we are still optimizing the algorithm that will actually move all content, attachments and user settings to the new software. It looks pretty good already, but it is not fully ready yet. We also tested today that the forum can stay available during lock down / migration, which I like because all content can still be read and this might be handy for people in need. (but no new replies can be added.) We don't want to avoid migrating too close to the holidays when support might not be available post-migration, so when we are ready and there is time, we might decide to move fast if it means we can still make it before holidays. But only when fully prepared. In any case, I'll try to post here at least 2 days in advance before the migration. Let me know if you have any further questions, thoughts or opinions
  16. My colleague Matt just wrote a forum post about it.
  17. Like not available during the migration, or out of commission like cut out and never coming back? During the migration we are aiming to keep everything accessible, but without login functionality, so you can not post or anything like that. Same goes for the rest. Afterwards, everything should be available again to interact with. YouMagine is currently just a quick link, and that link will be gone, but the site YouMagine will continue to exist as normal Thanks for the thoughtful reply (filling in all the possible scenarios of my rather truncated question ) :)I meant while the transfer was going on. Sorry about the badly worded question. Sounded ok in my head though It's all good, we got there eventually
  18. Like not available during the migration, or out of commission like cut out and never coming back? During the migration we are aiming to keep everything accessible, but without login functionality, so you can not post or anything like that. Same goes for the rest. Afterwards, everything should be available again to interact with. YouMagine is currently just a quick link, and that link will be gone, but the site YouMagine will continue to exist as normal
  19. 0.25 mm print core. After releasing the 0.4mm and 0.8mm print core, today we make another step in offering a full range of diverse print cores for the Ultimaker 3. Today we are releasing the 0.25 print core, which is ideal for printing with higher details, especially in X and Y. With this, your Ultimaker will become even more versatile. The 0.25 print core will only be offered as an AA print core, because it is not suited to be used for PVA. Potential use cases for such small details include microfluidics, dental model casting, architectural models, and fine mechanical parts, such as small gears or other models with thin walls, fine text and a high-quality surface finish is necessary. We put a lot of work in creating the print profiles that go along with these print cores. In order to fully utilize all the hard work we put into this, please also check out the latest version of Ultimaker Cura. Each profile is developed by our team of material engineers after countless testing and optimizing. Breakaway material, an alternative way to support. The range of support materials you can choose from for dual extrusion is expanding. Next to PVA we now also offer Breakaway support material. Breakaway can be quickly and easily removed from your 3D prints: simply break away the support material using either gripping pliers, cutting pliers, a knife, or by hand. After removing the support material, a smooth surface quality will remain in the supported surfaces. Although it is a support material, Breakaway is used with a AA 0.4 mm print core. If you are curious to find out with which build materials it can be used, check out our chart here. Pricing and availability The 0.25 mm print core will ship with one item in retail packaging and will be offered at a similar retail price as currently available print cores. Breakaway will come as a 750g spool and will be offered around the same price point as, for example, Nylon. Both of these items are available for purchase now. Get in touch with your local reseller for their prices. As always, we're we love to hear your feedback!
  20. @Gr5, we are still in the process of optimizing the algorithm for migration. Making sure all photos are included is important part of it. Like you say, photo's hosted on different servers are out of our control though. @Peetersm, luckily you won't lose all your content or levels. And the bugs will be a thing of the past. Not so sure about the font though @Yvest, everything following en/community/.... So also the peoples page and 3D prints. The people page will be migrated to IPboards standard profiles, which is kinda similar. The 3D prints will be migrated to a file management system. It has version control and we should also be able to specify similar information fields upon uploading. It should even allow for STL upload, except we will have to set a file size limit for it to not get out of control. @Yellowshark, let me double check on the internet explorer thing Posting history will certainly be migrated. Personal notifications up onto a certain extent. We will notify you about it when the new forum is live. IPboard supports a few notifications that we did not have, but also the other way around we enabled certain notification frequencies IPboard does not support. So in some cases, we'll have to find a solution.
  21. Thanks @Titus for the offer. I'll reach out when this window presents itself, let's see if you are available around that time! @Mastory, but they were restored right? Anyway, we are definitely planning on including all images/attachments with the migration and we'll do heavy testing before we go live to make sure everything survived the migration.
  22. Hi All, I just wrote a forum post about the migration, please take a look. There is also a German, French and Spanish version in the appropriate sub-forums. If there are any updates about the forum migration, I'll try to post them here too but you'll read them there first. So I would recommend you bookmark / like or comment on that post so you will be kept up to date when there are new developments. We also send out a notification to all active users from the last 6 months about this forum post, as an attempt to notify all users (time of this writing they are still being sent).
  23. Hi All, I wanted to update you about a new test version which is available now. Follow this link to read more about it
  24. Cura is always a popular topic of conversation and we always get a lot of feedback when sharing news, beta versions and stable versions. Everyone seems to love Cura and the work we put in there! Less topic of discussion but equally important is the firmware we write for our Ultimaker machines. Through this post we want to update you about the latest version, what has been fixed and which new features are added. The testing versions are always based on the latest stable, with some new added functionalities. Before you start testing, we would like to warn you this is a testing version, so it may contain bugs. If you are working on an important or time sensitive project we recommend you continue to use the stable version. Moving on, these are the release notes for test version TESTING v4.1.1.20171124 Known issues: - This release is not available as installer image for new machines. This version is only available as the compressed-file variant for menu based installation over the network or on a USB stick. Bugfixes Marlin planner underrun causes print artifacts. This was visible in parts with many short line segments and/or high speeds. An Ultimaker 3 specific problem, not in Ultimaker 2 printers. Print times of 2d:23h:30m to 2d:23h:59m were displayed as 2d:0h. Also changed the time display to be the same as Cura, i.e. above 24hrs it will be shown as 1 day, where it used to start showing a number of days from 48hrs up. Cura Connect Support for the following languages: Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Polish, Turkish and Simplified Chinese. An icon was added to the printer title to distinguish the group host. 'Move to top' didn't always work. A tooltip has been addded to explain 'not available' state of a printer on the print jobs page. The printer UUID and the print job UUID have been added to the print job row in the web UI to help with automated testing. For larger screens (770px wide or greater) the navigation bar will stick to the top of the page when a user scrolls down. When the printer details pane is opened on the printers page, the page is scrolled up to ensure that the pane is in view. Other Several other tiny bug fixes and UI improvements. Ready to start testing? The testing firmware version is available for download through the menu on your Ultimaker 3 / Ultimaker 3 Extended. Go to ‘System’ => ‘Maintenance’ => ‘update firmware’ and select ‘Testing version’. You can also use it to go back to the latest stable version at any time!
  25. ¡Gran anuncio! @Flowalistik helped me translate this post in Spanish, for which I thank him deeply. Agarrense a sus asientos. No todas las semanas se hacen anuncios de esta magnitud. En algunas semanas Ultimaker va a migrar sus foros a un nuevo software de IPboard. Para algunos puede que sea una sorpresa, mientras que para otros es una decisión esperada. Al margen de eso, estamos muy contentos y seguros de que es la mejor decisión que podíamos tomar para crear un entorno sano para nuestra comunidad y asegurar un futuro brillante para ella. Esperamos realizar la migración a mediados de diciembre, la cual tendrá una duración de tres días. Algunas partes de la preparación están siendo desarrolladas actualmente, por lo que la fecha puede variar, pero queríamos compartir esta información con antelación. Asegúrate de darle like o seguir este hilo para estar informado de posibles cambios en la migración. De esta forma no habrá sorpresas inesperadas. La migración del foro implica que durante un tiempo no se podrán crear nuevos hilos, ya que para realizar el proceso hace falta cerrar el foro, recopilar toda la información y desplegarla en el nuevo entorno. Estamos contemplando la posibilidad de poder consultar el foro durante la migración, aunque no sería posible contribuir en él. Otra opción sería la de crear una sala de chat para sustituir al foro durante la migración. El nuevo foro va a parecerse al anterior en todo lo posible, aunque algunas de las funcionalidades van a verse y funcionar ligeramente diferente. Haremos todo lo posible para que la transición sea sencilla para todos los usuarios. ¿Por qué IPboard? Hace algún tiempo invité a algunos de los miembros más activos de la comunidad y Ultimaker para ayudar en el proceso de prueba de diferentes tipos de foros. Entre todos testeamos vBulletin, phpBB, IPboard y también probamos Vanilla y Discourse. Después de testear intensivamente todos los tipos de foros, pudimos ver que IPboard destacaba por encima de las demás opciones. ¿Por qué migrar a un nuevo foro? Hay varias razones por las cuales pensamos que migrar a un nuevo foro es un buen movimiento. Para empezar, hay algunos bugs en el foro actual los cuales resultan bastante difíciles de solucionar. Algunos bugs son más molestos que otros, pero pasado un tiempo pueden dañar la experiencia de usuario significativamente, y eso es lo último que que un usuario querría experimentar en un foro. Segundo, cuando migramos al foro actual teníamos grandes ambiciones, planteando un foro colaborativo en el cual los usuarios se reuniesen y creasen proyectos juntos. Por ejemplo, en la pestaña de usuarios se pueden buscar personas con determinadas habilidades a las cuales uno podría invitar a participar en un proyecto. Por ejemplo, uno de los proyectos desarrollados en el foro es Mark 2, el cual es uno de los proyectos favoritos de la comunidad. Actualmente no pensamos que esta visión encaje con nuestra comunidad. Con las impresoras Ultimaker siendo cada vez más avanzadas y ofreciendo una mejor experiencia nada más salir de la caja, hay muchas preguntas y dudas que los usuarios ya no preguntan en los foros. Esa falta de dudas ha permitido a los usuarios centrarse en imprimir, y ahí es donde las cosas se ponen interesantes. Una vez el usuario ya ha utilizado la impresora Ultimaker durante un tiempo, lo que quiere es descubrir hasta dónde puede llegar con la impresión 3D y el ecosistema Ultimaker. En ese ámbito es donde la comunidad de Ultimaker billa con más fuerza, y es por eso que en esta nueva era queremos centrarnos en mostrar a nuestra comunidad lo que pueden alcanzar mediante la impresión 3D. Por supuesto, necesitamos una comunidad sana, cooperativa y que apoye a los demás, y es por eso que el primer paso es migrar al nuevo foro. Si hay algo que quieras aprender de nosotros, no dudes en preguntanos. Puede ser acerca de diseño CAD, post-procesado y materiales. Todo esto y más en el nuevo foro.  Como siempre, siento curiosidad por saber qué pensáis. No se olviden de seguir este hilo para estar actualizado cuando tengamos más información.
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