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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. That is a great idea! Let's give this some more thought! If someone has some other good ideas to add to this, please keep them coming
  2. It was just an idea for during the actual migration and the forum will be down. Alright, any alternatives from this decade then?
  3. It is a chatroom where you can create channels and there is an Ultimaker channel. You can visit it now if you click 'Chat room' in the top bar. It is not very active tho. My suggestion was to create a link to there during the downtime of the actual migration mid-December, so people can still talk and find help.
  4. I was thinking of opening an IRC chat or something like that (or redirect to the existing one) where people can go to if they have questions in the meantime or indeed, the symptoms are becoming too strong Would something like this be appreciated?
  5. Hi Guys, My apologies if my reply comes in a little bit late. I have been at a show for the past week so have not been able to check the forums that often. The forum never seems to be cranky to me, it seems pretty consistent at all times. (not saying consistently satisfying ). I am happy to say it will for sure be IPboard where we will migrate too. It is not entirely set in stone yet, since it is a work in progress (or preparation in progress to be more exact), but we are aiming on migrating mid-December. That is pretty soon luckily. 2 weeks before the date is defined we will share the final date with you. We hope to complete the migration within approx 36 hours.
  6. Regarding the pausing requests, you can already pause your print using Cura, right? Do you mean using Cura Connect or in the traditional workflow? Regarding in between prints, by not confirming you have removed your print it will remain pending until you have, no? Maybe I didn't understand it, or perhaps I just already solved 30% of your UM4 wish list In any case, the dilithium crystal matter/antimatter mix build chamber in case of Armageddon is obviously there.
  7. This, plus: - Filament that is easily accessible - accessing from the back is a joke - Firmware that doesn't glitch 24/7 - Cura that actually works quickly and reliably I bought an UM3 for its reputation for reliability and quality - I mistakenly thought it would be 'print and go' - I've had nothing but problems. At the moment I can't even send a Simplify 3D print via Cura to the printer (using Simplify 3D because Cura is awful). The supported underside of prints are a complete mess, stringy and not flat. I should be able to just print it out of the box perfectly and only mess with settings if I want to - not have to change things because they don't work in the first place! Hi @TitaniumApple, sorry to hear you seem to be having some issues with your Ultimaker 3 and general user experience. I would like to invite you to open up a new thread where you elaborate a little bit more on the issues you seem to be having and hopefully we'll be able to provide you with some tips or fixes to significantly improve your workflow. Please let me know when you have to be sure I don't miss it. Thanks!
  8. HI @BahaAbunojaim, thank you for your post and developing the plugin. I think it will be helpful for many users. I'm also curious about feedback, I'm sure when time is due reports will come in Perhaps you can fuel some discussion if you could elaborate on some of the things you are planning on adding to MakePrintable, perhaps this will ignite some feedback too. Have a great day!
  9. Hi Frank, sorry for my late reply. I must have overlooked your tag. You can leave your feedback here, it is also being monitored by our developers. It would be helpful if you could include some details about your operating system, video card and iMac. Thanks!
  10. I see that in your start gcode a little bit higher above your M104 s[temperature] you have another M104 with temp, perhaps they are in conflict with each other? Could this be it perhaps? @Tinkergnome, I'm sure you also have a valuable 2 cents.
  11. Hi @Y1B, I moved your thread to the hardware - troubleshooting section, I think you'll find more help here. Is anything else still working, like the screen? Otherwise, I would suggest to check if all cables are seated properly and if the LED is on, on your power supply unit.
  12. I was also thinking this. Your problem manifests with woodfill I suppose? During ironing you only extrude something like 10%, so the remaining woodfill stays in your nozzle too long and burns (a little). I remember there was also a plugin for Cura changed temperature from high to lower and this would result in darker rings in your print for a more wooden look. Keeping it in your nozzle longer will probably only make it more brittle.
  13. You are entitled to your opinion but please keep our house rules in mind when interacting on our forum. Looking at the tone of this and your previous posts I feel this needs to be said. Thank you for understanding.
  14. Does this mean other slicers showed you similar defects on your print?If that is the case, the common denominator in this is your hardware. Perhaps it is worth considering to troubleshoot or calibrate your hardware. A slicer / gcode can only tell your motors to do 'X steps', if the hardware is failing to execute them for some reason, there is no point to point fingers at the software (just a hypothesis). Regarding the profile, I think we are doing a pretty good job so far supplying all existing profiles with Cura for all third-party printers. However, do note we are a facilitator in this regard. We don't own most of those printers so there is no way for us to make those profiles, or test them. So it has nothing to do with how popular or common a printer is. We just don't have the tools and information to make those profiles. In that regard, we rely on those third-party manufacturers or users to supply us with the information. We have already made Cura available to them and their users to use, the least they can do to invest in the user experience of their users is to provide the profile. I hope you understand. Hopefully this extra bit of information helps and is another piece of the puzzle. Good luck!
  15. Interesting question and thank you for opening it up here @smartavionics. I'm curious to hear how our users think about it. I think it is clearly a topic with many different opinions. (and a difficult one too!) I have the impression that Aldo's feedback was mainly fuelled by technical limitations, which is a good and realistic perspective but not necessarily what would be best from a users perspective. (who probably doesn't care much about those reasons). Following Mark's perspective, they want reliability instead. There is definitely pros and cons on both sides, and technical/organizational reasons that favor one over the other. For example, with this speed of innovation it is also not easy to create documentation that explain (new) features about Cura. Things can get outdated quickly and change in general. Personally, I am split between the two. But if I would have to choose I think for now the fast innovations are necessary for Cura to grow and gain more value, and perhaps we have to try to minimize or accept the downsides of this. I realize 'necessary' is different from what you might 'want' as a user, but I guess the necessity outweighs the want-factor in this case (in my opinion). (which is kinda in line with Aldo's rationale).
  16. Ha @Buurman30, welkom op het forum! Het lijkt alsof de problemen die je ondervindt met de limit switch te maken hebben. Een limit switch is een schakelaar welke wanneer deze ingedrukt is, deze een signaal geeft naar de printer dat de printkop het limiet bereikt heeft en dus niet verder mag bewegen naar die kant. Een limit switch kan stuk zijn omdat de schakelaar zelf stuk is of omdat er iets mis is met hoe deze aangesloten is aan de electronica. Heb je de cover onder de Ultimaker verwijderd om te kijken of de limit switch goed aangesloten zit? Wanneer deze constant of ongepast signalen afgeeft kan dit betekenen dat de printkop het signaal krijgt niet verder te bewegen, ook al is dit midden in het bouwvolume. Hij zou nog wel naar rechts moeten kunnen bewegen dan. Valt er iets te zeggen op welk moment je de foutmelding krijgt, of is dit volledig willekeurig? Een andere mogelijkheid zou kunnen zijn dat je pulleys los zitten, en dat de motoren wel draaien om de printkop te laten bewegen, maar dat de beweging niet wordt doorgezet naar de printkop, omdat deze verloren raakt in de pulleys (deze draaien dan niet mee). Om dit te controleren, zou je met de imbus sleutel die je bij je Ultimaker 2Go hebt ontvangen, alle pulleys nog eens extra vast kunnen aandraaien om er voor te zorgen dat ze allemaal goed zitten. Pulleys:
  17. ok ok ok, lets all take a breather and carry on as the decent people we are. Formally, I will inform you about the house rules, please keep them in mind while interacting with others on this forum I think it would be better to drop the subject about which is better, later or newer versions. It is up to everyone to decide. I think it goes without saying that there is a point in the rationale of deduction suggested by @cloakfiend, but how to execute it is for everyone to decide. (and have you really talked to flat-earthers or was this a metaphor? Must have been intriguing!) As for my 2 cents to this issue, I did not read everything completely, but I thought to pick up that @BiaC was not sure if he selected the right printer profile because the specific machine you have selected was there. I would suggest to first make sure that profile is correct. As an example, even though an Ultimaker Original and Ultimaker 2 have similar mechanics, they have a different Z motor and prints would come out 'stretched' when sliced with the wrong profile. I know that is not exactly your issue, but perhaps something down those lines. I will not ban anyone because I like to think this ripple in our otherwise peacefully and enjoyable forum came to an end. Have a good day everyone!
  18. Hi @ShaunNo43, here is a list with error messages. There is mention of ER01, but I am not entirely sure about ER03. Do you perhaps have a photo of the error message, or can you describe what happens when you get it? What is your Ultimaker trying to do, except well.. printing?
  19. Even if you would make it connected to the internet, it runs on the Ultimaker 3 firmware. I think it would be a nice upgrade if it would be available, but it is not yet as of this date.
  20. Hi Guys, we just announced a new stable firmware version. Check out this link to read more about it!
  21. With the launch of Cura Connect today, our new print management software, we also introduce new firmware for the Ultimaker 3 and Ultimaker 3 Extended. Through this post I want to update you about the release notes of firmware 4.0.1. (special thanks to @Marco_TvM) [H2]New Features:[/H2] [H3] Cura Connect[/H3] Read this post about Cura Connect for more information [H3]API[/H3] New endpoint to get the printer's uptime New endpoint to check the gcode header New endpoint to be able to show a message on the display New endpoint to set and get the printer system time New endpoint(s) to manage physical/mechanical maintenance events [H3]UI/UX[/H3] If the printer restarts it 'knows' if it needs to be cleaned A web page (with useful links) will be showed when connecting to the printers IP using a browser Active Leveling now comes with a cancel button Latest added gcode file now as a separate menu item in the list for printing from USB The color of material is brought back so it's easier to distinguish the used materials When a print is aborted (by user, due to a problem), the option to reprint is shown When authentication is requested, the printer will be glowing [H3]Platform[/H3] Increased speed of updating firmware significantly Motor direction can be set Material profiles updated for 0.8 Print Cores When a critical error occurs, the log files and information is written directly to the USB (if one is available) Material change made more efficient by heating up the Print Core as soon as possible A correction is made for the right nozzle temperature to improve printing quality [H2]Bug Fixes[/H2][H3]UI/UX[/H3] Possible fix for the glitch sometimes causing the display to become hassled Removed the menu item to manually level the Z offset for the 2nd Print Core. This can be done during a manual bed leveling. The initial beep has found its way back [H3]Platform[/H3] Fixed the plastic blob sometimes left after pausing a print job Some material / Print Core combinations were incorrectly identified as incompatible instead of not recommended A failed firmware update will now be showing a message. Pausing the print job will now lower the build plate too Motor power settings will be set to default after print job has finished Print Core temperatures now saved and restored on pause and resume of print respectively No more waiting for Print Core cooling down before starting a print job Post-print procedure improved to prevent Print Core from dipping into the printed object when printing (nearly) full height Setting up network problems due to a missing MAC address fixed To prevent issues with material detection and selection, duplicated core material profiles uploaded will now be ignored There are some other minor bugfixes and improvements, but above are the most important ones. As always we're looking forward hearing what you think!
  22. I just wrote an announcement post in the 'Official Ultimaker news' category but I figured there are probably a lot of interested parties following this thread too. So, fyi.. we just announced Cura Connect, our print managament software (please leave your feedback in there).
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