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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Grosse annonce! @didierklein m’a aidé à traduire ce sujet en Français, grand merci à lui! Accrochez vos ceintures, je ne fais pas une annonce de cette importance toutes les semaines. Dans quelques semaines, Ultimaker va migrer son forum vers un nouveau logiciel de forum, fourni par IPboard. Certains seront surpris, d’autres trouveront qu’il était temps, quoiqu’il en soit nous sommes confiants que c’est la meilleure décision à prendre pour fournir un environnement efficace pour notre communauté et lui assurer un avenir souriant. La migration devrait avoir lieu mi-décembre et être terminée en 3 jours. Certaines parties de la préparation sont toujours en cours, donc la date exacte peut changer. Quoiqu’il en soit nous voulions vous faire part de ce changement en avance. Pour rester au courant de l’évolution de la migration, je vous invite à aimer ou suivre ce sujet. Une migration implique que le forum sera inaccessible pendant un certain laps de temps. Pour migrer les données il doit être fermé, les données doivent être rassemblées et déployées dans le nouvel environnement. Il est envisagé de laisser le forum en lecture seule pendant cette période ou d’avoir un espace de discussion, mais il sera impossible de créer des nouveaux sujets. Un gros effort est mis pour que le forum ressemble au maximum au forum existant pour assurer une transition aisée, néanmoins certaines choses fonctionneront différemment. Nous ferons de notre mieux pour que l’initiation au nouveau logiciel se fasse le plus facilement possible. Pourquoi IPboard? Il y a quelques mois j’ai invité certains des membres les plus actifs de notre communauté et Ultimaker afin de tester différents logiciels de forum. Nous avons testé entres autres vBulletin, phpBB, IPboard et nous avons regardé Vanilla et Discourse. Après une grosse période de tests, IPboard a été choisi en grande majorité. Pourquoi migrer vers un nouveau forum? Il y a plusieurs raisons qui nous poussent à migrer vers un nouveau forum. Pour commencer, certains bugs hantent le forum et sont difficiles à corriger. Certains bugs ont des conséquences plus graves que d’autres et nuisent directement aux utilisateurs. Ensuite, quand nous avons migré vers ce forum, nous avions comme ambition de créer un forum collaboratif où les utilisateurs démarrent des projets ensemble. Par exemple, dans l’onglet utilisateur, vous pouviez chercher des utilisateurs avec certaines aptitudes afin de les inviter à participer à votre projet, ainsi beaucoup de projets intéressants seraient sorti du forum. Et en effet certains projets en sont sortis comme Mark2 qui est un de mes projets préférés. Mais nous pensons que cette vision ne correspond plus à notre communauté. Avec les imprimantes 3D Ultimaker qui deviennent de plus en plus avancée, l’expérience des utilisateurs est grandement simplifiée, donc les questions sur l’utilisation de la machine diminuent. Et c’est là que ça devient intéressant! Après les premières impressions l’utilisateur va commencer à explorer les possibilités et c’est là que la communauté entre en jeu! Nous avons énormément d’utilisateurs experts dans notre communauté, c’est incroyable. Voilà pourquoi nous voulons continuer à éduquer notre communauté. Évidemment pour y arriver il faut un environnement qui fonctionne parfaitement et un logiciel puissant, donc la migration est la première étape. Si vous avez des questions, que ce soit sur de la modélisation 3D, le post traitement ou les matériaux, je suis toujours disponible ! En en reparle dans le nouveau forum Je suis toujours curieux de connaitre vos réactions, pour rester au courant de ce qu’il se passe par rapport à la migration vous pouvez aimer ou suivre ce sujet.
  2. Große Ankündigung @Nicolinux hat mir geholfen diesen Beitrag auf Deutsch zu übersetzen, dafür danke ich ihm herzlich. Haltet euch fest denn es passiert nicht jede Woche dass ich eine so große Ankündigung Machen kann. In den kommenden Wochen wird das aktuelle Ultimaker Forum auf einer neuen Forum Software migriert. Diese basiert auf die Platform von IPboard. Für manche mag das überraschend kommen, für andere ist die Entscheidung überfällig. Nichtsdestotrotz sind wir zuversichtlich dass es die beste Entscheidung ist die wir treffen konnten um eine adequate Umgebung für unser Community zu schaffen und um eine aussichtsvolle Zukunft zu gewährleisten. Wir planen die Migration Mitte Dezember durchzuführen und innerhalb von drei Tagen abzuschließen. Teile der Migration werden noch vorbereitet so dass sich der genaue Zeitpunkt verändern kann. Wir wollten euch dennoch vorab informieren. Stellt bitte sicher dass ihr diesen Beitrag "liked" oder "folgt" so dass ihr über mögliche Änderungen informiert werdet und damit unangenehme Überraschungen ausbleiben. Während der Migration wird das Forum zwischenzeitlich nicht für die Erstellung neuer Beiträge zur Verfügung stehen. Um die Migration durchzuführen muss das aktuelle Forum heruntergefahren werden und die Daten auf die neue Platform übertragen werden. Wir werden uns um eine Übergangslösung bemühen - entweder indem das alte Forum für die Suche (aber nicht für neue Beiträge) zur Verfügung steht, oder durch das aufsetzen eines Chatrooms. Wir werden das Aussehen und die Funktionsweise des aktuellen Forums so gut es geht übertragen, dennoch ist es unumgänglich dass manche Dinge sich unterschiedlich verhalten werden. Wir geben uns Mühe die Einführung so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Warum IPboard? Vor einiger Zeit haben wir die aktivsten Community-Teilnehmer und Ultimaker eingeladen uns dabei zu helfen um unterschiedliche Typen von Forensoftware zu testen. Wir haben unter anderem vBulletin, phpBB, IPboard, Vanilla und Discourse getestet. Nach einer Vorauswahl und weiteren gründlichen Tests, hat IPboard mit Abstand am besten abgeschnitten. Warum zum neuen Forum migrieren? Es gibt einige Gründe warum wir dies für eine gute Idee halten. Zunächst gab es einige Bugs in der aktuellen Forumsoftware die sehr schwer behoben werden konnten. Einige dieser Bugs hatten mehr oder weniger starke Auswirkungen auf die Nutzererfahrung und gingen auch so weit dass sie die Benutzung signifikant einschränken konnten. Das ist natürlich kein wünschenswerter Zustand. Weiterhin, als wir damals zur aktuellen Forumsoftware wechselten, gab es große Ambitionen um eine kollaborative Platform zu erschaffen die Benutzer zusammen bringt und woraus gemeinsame Projekte entstehen. Zum Beispiel ist es möglich im Tab "Benutzer" nach Benutzern zu suchen die bestimmte Fähigkeiten besitzen. Dadurch könnten interessante Community-Projekte entstehen. Und in der Tat sind sind solche Projekte auch entstanden - das Mark 2 Projekt ist eines meiner großen Community-Projekt Favoriten. Wir haben nun allerdings nicht mehr den Eindruck dass diese Vision mit der aktuellen Community übereinstimmt. Dadurch dass Ultimaker 3D-Drucker immer besser werden, fallen viele anfängliche Fragen weg. Gleichzeitig ist das auch der Punkt an dem es interessant wird. Nach dem anfänglichen Umgang mit dem Drucker und nach den ersten Ausdrucken kommt der Zeitpunkt an dem man weiter gehen möchte um herauszufinden was mit 3D-Drucken möglich ist und was das Ultimaker Ökosystem anzubieten hat. Und darin glänzt die Community. Wir haben so viele Produkt-Experten in unserer Community - das ist unglaublich. Drauf wollen wir uns auch in der kommenden Ära konzentrieren und die Community ausbauen. Dafür brauchen wir natürlich eine kooperative und passende Softwareumgebung. Die Migration ist somit der erste Schritt. Solltet ihr Fragen haben, dann lasst es mich wissen. Egal ob es um CAD Modellierung, Nachbearbeitung von Drucken oder Druckmaterialien geht. Mehr dazu gibt es dann im neuen Forum Wie immer bin ich neugierig zu erfahren was ihr denkt. Folgt bitte diesem Beitrag damit ihr über Neuigkeiten informiert werdet.
  3. Big announcement! [German version] [French version] [spanish version] Hold on to your seats. It is not every week I can make an announcement of this magnitude. In a few weeks time Ultimaker will migrate its forum to a new forum software, provided by IPboard. For some it may be a surprise, for others it may be a decision overdue. Nonetheless we are happy and confident that this is the best decision we could make to provide a healthy environment for our community and ensure a bright future. We are aiming to migrate mid-December and do the complete the migration in ~3 days. Some parts of the preparation are still in progress, so the exact date may change (if it would get too close to the holidays, we might decide to do it early January instead). In any case, we wanted to share this prospect with you ahead of time. Make sure to like or follow this topic, so you will be kept up to date about possible changes and there will be no unpleasant surprises. Migrating means there will be a period of time that the forum will unavailable for contributions. In order to migrate all content, we have to close it down, bundle everything and deploy it in our new environment. We are looking into keeping the forum available for searching but no new posts can be made. Or perhaps have a designated chatroom available to bridge this period. Obviously we try to mimic the existing forum as much as possible for a smooth transition, however it is inevitable some things will work and look a little bit different. We’ll do our best to make the introduction as easy as possible. Why IPboard? A little while back I invited some of the most active members of our community and Ultimaker to help test different types of forum software. Among others we tested vBulletin, phpBB, IPboard and we looked into Vanilla and Discourse. After some thorough testing it was pretty clear that IPboard won the comparison with a landslide. Why migrate to a new forum? There are a few different reasons why we think it is a good move to migrate to a new forum. For starters, there have been some bugs haunting the forums which have proven difficult to fix. Some of these bugs have been more intense than others, regardless, they boiled to a point where they (could) harm the user experience significantly. Obviously, that is the last thing anyone would ever want. Secondly, when we moved to our existing forum we had big ambitions to build a collaborative forum where users would gather and ignite projects together. For example, in the user tab you could look for users with certain skill set, to potentially invite to your project and many interesting projects would surface from our community. And indeed some have, the Mark 2 project being one of my favorite community projects. But we don’t feel that vision still matches with our community, with knowledge increasingly becoming more important. The Ultimaker 3D printers becoming more advanced, a better ‘out of the box’ experience will take over a lot of the questions originally asked in our community. At the same time, that is where it gets interesting! After the ‘out of the box’ experience and your first handful of prints, you want to go and explore what you can really do with 3D printing and the Ultimaker ecosystem. And that is where the community shines. We have so many product experts in our community, it is unbelievable. That is also where we want to focus on in the upcoming era, educating our community further. Of course, we need a healthy, cooperative and supporting software environment to do this in, so the migration is step 1. If there is anything you want to learn from us, make sure to let me know! Can be about CAD modeling, post-processing, materials. But more about this, in our new forum As always I’m curious to hear what you think. Make sure to follow this thread so you will be kept up to date when things get more clear further down the road.
  4. Ouch..! Hope it's nothing serious and you'll get back on your feet soon. Take care!
  5. Hi @Kaetzy, Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums! The references you see on the surface of your print are residue of the support which you have removed. Because the support is made of the same material as the print, there is good layer bonding / adhesion between the support and the print. That means, if your support is too close to your print it actually becomes part of your print. You can look for the sweet spot where it is strong enough to support your print, but the layer between your print and support is big enough for it to snap off easily. We put quite some time in optimizing the print profiles and support settings. Are you using the latest version of Cura? You could also sand down your print to make it super smooth, although post-processing is not an option for everyone.
  6. Hi @Rey28, thank you for your post and welcome to the forums Looking at your edit, I assume you have an Ultimaker Original+? Other materials beside the red ABS and PLA white do work fine, it is really these two? If so, can you post a photo of the tip of the material? Is it pointy, or thicker than the rest? Is it just the remaining part of a reel, or is the reel still (half) full? Thanks!
  7. Hi @Ihaveeatenn, welcome to the forums! It looks like your print bed might be a bit too low. Can you relevel it and tune it slightly higher? Also, is it PLA or another material?
  8. Interesting! Can we say anything 'scientifically' about the effect a microwave has on filament? Would it only work for brittle PLA or also ABS or Nylon for example?
  9. Hi All, just wanted to share with you that Ultimaker Cura 3.1 | Beta just went live. We're curious to hear what you think of it. Follow this link for the new thread and to leave your feedback
  10. Ever since the release of Ultimaker Cura 3.0 we have been working hard to continue our innovations and get Ultimaker Cura 3.1 ready for beta testing. We're happy to share which new features and fixes we have in store for you this time! Some of the highlights: Layer view allows you to monitor a simulation of the printing strategy according to your settings in the layer view. Increased speedand faster response times (5-10%) reduce lagging when processing, selecting printers or profiles. Jogging Control your Ultimaker 2+ with on screen controls via USB. A little bit more in-depth: Layer view. The existing Layer View has been updated in order to see all the paths within a layer. This enables easy testing of the CuraEngine features, and better visualization of the sequence of each printed layer. Jogging. Jogging allows the printhead to be moved with on-screen controls. The Ultimaker Original (+), Ultimaker 2+ and other RepRap printers can now be fully controlled from Ultimaker Cura when connected through USB. Each axis can be jogged in 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mm increments. Scripts folder. A scripts folder is now available in the Ultimaker Cura configuration folder. This folder can be loaded with post processing plugins scripts, which will automatically show in Ultimaker Cura. Relative positioning of infill patterns. Infill patterns are now positioned relative to the center of loaded models. Whenever you load the model, the infill is positioned the same. An offset can be applied to control the infill more precisely and adjust it to taste or strength. (@smartavionics, @DarkDVD) We have added bugfixes for: Layer numbers being displayed incorrectly when switching between solid and layer mode, Cura engine crashes on certain models, uninstalling previous versions of Cura on Windows platforms, and fixes for displaying visible settings. We’d like to thank our contributors : @ahoeben, @smartavionics and @Bagel-Orb If you want to know more, check out our blog. Convinced already? Download Ultimaker Cura 3.1 Beta right here! As always we love to hear your feedback!
  11. I am not a materials expert, but I suppose so. Lets tag @TomHe for some insights. PLA can get brittle when it has been lying next to a radiator for example or is just plain old. Nothing of the 3D printing process (heating it up, cooling down again) would reverse this process, if anything I can imagine it makes it worse. A small print would probably break equally fast, a thick/big print would be stronger because the stress will be divided over many more layers, however, compared to a 'normal' PLA print I think it would break faster.
  12. Hi @nzo, thank you for your kind message, it is much appreciated! I hope you find the forum and our community equally pleasant. Something I also asked in the initial post of this thread, what do you hope to find in our community, or what would you like to learn @nzo? There is indeed a frequent request for more information when someone asks for more help, this is partially to overcome subjective language sometimes or rule our 'false' interpretations. It is easy to mistakenly diagnose an error as a hardware problem, when in fact the material used is garbage, or the profile was not good. There is a lot of information in a 3Dprint which tells a lot about the source of the problem. Hopefully this community can contribute in passing on this knowledge to all users who are willing and open to learn it. I enjoyed writing these introductory posts, unfortunately, the forum software was not with me, and many users did not receive a notification of the 'tag', and therefor never new about this post in the first place. Another reason why we're happy we are preparing for a forum migration to a new forum software and I can continue this young tradition. (I'll tag @geert_2 here as well, so he has an opportunity to accept his compliments as well. By the way, writing '@username' allows you to tag someone.) Looking forward hearing from you, have a good day!
  13. OEM, the new feeder (which is also on the Ultimaker 2+) is already a huge improvement over your feeder and works really well. As a third party feeder, the bondtech also gets positive reviews from users.
  14. I've also moved the topic to software - troubleshooting, as it looks like the problem lies in the firmware.
  15. Hi @Ian, good to see you at the FormNext show, although only for a few minutes. Beard looks good on you How was the rest of the show? Lets tag @Marco_TvM and see if he can help.
  16. It is true! Word is traveling fast Hopefully next week we will do a large communication about it, but the aim is to migrate to an existing forum software mid December. (IP board). The migration should be the end of some annoying bugs that have been haunting some of us for some time now. Good times are ahead
  17. Hi @Macio, If I understand it correctly, you start a print via USB and then when you monitor your print via Cura you want to pause it on your computer? No, afaik that is not possible indeed. But I can imagine it would be desirable. I'll share this idea with our developers and perhaps it can be included in a future Cura. I don't think it is technically impossible, it is probably a feature which has not been build yet.
  18. Hi @Nzo, those are 2 different things I believe. The 'remember me' checkbox remembers your details and logs you in automatically when you visit ultimaker.com. The data is stored via a cookie, so if you would delete your cookies, it would not be able to remember your credentials. That you get logged out is related to something else. I forgot what it was called for a second, but IIRC when you visit a page while being logged in, a 'tunnel' is being created that ensures that your contribution to our site is yours alone, and no parties get in between and perhaps get access to your personal information. For security reasons there is usually a timer on this 'tunnel'. I'm not exactly sure what causes it, either multiple tabs might overrule existing 'tunnels', the timer just exceeds or something else, but that you get logged out while 'posting your reply' i.e. refreshing the page, is when this tunnel no longer exists. When you make a post to the forums and you get logged out, you can usually retrieve your message by pressing 'back'. Copy it, refresh the page and post again
  19. What about just keeping the old forum in use, parallel to the new one being set online? Until the new one is stable? Seems like the easiest thing to me? Are you planning to convert all existing threads to the new forum? Or is the old forum going to become read-only, as a sort of archive of accumulated knowledge? I will ask if this is technically possible during the migration. For after the migration his is not possible because all new content being added to the 'old' forum would not be migrated to the new one. We are executing some test migrations on the background now, with an old database dump, and we are optimizing the algorithm to have a good and flawless 'real' migration later. We are going to migrate all existing threads. So there won't be a point for a library. Everything will continue to be accessible, available and editable (as in contrary to read-only). The categories will be optimized slightly, so it should become easier for a user to decide where to post a thread. Sometimes there is room for confusion in the existing categories.
  20. Re washing your prints with dishwasher soap or alcohol, after you dipped your prints in the acetone, will there not be acetone in your print as well? Which is not getting removed by washing just the outside. Maybe it will continue to affect your print from the inside and you want to wash it more thoroughly. Or perhaps it is not in the acetone long enough to really get in there and you're fine. Just a thought
  21. Unfortunately that drop-down menu is useless...99% of the time the "popup" vanishes when you move the mouse pointer down...making it impossible to select anything...yet another catch22... Ya, this has been iritating me for a long time. The function of the top menu bar is not intiutive. Mouse over and pause, submenus pop up only to disappear when attempting to select. Most of the time. Several attempts result in being allowed to select sub menus. Found out that you need to move the cursor fast to be able to use the submenu. This part should see a makeover too when you change the forum software @sandervg ...or at least put it in the backlog for fixing before 2019 Although, to be fair, prior to the forum meltdown, I rarely used that submenu. It will be fixed, we are currently doing a lot of fixes to the site. Most of them on the backend, so you don't necessarily see the improvement but you should experience them in the reliability of the site.
  22. I did. I saw the mention in the chat and figured to go and take a look
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