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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Thanks @gr5 , very interesting! Thank you for your time in putting this together. I was wondering; for tensile strength is it relevant to mention with which print profile it was made, like layer height? (Do you know since you did not perform all tests yourself, but also collected data left and right?) Or was it tested in parallel with the direction of the printed layers? (Or are these pure material strengths, so not performed on a 3D print but just a string of filament?
  2. Hi @Ich , I haven't read the entire thread so my apologies if it has already been suggested. There could be a bug in the firmware that does not properly recognizes the IP of your Ultimaker after a reboot. I would like you to try the following, when your Ultimaker 3 is on, go in the menu and turn network connectivity on and off. Now you should be able to find it and connect to it, and retrieve data via Cura Connect. If we're onto the same problem, this should fix it for as long as you continue to run your Ultimaker 3. When you reboot your Ultimaker 3, you will loose your IP again and have to reconnect again. This bug was introduced when we rewrote big parts of the connection code of Cura Connect and should be fixed in the next firmware release. The next stable is still a few weeks away, but the new testing firmware could also be worth testing. This is approximately 2 weeks away. Let me know if this helps!
  3. Is there any difference in feeder tension or filament diameter between feeder 1 and 2?
  4. What does this do to Nilrog's remark about seeing in what topic you are?
  5. @nilrog, what would you suggest? I can suggest if it is possible to have the breadcrumb get stuck to the menu too, although I am not sure if it is possible since it is on another element. It would also mean more and more of the menu will continue to occupy space. I know how important information density is. Is it intuitive enough that the page title is in the tab-header? Do you have another / better idea?
  6. Let me know if your test makes any difference. Is the robot still trying to take over? Firefox > macOSX is fine, I can not check it on ubuntu but I can forward it to IPboard if you say it is still too big.
  7. Can you elaborate on what notification settings you have now, so I can have a closer look on why and if it should be possible that notifications are delayed? Are we talking about desktop notifications, notifications in the bell or email notifications?
  8. @Dim3nsioneer , yes. By clicking the star or dot at the start, you go to the first unread post
  9. What browser and osx are you viewing this? It looks fine to me on Android. They have made an attempt in the past though, but it was carefully surpressed! Let me check out email outbound tomorrow to see if anything was send out in the first place. Do you get emails from other threads?
  10. You are in luck, I know where they sell them!
  11. Dear @Lord Hatfield, welcome to the Ultimaker forums! I have no doubt it would be possible. If you are looking for the dimensions, they can be found on our github account. Perhaps you could describe what kind of stand you had in mind?
  12. It has been some time since I saw an Ultimaker Original box, but if I recall correctly they were approx 40*40cm big and around 30cm tall. (it is compact because it is a DIY kit). All parts should be prepacked, so relatively safe to transport outside of the box. However you would need to check if your airline allows you to travel with those things in your luggage. The electronics should be protected, and wrapped in anti-static wrapper. The Ultimaker 2+ is significantly bigger. I don't think this fits in a suitcase. You may be able to check it in as the box it comes in. I remember a long time ago we had some shipping problems with DHL and we ended up checking in 9 Ultimakers as luggage for a show we were attending. Oh the sweet memories Where are you located and where is the Ultimaker suppose to come from? (btw, I have moved your topic to the buying and selling category).
  13. Hi @kcel , welcome to the forums and congratulation with your Ultimaker 3 Extended! Where are you from? I'm happy to hear, you are happy with the Ultimaker 3 E. What have you made so far? At Ultimaker we do our best to create a smooth 'out of the box' experience and get you up and running. However, after setting up a 100 users probably want to go into a 100 different directions. Here in the community I like to think we can support each of those directions! What made you decide to get an Ultimaker along side the other machines as well? Hopefully together they can provide you with all the 3D printing your heart desires. Looking forward hearing from you, have a good day and take care!
  14. @zerspaner_gerd, I am not sure what went wrong why the last post got skipped, but luckily IPboard did and they fixed it!
  15. Kuddo's for the Rocky Horror Picture show reference!
  16. Hi @EVRC, welcome to the community! Do you already know what you will be using the Ultimaker 3 Extended for? Sometimes there is a clear application and sometimes it is a trial into the realms of 3D printing to figure out what is possible. I can't agree more with staying in touch with the community. There is a lot of expert knowledge here just for the picking and everyone has had their first print too. What materials do you think you'll use? Let us know how it goes!
  17. And just to verify and prevent any unnecessary facepalms after a lot of investigating, are we 100% sure that the initial reference (that it should be indeed 40mm) is correct?
  18. Hi @alex jaspers , hope you are well. Did you do any further printing and investigating to the artifacts you saw on the above print? I have shared your thread with our product experts for their input and I would be happy to share their feedback with you. A lot has been said already, but there were a few additions. What you have labeled as zone 1, 2 and 3; zone 1 can indeed be influenced by active bed leveling, although no longer in zone 2. It is only potentially visible in the first 10mm of a print. If your print would be overly tilted, it could seem like on the lower side of the bed, that the layers are slightly thicker, where it compensates for the offset. The impression was that the layers were not of irregular height but minimally misaligned. It can be slightly seen on zone 2 in this photo. Why? Could be due to 2 reasons. (we suspect). Option 1, up until zone 2, it seems like the print was mostly a big square. Then a big hole appears on the front. It could be that due to suboptimal jerk/acceleration settings the lines get slightly misaligned. Option 2 could be that when the hole appears in your print on the front, this is where PVA was first introduced. This also comes with additional cooling. When it is just PLA, layers are cooled more equally. It would make sense why the bottom layers look more aligned, and why they also look more aligned above the top line. Option 3, which may be a long shot, was that your switch bay might be calibrated a bit tight, which might push your print head slightly off-set with friction. Not likely, but perhaps worth a shot to look into. Finally, I would also like to propose that would print your model as well and we could compare results. This could potentially confirm or rule out any hardware. Feel free to send me a direct message with your gcode attached. If you have any further questions, feel free to let us know!
  19. @macio, if you could share your log files with me (feel free to send me a direct message with the full log attached), I can share these with my colleagues as well. If there is indeed a problem in the firmware or hardware, it will give us the information we need to work towards a solution.
  20. I suppose it would be bad policy to ignore the old nerds among us I checked some other sites, and for example cnn and independent seem to scroll down an entire page upon hitting space bar, exactly to where you left off. I can also imagine you want it to scroll down for as long as you hold down the space bar, but in smaller steps. Do you have a preference for either?
  21. Thanks, me too! I'm very happy with the team and support we're getting. Scrolling with the spacebar?.. do people actually do that? It looks like it is set to scroll a set amount of distance. In another thread, it seems to end up exactly at the beginning of the second post and another thread in the middle of a (long) first post. What behavior would you expect?
  22. Thank you @nilrog, I have shared the feedback with the IPboard team and expect a response soon. They have been pretty fast and responsive so far. @zerspaner_gerd, the feedback regarding unread messages and in particular the way notifications work is also shared with the team. This was feedback which was not as easily fixed as an anchor point and required more fundamental changes. They were looking into this and I'm still waiting for a reply about how it could be implemented and what it would take. Of course, I will keep you updated when I hear more.
  23. That is weird, I thought I was replying to a different post. Whoops, too many tabs open. My apologies. The log file would still make sense though.
  24. Hi, it would help if you could share the log file with us. You can send it to me directly via a direct message and attach it to your message. - wrong info - Was there also an error message on your screen? Thank you!
  25. Hi, we had to switch to an alternative power supply because from February 2016 we were no longer allowed to sell power supply units in the US with an energy efficiency level below level VI. That is why we had to switch to the power supply GST with energy efficiency level VI. It should not bring any difficulties to the table by default though, even though the power it produces is slightly lower. One thing that could make life more difficult for a power supply is when it is trying to heat up, or maintain a temperature, is when the fans are trying to cool it down at the same time. You could help by not enabling the fans to turn on full power on the second layer, if this is the case. You can gradually let it start in Cura setting: regular fan speed at height. At the same time I've sent your feedback to our firmware team, perhaps they can use your feedback to further optimize the power budget.
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