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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Can you be a little bit more specific in your question/comment? Are you asking something, or informing us? What 3D printer are you talking about and/or what version of Cura are you using? Thanks!
  2. Hi @Diggy welcome to the forums! Hope we'll be able to help you well and you'll find this a good place to hang around and get involved! Those look like kinda weird artifacts. Although I don't think it is something to worry about, it would be nice to find out why it happens. Thanks for including the photo, that always helps. What is it that you are printing? Have you made any other modifications to the profile, or is it fully recommended?
  3. @Raul torres English please in the English threads We aso have a Spanish section here. Roughly (google) translated: 'Hello congratulations for your great work, it helps a lot to those of us who are just starting, I would greatly appreciate it for you to customize for 2go ultimaker. Many thanks. And congratulation's . If it could be with menu in Spanish it would be fantastic'
  4. Did you get new glass plates via our resellers? I don't know how much time has past in the meantime, but you should have been able to do so. After a few months ago there was an increase in bent glass plates we re-evaluated the process of manufacturing with our manufacturer and they have improved the process. It had something to do with some post processing (high heat) to harden the glass. 'New' glass should be much flatter. We can argue what 'flat/100% flat' is, as you say there is also something like an overkill, but it should fall within what is workable for you and the 3D printer and provide you with sufficient bed adhesion.
  5. Not? Oh.. I will pass this on to R&D But a 9 point auto leveling system would probably correct for any curve anyway (although I totally agree it should be just flat!)
  6. Let us know how it goes! Any mid-print update pictures?
  7. Also, I think this also touches @tinkergnome's excellent field of expertise. (And @nallath for:
  8. Hi! If you are interested in learning more about gcode commands, this is an interesting page to fall back on. If I look at your first snippets of the gcode it seems to deploy the X and Y layers at the same location, you can see the coordinates are the same. The E varies, and E indicate extrusion. I am not entirely sure, but I believe in corners the extrusion flow could vary a bit and it relates to acceleration and jerk. F1200 refers to the speed of the printhead. I think you are probably affected by suboptimal acceleration settings. Are you using the latest firmware / Cura, to have an idea what you are slicing with? (would you care to upgrade if you don't?)
  9. Hi, I double checked just to be sure and the second print core should be installed because without there can be a negative effect on the airflor. I assume without a print core in 'slot 2' the cooled air can escape in the opening and this can affect your heating and cooling of the print. But the second print core does not need to be operational. Therefore it also shouldn't heat up. If you think it is heating up, what firmware are you using/are you using the latest firmware?
  10. Yes, I would not recommend to change the tension on the feeder. If it would show to be necessary, it is probably a band-aid for a different problem. It looks like your print got interrupted quite abruptly, but it recovered after. I think it is not something you need to change in Cura, but you may have had the misfortune of some dirt in your nozzle / print core. Did you use Ultimaker ABS? The very cheapest of materials sometimes can have chunks of trash in them, which don't melt properly and can cause a clog. Like @Brulti says, perhaps clean your feeder to see if there is dirt in there that might got dragged up with some filament. Was the filament easy to retract through the bowden tube after the failed print? (if not, you might want to inspect the diameter, perhaps it was inconsistent and there was a thicker section in there). I don't think it would benefit your print to disable retractions and I don't think it should be necessary. How big is it in total?
  11. If you are talking about an Ultimaker 3, it does not need to have both materials loaded but it does need to have two print cores in place.
  12. PVA is better printed in thicker layers then thin layers. Perhaps combined with speed (I am guessing here), it was too thin and too fast to adhere properly to the previous layer?
  13. well it is round, that is better than square That ABS warps is a characteristic of the material. If it did not warp in the R3D perhaps they used an ABS blend? (plus, there are a lot of different ABS's on the market). Preventing it from cooling down too fast helps, and for that we have a door for the Ultimaker (or use something you have laying around to block out a draft or heat escape). I do not recommend closing off the top. As an alternative for ABS, you could also look at PC or CPE+?
  14. Hi @Bossler ! Hope you are well. Good to see you are finding your ways in our community and you are getting the help you are looking for! It is also supposed to be on the middle, and no scenario's come to might why you would need to change that. Unless you have material from a different diameter for example. About the noise, next time perhaps you can upload a video which also has audio? Or post a link to youtube. What extension was your audio file, I can see if we can make it available. Was the noise consistent throughout the whole print, or just during the beginning? I also don't think it is necessary to clean your AA print cores every other print, if the material stays the same. You might want to keep a closer look on BB as @kmanstudios suggested. PVA is a much more sensitive material, and likelier to burn in your nozzle. In the case of the overhangs on that benchy, I am inclined to think that it is heat radiation from your build plate. Since you print with PLA, the heat might influence your overhang. You could reduce the heat, but make sure you don't lose too much of its adhesive power. (You can add blue tape or a thin line of glue stick to compensate). (ah, I see @tinkergnome also suggested this). The 3DLac is a spray right? Are you spraying your build plate outside of your Ultimaker? I don't think you want to add regularly cleaning your rods on top of your print cores (plus, it is not good for your rods either). What do you mean with 'change settings based on print height, which is a great feature'? In Ultimaker Cura Beta we just introduced an adaptive layer height feature which might be worth exploring
  15. When a beta version is made into a stable version, I usually mention it in the corresponding beta thread. Unless there are some ongoing discussions, I usually close the beta thread as well as the beta has expired. Partially also to ensure that feedback given on the stable version is shared in the launch post about the stable version, and not in the beta, what people might have gotten used to by then. After the stable, when there is a new Beta version again, we usually write a blog post and forum post about it
  16. @DR_GMG , they are not deleted. The files were never part of this entry. If you go to @ToyForge profile you can find a link to his site where you can also find the models
  17. I agree, the internal geometry of the AA nozzle is so that it has some shoulders that work in regular build materials advantage because there is less oozing. With PVA it has the opposite effects, it ensures that some PVA stays in the nozzle for too long and will get burned and clogs your nozzle. Personally, I would prefer to give you better/more tips on how to unclog your BB core. That way you can use your print cores as how they are intended and it is much more of a scalable solution. Could you describe what you have done so far in an attempt to unclog them? Have you tried cleaning filament? It is filament which has the tendency to grip burned material better than others and works better for hot/cold pulls.
  18. Ha @ICTstage , zo te zien is het een gewone Ultimaker Original. Een Ultimaker Original + zou een andere printkop hebben (met name de fans) en een heated bed. Kun je omschrijven wat er evt mis is met de printer? Doet hij iets wel/niet, wat merk je op? Het eerste wat me opvalt waarom hij het misschien niet doet, is dat de stekker er niet in zit
  19. It sure is! Thank you for adding these notes. If you don't mind I'll also add it my initial post, in case not everyone reads all comments.
  20. They were not part of the briefing I got.. are you saying they are in there and I did not mention them, or that they are not in the Beta? This is a summary of the features I liked most, and I refer to the blog which covers more features. (But I still don't see anything about improvements to manual supports.)
  21. A new Ultimaker Cura is just lurking around the corner and we can’t wait to share what new features it will hold. Through this forum post I would like to share my most favorite new features with you and I’m curious to hear what you think of them! For starters we have implemented Tree Support. Tree support is an experimental support structure which shares some resemblance with the shape and roots of a tree. It seems to grow organically and multiple ‘branches’ grow towards your model and offer the necessary support. The benefits of this is that you use less support material, costs less time, and because there are less contact points it is easier to remove and gives better surface quality. You are able to use tree support in conjunction with other types of support material. Next impressive new feature is adaptive layers. With this functionality, Ultimaker Cura will compute a variable layer height based on the shape of the model. Meaning, on straight walls the layers will grow thicker for a faster print while maintaining a neat surface and on a curved surface the layers will be finer for high quality surface finish, all with a marginally increased print time. As a user, you can configure maximum variation, variation step size and threshold. Sounds pretty fancy! If you want to give it a try, you can find it under the experimental category. Multi build plate is another of my favorite new functionalities. If you enable this feature, a new UI element is added to your workspace. With it you can create different build plates in one single session. Great when your project contains 20 different parts, you can slice them all in one go from now on! Each build plate will share print settings that can be sliced and sent to a printer with for example Cura Connect. This option can be enabled in preferences. View optimization is another welcome new feature. The quick camera controls introduced in Ultimaker Cura 3.1 have been revised to create more accurate isometric, front, left and right views. @ahoeben made a valuable suggestion of mentioning the improvements to manual supports as well. It is now much easier to load objects and mark it to be printed as supports, which is useful if Cura does not produce the support you want. You can also prevent support being added in certain places. Here's a gif that demonstrates the general idea: Additionally, Per Model Settings now has a "Mesh Type" setting. It allows you to change a model from just printing as any other model to special functions. These special models don't necessarily push other models away so that it is easier to create an overlap. Besides these great new functionalities, you can read our blog which goes more in-depth about other functionalities, fixed bugs and UI enhancements. Curious? Give Ultimaker Cura 3.2 Beta a try! Do note: Even though we have tested this beta version our selves and have added new interesting functionalities, we can not guarantee similar print reliability as the stable version. Therefore, if you are working on important and time-sensitive projects, we recommend to use the stable version. As always, we are eager to hear from you so we can make the next version of Cura even better. Thank you for your time!
  22. Hi @joheben, welcome (back) to our community! Cura is indeed a big driver for discussion and interaction, therefore it has its own subforum in Ultimaker products. For all your comments, whether it be a testimonial, feature request, feedback or a normal question you can post it all there. Because it is so centralized it makes it easier for our developers and interested community members to find all topics concerning Cura. Via the main page you can find it via Ultimaker products > Software > Cura + plugins.
  23. Because there were some questions and remarks about notifications I wrote a post explaining them in How the forum works. Hopefully, this helps.
  24. Some information regarding the forum notifications: Send me news and information Make sure this checkbox is checked if you want to receive the Ultimaker Community newsletter. You will only receive information regarding the community, no other promotions. (Unless you have also subscribed to the regular newsletter on ultimaker.com ofcourse). Automatically follow content Automatically follow new content I post. Automatically follow new content I reply to. There are 2 ways you can start following content. Either automatically, or manually. These 2 options above allow you to configure when you start following content automatically. Besides automatically, you can also choose to follow content manually, whenever you see something interesting. When you want to follow a category or topic manually, click the follow button at the top right corner, it's on almost every page. When you select content manually that you want to follow, you get the option to configure in what frequency you want to receive updates. You do not get the option to configure the notification interval when you follow content automatically, therefore you have the option to configure your preferences in your notification settings. A notification when new content is posted. This means you receive a notification when new content is created. The definition of notification and content relies on the rest of your configuration. A notification can be an email, desktop notification and/or onsite (via the bell). One email per day with all new content from that day You only receive one email per day with a collection of all notifications related to content which you started following automatically One email per week with all new content from that week You only receive one email per week with a collection of all notifications related to content which you started following automatically Do not send me notifications Regarding the content you follow automatically, you will receive no notifications or emails at all. Notification preferences Show popup window when I receive a new personal message This is related to onsite notifications. You can receive a popup whenever you receive a personal message. Only send one email notification for content I follow until I revisit the community The forum registers a last_visit timestamp in the database which is updated when your user account visits the community again. It is only triggered when you actively visit the community. It is not triggered when your browser remembers your login and you browse the internet, or when you visit the forum but you are logged out. It is related to notifications from the same source. Example; if there are 3 topics you follow and all receive 5 replies during your absence, you only get 3 notifications (onsite and/or email). 1 for each topic. Which notification you receive, onsite and/or email, depends on your notification preferences as in the screenshot above. Hope this helps everyone configuring the best preferences! Let me know if you have any further questions
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