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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. @nilrog did you try clicking your link again? It seems to work for me now on both Safari and Chrome (Safari even seems to add a few extra pixels, I'll look into that. But the post is completely visible). It means that if you reply to a post, you automatically follow that post and receive updates when there is new activity. You can configure when and how you receive notifications via your personal notification preference tab.
  2. I understood that the constrained filament path was specifically aimed at closing off some free space in the feeder where potentially flexible filament could creep into, so before the bowden tube. I am not really aware of any oil problems, except if you apply too much and it undermines your bed adhesion. They are related in a way that they should both contribute to a successful flexible print yes. I can not argue with your theory of reducing the amount of parts, although I think removing parts can just as well lead to problems on the long run as adding parts does, with things you just don't see yet today. Excuse me for asking if I should already know, but what does the DDG stand for? If I am not mistaken we're familiar with the 'regular' Bondtech feeder Also, indeed still curious to hear from @chuckmcgee
  3. Amazing prints and post-processing skills. @LePaul, did you also see the BB-8?
  4. yes, sorry that was aimed at you. And why hot / warm? (I always find things easier to remember when I know why. Otherwise it is just this random disconnected piece of information). After you have used a nozzle in your 3D printer, imagine that not just the nozzle, but the chamber above and most of the hot end are still full with solidified filament. Doesn't really matter if it is PLA or ABS or whatever, but it ensures a proper seal and makes you apply a lot of pressure getting it lose. Which comes with a significantly increased risk of breaking your nozzle or other part of your hot end. By heating it up you melt or depending on your temperature, soften up the filament inside and it will be much easier to replace the nozzle. That is why it is better done hot.
  5. But I thought you didn't have an ultimaker, or do you? Thought I read that recently. (Shouldn't necessarily stop you from replacing someone else's nozzle.. if they consent :p)
  6. Good to hear you managed to solve it. It is an always a good idea to replace nozzles when they're hot.
  7. Hi @dahunter, welcome to our community. Perhaps it would be helpful if you could provide a photo to illustrate your situation. First thing that comes to mind if it is indeed ruined and completely round; could you flatten two sides on your nozzle with a tool (like a dremel?) to give more grip to a pair of pliers or something?
  8. Are they better now? I feel like a lot of people were sick. I was also sick, and a few colleagues of mine too. I suppose starting 2018 all rested also sounds like a pretty good start Hope your resolutions will all work out well!
  9. I do know that we will not have a booth at CES. Is that good enough of a spoiler?
  10. You are referring to the zones 1, 2 and 3? Have you tried to make a print without active leveling turned on, to see how that influences your print? You could print just the first 5 cm and see how that goes. That should give you the information if active leveling is involved or not. I also forwarded your post to our experts and awaiting their input too.
  11. Hi, I reported this finding this morning, and IPboard was looking into it right away. The anchor point the forum directs to is set a bit too high so it falls indeed behind the menu. It was quickly fixed on Safari but not yet in Chrome, although in Safari there was another implication so the solution was not published yet. Long story short, it is being worked on and I expect a solution soon Thanks for sharing your feedback! Edit: Safari seems to be fixed. Chrome is WIP.
  12. Hi Alex, The difference between zone 1, 2 and 3 are manifestations of the active leveling I think. PLA shouldn't usually warp that bad, so I am inclined to think that the adhesion to the bed was insufficient. Did you use any adhesives such as the glue stick? I usually interpret the color band difference as a change in temperature. Perhaps something with the fans? The set up looks alright, what you want to prevent is the filament from reel one, getting on reel two, and block that reel. Usually, it should/will be a bit tighter during printing. A large retraction might retract it like your photo (but it looks like a lot), but during regular printing it should go back to a tidier form around the reel again.
  13. until
    IMTS 2018 will be the 32nd edition of one of the biggest manufacturing technology shows in the Northern Hemisphere - we'll be at McCormick Place Complex to greet 115K+ attendees! Chicago, IL Event website
  14. until
    Find Ultimaker in Booth # 1121 at D&M NE 2018 at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center - see the technology disrupting traditional manufacturing processes! Boston, MA Event website
  15. until
    FETC focuses on leveraging technology to drive preK-12 student success. Bring your Ultimaker questions to the experts at Matterhackers, booth 1913 at Florida's Orange Co Convention Center. Orlando, FL Event website
  16. Hi @kmanstudios , thank you for your reply! Thank you for your feedback. Of course, as always Cura is a huge source of inspiration and content I'll make sure Cura features are included. I was also thinking of something like a tutorial section where you can comment etc. By the way, I see you made a link to Tom Nagels account, but it looks like you just copied the URL to his account. That is fine if you prefer it to do it this way, but did you know you can also type @[username], and an autofill will even give you suggestions? Have a great day!
  17. While some lucky chaps are still enjoying their well deserved holidays it was time for me to head back to the office this morning and greet all my sleep-deprived colleagues, like it was our very first 'Monday morning' ever. But everyone was in a jolly mood nonetheless. Happy to see each other again, share stories and ready for whatever 2018 has to offer. Last year was a good year for Ultimaker. We made significant growth which was topped of with a cherry through major fundings by NPM Capital. We continued to further expand our range of products with new print cores, new materials, Cura Connect and we've been able to meet a lot of new community members! Last but not least, just before the finish line of 2017 we found a great partner in IPboard to host our new forum software. Personally, I consider this as one of the biggest achievements of the past year. Our new forum allows us to thrive in a healthy environment and focus on the conversations, focus on each other and focus on the growth of our beloved community. Where would you like to grow towards? In our previous community platform there lied an emphasis on collaboration in its foundation, where we foresaw members starting projects together since we're all makers at heart you know. And we have seen some really amazing things, one of my personal favorites being the Mark 2 dual extrusion project by @foehnsturm. The realization of such a project requires a lot of knowledge. Ultimaker (luckily) has a lot of knowledge too. Some of it we have shared with you through our AMA's (Ask Me Anything) with @Tomhe from our materials team and @nallath from our Cura team. In this year, we want to share more and more of our knowledge with you, through the prior mentioned AMA's and other formats. I would be curious to know whether you would like to learn more about materials, the profiles, Cura and its plugins, 3D printing tips or something completely different. Underneath the larger scope of things, the smaller things are equally important. How have you celebrated New Years eve? Do you have interesting plans for 2018? I've happily celebrated new years eve with friends while watching a gigantic 90 feet bonfire (I still smell like smoke). In 2018 I want to learn a new language, doing some home renovations, further develop my 3D sculpting skills (from barely existing to some form of life) and make considerable progress on a comic book I am working on (finishing it is one bridge too far I think). Curious to hear what you are up to, and how we can help you learn more, and develop your 3D printing skills further in 2018 Have a great day!
  18. Hi @alex jaspers, congratulations on your Ultimaker 3 Extended! Do keep us updated about how it works for you and I'll be curious to read about your findings and how they meet your expectations. Most of this conversation happened during my holiday, otherwise I would have loved to add my 2 cents. Your posts should no longer need to be approved. (Edit; oh, I see you already made some new posts with some of your findings. I'll go and read those!)
  19. Yep, that is what I meant. With only 2 or 3 drops, or the 1 drop per meter as @gr5 suggested it should not affect the build as far as I know. If you put too much in it, I can see how it may undermine your bed adhesion (if the first extruded filament is all oily), but I did not see it influence layer adhesion. I'm not saying oil is the holy grail, but it is an easier thing to try than making modifications to the feeder or bowden tube. The constrained filament path argument is by the way not related to why you would want to use oil. Oil is there to reduce friction in the bowden tube. Anyway, usually there are different roads that lead to Rome @chuckmcgee , did you have any success in the meantime? @fergazz , I don't know that one. Do you know what it is made of? And what is the inner diameter and outer diameter?
  20. Hi @nzo and @andywalter, thank you for your feedback. That is the only way our forum can grow better Re the giant robot, this was a short-lived theme error and was quickly corrected. Fear not, the robots will not take over just yet! Thank you for visiting us again after an 18 month period AndyWalter. A lot of content has been added in a period of 18 months, so it is no surprise you had to use the search bar to find your post. Happy to hear you did. Now that you added a new reply, or at least edited your reply on December 21st, it shows on the first page right where it belongs. The main forum page is an overview of different categories, it does not show any new posts, except the very very newest ones in the column on the right. There are a few different views you can use, depending what it is you are after. If you want to see all new content since your last visit, you can use the Activity stream. This can be found in the main navigation bar on the top. You can also set your own filter to tailor the results. As I also shared with NZO, you can also look into the FLUID view. (see few posts above). You can select which topics you see the latest activity off. Personally, I am happy we have a busy forum. The other side of this is that posts can easily hidden behind newer posts. This is not very different from our forum though. If you allow me to explain; Click, f.e., Help, Tips and tricks, see 25 topics and you can decide to follow 'Help, Tips and Tricks' or one of the topics inside, ranked on activity. If you have any further questions or remarks, please feel free to let me know. If there is any way we can make any improvements to your user experience I would be happy to look into it. Thank you for your time to share your two cents
  21. Hi All, Thank you for your feedback. My apologies for my late reply, of course, it has been a holiday season, but I also had a few days off and have been ill in the meantime, but we're back in our tracks for a fresh new year! As you may have noticed, before we could officially close 2017 we managed to incorporate quite some feedback we have received in the days after our migration. For example, we've added a 'back to top' button for faster navigation. Upon navigating over our pages, the top menu follows you so you can navigate away to a new page at any moment. Upon request, the search bar and notification bell also travel with you. In the forum overview, we improved the information density by making sure the forum titles with new activity would stay on one line and not two. Now we're still looking into improving the way notifications work. There lies a proposal with IPboard on how to improve it, which is closer to what we are used to. I hope to have a reply sometime soon. Regardless our best efforts, it is inevitable that some things will change when moving from one forum to another. If not for the simple reason that one forum does not support the same features 1:1 as the other one. One of the pages that was custom built and most difficult to migrate was the 3D print page. We did our best to mimic the previously known section within a new format. If you have some specific feedback of what you would like to see improved, we can look into the possibilities for sure. Luckily, different can also mean there are some new functionalities. The 3D print pages can now also contain different file formats like small STLs and Curaproject files. I can imagine this becoming very convenient when sharing your 3D print, or when you need some help with a 3D print or file you are trying to print. Looking back, the existing pages did not support this and only supported photo's of your print. Downloading a photo might not always make a lot of sense, true. Looking forward, you might actually upload the 3Dfile or gcode as well. Now downloading makes more sense. 'Unfortunately', the full scope (both looking back and forth), have to fit in the same format. Perhaps we can consider using the new 3D print pages and their new functionalities and it will all start to make more sense. By doing so, if you have any suggestions on how we can make it even better, please let me know! And if you feel you rather want to share just your print / photo on this thread, that is all fine as well Let me know what you think! Agreed, unfortunately this was a feature which was completely custom build and could not be migrated. As you notice, the format of the 3D print section has been changed and we don't have this (fly out) menu anymore. You can still show your appreciation by liking someone's post though This will even trigger a notification (so they know), which the feature didn't do.
  22. Hi @kmanstudios, First of all, best wishes for 2018! Thank you for your feedback. I'm currently looking into this as we speak. Rules are set that users who just registered have a limited account with a maximum of 3 posts per day. They also have to be approved first by our team of moderators. However, it seems like some new users find their way through and I'm trying to find the hole in our security system. Most of them are stopped in their tracks, but unfortunately not all yet. But that won't be long, I'm sure.
  23. Thank you for sharing your wall plate @nzo, I imagine it requires a completely different skill-set than what is necessary to make or finish a 3D print. Was this part of a larger set? @kmanstudios, really cool prints too! Did you also try to copperplate your prints like cloakfiend, or did you apply some kind of grease on the Batman figurine and the likes? @cloakfiend, Lord of Acetone (nice one!) thanks for sharing your dog print. I remember your WIP photo's. It was for a friend, was it not? I'll respond on the 3D print section feedback in the feedback thread, thanks!
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