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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @Tomasz_M, welcome to the forums! Hopefully we'll be able to offer you some help here. Our product experts took a look at your logs and it looks like after 30 seconds your capacitive sensor failed to provide any feedback. After 30 seconds the Ultimaker stops trying. This should not be harmful to your printer. You could check if the wires below are still connected properly or if you see any damage to the wiring (Older Ultimaker 3's may have black wires). Make sure you work ESD safe (ESD= electrostatic discharge) The sensors are sensitive.
  2. Hi @nilrog, I see, yes. Did not even notice myself yet. I'll talk to IPboard and ask if they can do a more permanent fix to the anchor point. If it turns out that this is inevitable due to the top bar with notification bar and browse/activity, I would be in favor of keeping that bar still. The context of the reply is also visible in the shown responses above or below it and it seems like the full reply is visible too. It is 'just' the username that falls behind the bar. But, let's see first if it can be made optimal before we make compromises. Thanks for notifying.
  3. Looks good @kmanstudios ! I was just thinking, did you take any preparations for your PVA for such a long print, or did you just mount a fresh full reel? ..I think we must be reaching the final hours about now, right?
  4. I think this is how special effects were made for movies in the 80's
  5. Yes it is! I suppose you used something like woodfill? If you are willing, we usually recommend to print woodfill with a larger nozzle than .4 because of the fibers and elements of wood in the filament, it is more likely to burn and clog your nozzle. Perhaps you have experienced this as well on occasion. In terms of 'safe printing', thicker layers and not printing slow (I'm not saying fast) is recommended. It shouldn't stay in your nozzle any longer than necessary. And a bigger diameter also helps with that.
  6. Great work, thank you for sharing these photo's with us @Florisvh ! Hopefully they'll be an inspiration for others as well. In your photo's I also see many elements with colors, do you post process / paint your models, print in different colors or are these just not 3D printed? A particular reason why you did not 3D print them, if that is indeed the case?
  7. @Florisvh the result of your last photo is quite good, is it not? If you want to go faster, can you set infill speed and wall speed the same? In a post before I also asked about cooling. Are your fans on as normal, and do they all function as expected?
  8. well, at least I am consistent But a lot of things have changed, one being we have significantly more architects in our community. I am actually talking with @Stefania Dinea who is also an architect (if that wasn't clear yet) to write some valuable content/tutorials and I can tell you, there are some very interesting things in the pipeline. Focus is to help fellow architects by making knowledge more publically. It may sound a bit idealistic, and maybe you've heard me say it before but if we have a group of experts here, let's say 10, and everyone shares a little bit of their knowledge you gain '9 lessons' while only giving away one. Result; everyone becomes much better at their job and can focus on what matters instead of unnecessary operational challenges. Actually, now that you say you are an engineer and part of a group of engineers, I'm also talking to another engineer. Similar goals as what I shared above. I'll make sure to tag you / include you when that manifests
  9. Just here, click this link and you are in the 'main architecture category'. Or you can click 'Architecture' from the main forum page.
  10. @Florisvh, you said you performed maintenance and started tweaking your settings. Have you tried going back to your original settings, after you did the maintenance? (I interpret as if you did these things at the same time in an attempt to fix the under extrusion you were facing at that moment). Do you always/usually print with PLA? I just checked default Cura settings, and it is actually 5 layers. I would also advice to make your top layer a bit thicker. And can you tell us anything about your cooling? If the layers don't cool (properly/fast enough) this can make them sag more than they should, which can also cause a similar affect.
  11. @yellowshark perhaps you also want to share some more details about how you work. There are a lot of architects using 3D printing / Ultimaker. Feel free to open up new topics!
  12. Congratulations @Florisvh, you've just made the first post in our new architecture forum category! I've moved your post here. I would be interested if you would be willing to share some more about your work. Perhaps besides photo's something about your work as a small business and what software you use etc. I think it could be interesting for others to read and hopefully it will ignite some other interesting conversations. Do you also work in Revit for example? How do you make the transition towards 3D printing / Cura?
  13. I think that is actually what is happening too, perhaps on the background. Let me see if I can find some proof for my statement. In the meantime, did you change anything to the acceleration / jerk?
  14. Hi @nilrog , I understand. It also took me a while to figure it all out. Re the emails you received from that thread, I suppose you were following that thread, or did it come out of the blue entirely? Assuming you did follow that thread, can you still view the deleted emails? What were they notifying you about? Quotes, mentions, new content, reactions (likes)? (check the conversation above with Brulti. He configured receiving emails once per day for new content, but continued to receive emails for tags and quotes.) Which may not be super obvious, but kinda makes sense at the same time. You could disable receiving emails for quotes for example, as they almost always trigger a notification for new content too. What do you want to receive, an email once a day or immediately? And for what events; new content / mentions / quotes etc?
  15. No problem, also happy that we managed to find the reason Make sure to press 'save' at the bottom too, it is sometimes overlooked.
  16. Ok, but the first screen you shared was about new content. A quote is part of new content, so I reckon you did not get an email about the fact there was not content, only that you have been quoted. So I guess the notification preference you have set after: 'Someone mentions me in a post' or 'Someone quotes a comment or post I made' was triggered. Would this behavior correlate with your experience?
  17. I think it is the point that you get them (if that is indeed according to your preferences), but you should get them regardless if you are logged in or logged out. Did you also get them when logged out? (... are you ever? :p)
  18. It is strange if you don't seem to get any notifications when you are not logged in. Were you following any topics that should have generated a notification while you were offline? Did you get any notifications when you logged in, that you should have received earlier, or were they just generated right then? What are your preferences of the threads you didn't get a notification from, if you look at 'Following' at the top right of the page? I must admit, they are not easy to understand. There is also a difference between topics you follow manually and automatically.
  19. Hey @Florisvh , welcome to the forums! Good to see another architect here. I was thinking of opening up a special segment under 'Field of Work' for Architecture. Would you be interested to post some more of the things that you do there? It could lead to some interesting discussions and eventually create educational synergies. Anyway, regarding your questions; 20mm/s is indeed on the low side. Do you remember how fast you were printing before when you achieved your desired quality? The attached model looks great by the way!! I think your wall thickness is pretty thick, which also causes your print to take longer. Do you have some photo's of your 'failed' prints? I can almost not believe infill shows through 5 printed layers, perhaps there is something else going on too. Looking forward hearing from you!
  20. I believe holes are in general/always on the small side due to the expansion of filament towards the inside of a hole. The easiest / fastest method would be to 'post process' your print and use a drill to make them your preferred size. (I can imagine you may not want to do this, because that is what you have a 3D printer for. But it is a fast solution). Alternatively, you could make the holes in your 3D model slightly bigger, because I think they are always approximately the same set amount too small (filament expansion). How much too big are your prints?
  21. I also read a tip from @tinkergnome that changing the jerk settings to a minimum of 10 or 12 could have a positive affect on your corners as well.
  22. I would be curious to see if you increase the acceleration what happens. In Cura you can enable 'Acceleration control', and in particular you could increase wall acceleration to 1500.
  23. Sounds like a firmware thing, I'll move your thread to firmware and tag @Marco_TvM
  24. No problem, thank you for understanding. Just helping if it wasn't clear yet and making sure things stay structured/organized here
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