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Everything posted by LePaul

  1. I got a notification and it brought me to the last unread post. Some progress for me! (Home laptop)
  2. What's that on the top right? I hover and no tags appear to show what the heck those are supposed to be
  3. Okay.... Here the Link on my forum, showing the steps I went through with Amedee to tune the firmware And as you can see, it's a bit of a process but we had fun along the way learning
  4. You found a matching fan? Nice? My stock fan had a bad bearing, so it had to go...i slight tap made the chattering stop...but that wouldn't work forever. I did what neo details, spliced the second fan into the first. If the second fan has a connector, snip it off and solder into first. When you finish that, pay attention to where your wiring rests....you don't want it near the heat/sensor wire.
  5. ...if it works! But we will see! I know the Raise3D and others have dual extruders. The trend is towards larger print volume. Several of my friends have looked at Ultimaker printers but opted for larger volume offerings. And support material that can dissolve away would be great!
  6. @0235 and @neotko , sorry for not posting more completely...earlier in this thread I detailed what I did. 0235, like neotko says, it can be done but you have to watch out for two things... 1) amps 2) pwm I found some 12v fans that fit, low amp and fit the shroud he designed. I also picked out that had a large CFM flow....in hindsight I might have opted for something less powerful I can't recall what the max amperage is for the connection the UMO has? I followed neo's steps. I had to do some fine tuning with the firmware settings (Neo I think Amedee's steps on on my forum, might be handy for this thread?) Basically you can get an error on the first layer the first time the fan comes on...using the Slow PWM and other steps solves this.
  7. The Prusa is a impressive printer...I'd love to build one Since the new Cura beta has Dual Extrusion showing...and you can't make it go away...my money says the UM3 has it.
  8. Oh geez..... LOL The M word should be banned
  9. Looks like we'll all need fusion reactors
  10. Hi Well you can read the technical specs on Colorfabb's page
  11. I don't think you'll regret the upgrade for the heated bed. It's the kind of thing you later wonder...why didn't I do this earlier? @Neotko's dual fan upgrade is good too. Be prepared for a fair amount of trial and error as you try to tune the fans. Apparently the fans I bought are used for the vertical lift section of the Lockheed F-35 Very powerful! I gave a more detailed overview in the thread for it.
  12. Thanks for adding it to the To Do list Yes, I can log in. But for convenience (I was on the elliptical at the gym)...it would be nice if that pop up would allow you to close it.
  13. Still dealing with the annoying blue pop up to log in on a mobile device (iPhone 6 and Firefox). No means to scroll and close it or log in. I clicked on a email notification to quickly read the latest post. Here's what I get after a few moments. Very annoying!
  14. nGen has good heat properties but from the info sheet, not as strong as PLA
  15. I've had the UMO Heated Bed Upgrade for some time now. Yes, price is always a consideration...but this one is a good upgrade. Pros: - That smooth finish! - Vastly easier bed leveling - It's from Ultimaker, so you know it'll work! - Much improved Z motor - You're able to print materials that would be difficult/impossible on an unheated bed Cons: - Yes, price...but again, well worth it - Make sure the platform cover doesn't rub on the back of the printer! (Mine does, no impact to print quality...but check this before you put everything together!) I think of my UMO as an investment and adding this upgrade saved me from replacing my printer with one that had a heated bed. You'll have to learn how to use it, like any upgrade (right temp for different material, which to use gluestick with, etc). Put it this way, since upgrading, I haven't looked back and wished I had bought a cheap Chinese knock off... whose reliability would be questionable, at best
  16. Right, so on the backside, like the picture from youmagine. Not sure I'll do that upgrade right away but good to know...nice way to add life to the peek/coupler
  17. I wasn't sure if the mainboard did Or use the external power idea you linked in the youmagine post
  18. I know Tapatalk is a popular app for various web forums. It's updated frequently but it can be a toughie to make work right
  19. Last night, I went to the Ultimaker.com site, clicked on Sign-Up (since for some reason, it will not remember my login credentials). I got a pale blue screen...never got the 'Log in/Sign Up' pop up to load. (Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, 64 bit, latest version of Chrome). I was too tired to debug it (I do that stuff all day as a software support analyst)...but did run CCleaner to clean up temp files, etc. I didn't try again....but will tonight. I thought I would mention it. No problem with the login here at work on Chrome and Firefox.
  20. Chrome (Version 52.0.2743.116 m (64-bit)) on Windows 7 Yes, multiple tabs...work email, a stunning 3D forum site , plus my Google Calendar I usually go to Ultimaker.com and click on the notification bell. This thread won't go to the newest post. But another thread will (i.e. the Ultimaker App one)
  21. I'd be really curious if you try Cura 2.1.3 and the coasting feature, what the results would be
  22. I got an alert on this thread and it takes me to the top of the page, not the most recent post as well.
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