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Everything posted by nallath

  1. We've never tested more than 2 nozzles for any print. I don't think cura is going to work properly with 5 nozzles.
  2. I don't think it's at all possible to do this. If it is possible, it will probably be very slow and will probably ruin your SD card in record time.
  3. Oh, good one. If i recall correctly, this is one of the main differences between Cura and Slic3r. If slicer sees a wall that is thinner than the nozzle size, it will print a wall at nozzle size. Cura on the other hand will not print that wall (as there is no real way of doing it).
  4. I'm not sure if it will handle it out of the box (i've never tried it, so thats why). I don't think it will be hard to modify the machine so that it will able to handle it.
  5. Actually it's 16 instructions. Connecting with the board causes a reset. Its a silly arduino ish thingie.
  6. Do you have examples of stuff you couldn't get to work? What version of Cura did you use? If you could share these with us, we can fix them. The objects in your pictures actually look like as if they are printed with faulty material.
  7. Yep you are We did got it to work quite nicely for the UMO. However, we noticed that a lot of users did not use this function. There are big differences between operating systems in how usb stuff is handled. All of this leads up to: Spend a lot of resources on getting something to work, but that is hardly used and can in some cases give worse results (bandwith of USB is also an issue in some cases). The choice is quite easy imho.
  8. 0.4 isnt always 0.4 Rouding errors could cause it to be 0.399 (or something like that). If you scale it to 101%, does the same thing happen?
  9. But the read areas can cause issues in the other parts. It also looks like that some of the walls are too thin (Like valcrow mentioned)
  10. How does it look in x-ray view? If there are red areas there the model is faulty.
  11. We don't support both at the same time. I don't really see a reason to do so.
  12. I believe that the engine did not change from 15.04.03 to 15.04.04. At the time we still developed 15.04 we had no good release management, so we didn't use branches at the time. Daid might know what version is used for the 15.04.x version of cura.
  13. Due to the: we release the stuff after 6 months policy.
  14. Well, we will release the files in a few months, so you could always print the fan shroud yourself.
  15. nallath


    I dont quite know what you mean by this..
  16. That really depends on the setup. If you use a monochrome camera the effects are much less. Using both a DLP projector and a mono camera pretty much makes it work well with color patches.
  17. nallath


    * Feeder motor steps ? * PID for 35 W heater ? anything else ? Material profiles & nozzle selection. Like I said, it's not a trivial difference.
  18. I have no idea. The time when I was able to track everything that was going on in Ultimaker is long passed I expect that Sander will be able to give you a date. This is why I said that there won't be an official one. People are always free (and welcome to!) make / release / sell upgrades.
  19. nallath


    There is a big difference in firmware between the U2 and the U2+. I'd always recommend using Cura to update your firmware as it's probably more up to date then s3d.
  20. As we said before; Don't expect an official release for a dual kit for the 2. There are too much problems to fix (fixing them would require massive redesign of the machine, which is simply not feasible for a kit).
  21. Kinect v1 is the same thing as the structure sensor and the cubify sense resolution wise Kinect v2 is almost the same thing as project tango. There are alternatives to catch 123D; Look for shape from motion implementations. There are multiple out there that easily outperform catch123d.
  22. We have multiple people working on this. This is why @ahoeben is now working for us. So you are definitely wrong with respect to the interface being made by programmers / coders (The old Cura was, the new one is not) I've actually been trained as both. I don't claim to know the 'truth' about how these things should be done, but I know of no explicit reason why (from the perspective of the user) we should disable certain automatic proceses. All that being said; I'd like to extend an open invitation for anyone to work on Cura. Just because Ultimaker decides certain things does not mean that Cura -has- to be in a certain way. Design changes could also be contributed by people in the comunity.
  23. Thanks for the feedback. I've shared it with a few of the other developers of Cura. I'm not sure if we are going to incorporate all the changes in the upcomming releas. I agree with most of your proposed changes, so I hope we can fix it for the release after that.
  24. Well, it shouldn't freeze up your computer. We have some changes in the newest version that should solve that issue (eg; it will still re-calculate, but it shouldn't freeze the GUI as much / anymore)
  25. @niyoki; Its not in the 15.09.xx builds yet I believe. I will share the builds as soon as possible. I expect we will have a "closed" beta first. If you send me an email / pm, I will check if we need more people for that.
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