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Everything posted by nallath

  1. I'm currently working on overhauling the whole remote printer connection. I expect that to be in the 3.2 release. It should make the whole authentication / discovery bit of the UM3 a whole lot more stable. I will also build the jogging for pre 3.0.1 firmware UM3 printers.
  2. For issues with the monoprice Cura, contact them. They have made some changes to it, so we can't give any support for it.
  3. Which would totally defeat the purpose of having printers remote controllable in the first place Because then it doesn't matter how the machine gets the g-code. Through thumbdrive? It works! Through API? It works. Well. It's not that hard for S3D either to get it working
  4. They were provided by their own initiative. In some cases they were added by our developers in their own time (I've added a few machines for some people for instance). Ah, yeah. Some machines have a "variant" (so a pre-defined nozzle size). These can then be selected with a spiffy dropdown menu. The machine you are using doesn't have that, so it seems to have "undefined" for that bit. I doubt this is anything to worry about.
  5. It forces any id. Just like it forces that there should be actual g-codes in there. It needs those (especially for Cura Connect) to be able to figure out if it can be printed at all. This doesn't seem like that big of a deal if you always print whatever you slice right away, but with a queue (and especially with different configurations in your cluster) this suddenly becomes a thing. So why do you always have to assume malice?
  6. Nope, s3d doesn't generate the right g-code flavour. We have to look at those to decide where the g-code needs to go.
  7. Hellnaw. I do the same if i need software in a professional capacity. If i need it personally, I'm always on bleeding edge (because you know, I'm a techie, so i want new & shiny stuff!)
  8. We want to add it, but that does not mean that Ultimaker will invest money in making other printers work better. We're already being very nice to everyone that you get this software for free and we continue to add features that everyone gets to use for free. We have to draw the line somewhere. If Greetech doesn't want to put any effort into getting software for their printer working, why should one of their competitors do it all of the sudden?
  9. It's python actually. But for the rest, Aldo is right (as usual)
  10. The models probably don't share the same origin when you modelled them. You can manually fix this by using ctl+click (that selects a single model in a group). That way you can manually move the model compared to the other.
  11. Well, the um3 has spiffy new firmware.
  12. There is no 3.0.4 firmware. So it did everything exactly right; you are at the latest firmware.
  13. Well, a lot of custom settings can mean that it requires a ton of re-calculation if you change a setting. Depending what setting it is, it can have a bigger impact. We've made some progress in improving this in 3.0 though.
  14. *hint hint* Aldo can be bribed and thanked for his amazing work
  15. It's a completely different algorithm. Works better in some cases, worse in some.
  16. I expect it would mean that we lose about 25-50% of our development time if we were to start supporting a LTS version of Cura. A user does care about technical perspective, as it simply means that it will come at a cost. It's easy to say that one wants all the features, you want it stable and you want it done yesterday, but that's not how it works (unfortunately). Aldo is making a pretty valid point that it will come at a cost (a pretty high one at that). So in order to make a good decision, people need to ask themselves; Is it worth that much?
  17. The 3.0.4 should have a fix for the buildplate issue.
  18. Whoo, cookies! Soo @rebekah_harper, what features should these be booked on?
  19. It's not possible to connect UM 2/2+ with connect. Theoretically it should be possible, but it's not an easy feat.
  20. Because the combination in the second extruder.
  21. That's up to the comunity. Ultimaker won't make such a profile.
  22. The only difference between 3.0.2 and 3.0.3 is that 3.0.3 does support the makeprintable plugin.
  23. Then their official statement is wrong. You can get it to work with static ip's. The ultimaker just runs linux. So if you can get it to run on linux, you can get it to run on the UM3+. Granted, you need to put it in dev mode, but it's doable. What the re-seller is trying to say in legalese (I think); "We don't know, therefore we don't support it. Change it, you are on your own" Another option is to just set the lease of IP adresses on your router to be longer. Thats also what we do in the office here. Works like a charm. My printer has had the same IP for months now. As for the calibration; they are right. The shrinking of the model is based on it's geometry and the material. It's possible to find settings that work for one material, but those are pretty much guaranteed to not work for another material.
  24. This is by default the case. If you don't want the camera moving if you select an object, there is an preference option for that. Do you mean like most UM printers already have? The um2+ for instance has a nozzle size dropdown menu. You can already do this. It might be that i'm misunderstanding what you mean here. This is something that is pretty high on our to-do list. Good one. Already there. The setting is called "flow"
  25. This is usually a network configuration issue. The discovery system didn't change in 2.7 to 3.0. You could just add the printer manually by IP.
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