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Everything posted by nallath

  1. We don't really support USB printing, as none of our printers use it. As you might imagine, we won't spend a lot of time to support printers that aren't created by us. So if anyone does decide to do so, by all means provide us with a pull request. We're more than happy to incorporate it.
  2. Build volume implies the area where the nozzle is able to go. There is a big list of settings that you need to change to actually reach it due to all kinds of travel avoidance, bed adhesion, etc.
  3. Well, we don't quite know what's causing it, as it doesn't happen on our testing machines. We did make some progress, but it's a bit like shooting in the dark for us. The 3.2 release (which is in beta now) mostly focused on a number of new features and drastically improving boot up (Which is now 3x as fast).
  4. The latest versions should play well side by side. If I recall correctly, 2.7 and onwards create their own "setting workspace".
  5. Note that this will not be as effective in 3.2. We did a lot of magic to make the whole loading process way smarter. So this might make it a little bit faster, but not as much as it used to (3.2 should boot 2-3 times as fast compared to 3.1)
  6. I'm pretty sure that won't have any effect on how fast cura starts. Cura only starts slower the first time because it's creating some cache files. The size of the model when you close doesn't have an influence what so ever.
  7. A project file is a .3mf file with some extra data. A "normal" 3mf file saves the models and any per object settings. A project file saves what a normal 3mf would do and it also saves the active machine, profiles & settings. So it is possible to load a project file as if it's a model file (so you only get the models & per object settings).
  8. Does directly connecting to the machine work (by entering IP?)
  9. Yep. Help -> Show configuration folder. Those are the files that you need to delete. I'm not sure if CClean or system mechanic actually delete the files that are there.
  10. Hey Rebekah, It seems that you have some kind of corrupt local data. Are you sure you cleared all the local files? It could be that this was caused by installing the 3.1 beta, which had an issue.
  11. There are two things that you can do; 1. Group them. Objects in a group don't have collision with each other. By using ctrl+click you can select (and move) a single object in a group. 2. Go to preferences -> general and uncheck the "Ensure models are kept apart" option. Note that this means that it's possible to have models that collide with each other. Be very careful as this can cause damage with your machine.
  12. Depends on your operating system. See https://github.com/ultimaker/cura#logging-issues to find where they are at.
  13. I've forwarded this to our product owner.
  14. Did Cura generate logs? Did you upgrade your drivers?
  15. Unfortunately not. We never got around to making that as it keeps dangling at the bottom of the priority list.
  16. The upgrader works as follows; It checks if there are older files. If there are, it copies the files into the folder of it's current version and attempts to upgrade that. If you want to "re-do" the upgrade, delete the 3.1 folder.
  17. Could you share some logs? There might be something in there that tells us why it's failing.
  18. You can tell cura to not support certain parts by using "anti-overhang meshes". You can also have a look at variable density for the support.
  19. Certain settings can indeed influence other settings, but this should not take that much time. It might be the culprit, but the interesting bit is that it doesn't happen on all machines. That's also what makes it so hard to actually fix.
  20. Not quite true. We don't handle shaders in the same way. It simply shows that it can be fixed, not how it can be fixed (or if we will be able to figure it out). There are still tons of variables that could cause it.
  21. I know it's not the best answer to give, but we're aware of it and trying to fix it. Can't make any guarantees as to when we will be able to get it as we don't know what's causing it (yet).
  22. If it runs good in legacy mode, it means it's an issue with the shaders that we use to generate the 3D lines. Is updating the settings also faster (eg; within acceptable parameters) if you run it in legacy mode of the layerview?
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