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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Some guy in a DeLorean came by and bought all of it. He seemed in quite a hurry. Sorry.
  2. The natural ultimaker PVA is shipped with Cura.
  3. Without logs, there is little we can do to help. So make a dump and post them here. That being said, i'm pretty sure that this has nothing to do with settings in Cura.
  4. Nope. Ultimaker machines handle this behavior on the firmware level, so it's not something that we built into cura. Other machines might need it, but it's up to them to add it to Cura.
  5. There have been several. It's orders of magnitude faster on my machine.
  6. With 3MF it's possible to maintain the grouping (and thus their relative position to each other). But that does require that your modeling tool exports the 2 models as part of a group.
  7. It seems to be spending a lot of time performing the error check (9 - 15 seconds!). That's probably why it's taking so freakishly long for the slicing to start. By the looks of it it has everything to do with your custom machine setup. Is it also happening if you add a new custom machine?
  8. It's not just one parameter. All of them influence eachother. Just changing the temperature tends to be insufficient. It's something you can do by interns, but that's also not the way to stay ahead. I'd much prefer that our experienced process engineers do the profiles
  9. The latest release also has visibility presets.
  10. Because every single profile would need to be changed and re-tested.
  11. The direct link doesn't point to the 3.3 beta, it points to the generic download site.
  12. Could you share your cura logs?
  13. No i mean network cable. It might be a wifi issue.
  14. So onwards to the "shit we need to rule out"; Is it doing the same thing when you are connecting the machine by cable? By the looks of it, something is causing a bunch of requests to the printer to be dropped. This is why Cura can connect with the machine, but changes to "Cant't find it, lol" mode after a while (Cura is set up in such a way that if it sent 5 requests (eg; 10 seconds) without any answer coming back) that it considers the connection to be lost.
  15. Yep. So the manual connection does work?
  16. Hmm. This is really weird. I don't see anything in the logs that might indicate this. Have you also tried using the manual IP connection? It could be that your network is eating up the discovery messages.
  17. If the mere threat of diagnostics makes the printer behave I also did my job
  18. This is a feature we're working on. Currently it's a bit tricky to share profiles between cura instances, which we hope to solve. As for the disapearing profiles, I can't really say why. Could you share your log files?
  19. Could you share the logs of your machine with me? You can get them through maintenance -> Diagnostics -> Dump logs to USB. As far as I know, your browser shouldn't have any influence on this. If it's both your browser and Cura that isn't playing well with cura connect, it's probably Cura Connect software thats at fault here.
  20. This is defined by the "machine_extruder_start_pos_x" and the "machine_extruder_start_pos_y", but there is no interface to set these as far as I know.
  21. You should have a look at the UM3 documentation. We've written some introductions regarding this on the forum;
  22. It's not just with Cura 3.2.1 that this was left out, it hasn't been part of Cura for quite some time. This has multiple reasons; 1. USB printing / streaming, which was a common way to control printers back in the day, isn't really supported for Ultimakers anymore. A lot of third party machines still require it, but we won't spend a lot of resources to get it running for them. So far, none of the third party manufacturers have stepped up to implement it. 2. For the UM3 family, we're moving towards a more automatic approach (eg; Cura Connect). In that case it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to have such fine-grained controls to change the temperature. You really shouldn't even need it. Do note; the machine does have the ability to be controlled like that, Cura just isn't using it.
  23. What kind of data are you talking about? I know that quite a few people have added remote printing by using Octoprint. Is that what you mean?
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