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Everything posted by nallath

  1. Cura 2.6.1 only does autodetect. As for printing with USB, I don't recommend it. There are a lot of issues with it and greatly increases odds of your print failing.
  2. Our graphical framework has an issue for the current version. Because of that the focus on selected object doesn't work. We had to make the upgrade to fix other bugs, so it was a trade off. We logged the bug with them and hope to get it resolved asap.
  3. We haven't made any changes to that part of Cura for 2.6 (or 2.6.1 for that matter) as far as I know. Did you disable the "drop objects on buildplate" option?
  4. I have no experience with the .bfb flavor of g-code, so i'm afraid there is little I can do to help you.
  5. Well, it seems that for some reason the printer isn't accessible. Cura tries to ping the printer every 2 seconds. If it didn't get a reply for 10 seconds on any of those (5) requests, it assumes the printer is unavailable. It could be that your network is spotty or there is a lot of package loss.
  6. Could be that the custom machine plugin has a bug there. @ahoeben, is this something you saw before?
  7. The PPA is not officially suported. It could well be that there are things there that are not correct. If you want to play it safe, download the appimage (as that configuration of packages is actually tested by our QA team) Could you give me your logs? That might show a bit more as to what is going wrong.
  8. Cura puts all your profiles outside the app image. Since 2.6, we put them in a version based folder. In the older versions, we actually upgraded files from one version to another. So if you started 2.3, then 2.5 and then 2.3 again, your profiles would be "gone" according to 2.3. 2.6 does the following; It creates a 2.6 folder, copies all the old data into it and upgrades that. So if you would then go back to 2.5, you would still have your profiles. However, if you then make changes in 2.5 and switch back to 2.6 again, they are still missing. This behavior is the same for all operating systems.
  9. In some cases yes. If you want to print faster, you tend to need a higher temperature. Printing faster is tied to quality (and material and printer). The profiles that we define are based on quality type, nozzle type, material and printer. If you change any one of those, you get a different profile.
  10. This is a pretty annoying issue, both for you and for us. It's proven to be quite troublesome to find a fix that works for everyone. I'm going to put some extra time into fixing this this week, so i hope to be able to get a fix for 2.7
  11. Alternative solution; Put your machine in dev mode and use con-man to set static IP. This will require a reasonable amount of linux experience though.
  12. Minor version increases can live side by side. So if 2.7 comes out, it can be installed next to 2.6.1 Revisions (2.6.0 vs 2.6.1) are seen as the same version.
  13. You can just "override" what is selected in Cura. What's selected in Cura does not need to be the same as what is actually loaded on the machine.
  14. Ah, found the issue. You have PLA on your second extruder, but also a BB print core. We don't support the combination, so we only have an empty normal quality there. As both quality types must be the same, you can also only select normal quality for the left extruder. If you change the right extruder to a AA print core (or a different material), you can select them again.
  15. Even if we wanted to do this (See kmanstudios point about not becoming a modeling tool), it's also quite a challenge. It's not about getting it to work with 95% of the cases, it's the 5% that's really weird that makes it difficult. Adding a feature that only works 95% of the time will get us a lot of support calls We are looking into automatically fixing models.
  16. Have you tried re-installing? I think something went wrong with some of your local files (custom materials? Custom machines?) that broke something. You could also send us the zipped version of the all local configuration files so I can have a look (help-> show local configuration)
  17. The thing is that we can print at 1 layer height. For the 0.4 nozzle we have 4 qualities, but for certain materials with the 0.8 nozzle we only have 1 profile (as of yet, this might become a larger number). We can only select a quality type if both extruders support it. So in this case you can only have the one profile. You can always change the core in Cura and not sync it with the printer. If the second extruder is not used, cura shouldn't complain about a mismatch when trying to send the g-code.
  18. Did you install python-3 for development? Cmake needs to be able to find python, so certain cmake files need to be at the right places. The python3-dev packages take care of this.
  19. Do you have a screenshot of what you mean?
  20. The X-Ray renderer simply counts how many faces it encounters. If it's even, all is well. If it encounters an uneven amount of faces, there is an issue. It can't actually add them, because it's just a rendering trick. Even if it would add them, it would only work in very few select cases.
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