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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. That's what's strange: top: template (from blender file) bottom: 'branded' (from stl) The template has really strange angles... I'm pretty sure it shouldn't look like that. Which Blender version are you using?
  2. Thanks for the warning! Have you taken this information out of the safety data sheet?
  3. Cura does the swap retraction itself (although I recommend to use the firmware retraction and volumetric flavor). The problem is that Cura (please tell me if I missed a change in code!) swaps the extruder every layer even if only one exdruder is needed on that layer; at least if you use the wipe&prime tower. Exchanging the extruder in the gcode is something TweakAtZ cannot do.
  4. Wowowow... hey guys: everybody be nice in this thread please, ok? :cool: After all, this might be the Ultimaker forum but its my thread... This poll was not meant to produce a GAME OF THRONES... or any kind of shitstorm... At the moment, there are 20 votes so far. It looks as if only 15% cannot live with the present situation. As it happens I work with things like thermal comfort. There, studies say you can never satisfy more than 85% of the people with a certain temperature and humidity setting. It seems it's the same with software features. So there is some interest to have a disable-the-auto-slicing option as a nice-to-have. Thus it will not have top priority. And as some already mentioned, Cura is open source and anybody can fork it and add this feature. However, IMHO such a person would have to keep the rest of the code up-to-date and would have to provide installation packages as those of Ultimaker. This is quite an effort.
  5. Yes, very familiar. It's backlash. Make sure the short belts are TIGHT. The long belts shouldn't be too tight but reasonably tightened. If you really want to get rid of the backlash on your UMO, I recommend switching to direct drive and replacing pulleys and belts with GT2 belts. With those two changes I got the backlash on my UMO down to about 0.05mm.
  6. Your profile says 'validating'. That may be the problem. You should have received an e-mail with a link when you created your profile. Please look for that e-mail or contact a mod.
  7. As the autoslicing feature of Cura is discussed again and again I made this small poll. Although I'm from the country with the most direct democracy, I do not expect the result of the poll to be any kind of petition or similar for changing any Cura design. I think it just might be interesting to see what the forum members really think about it and maybe set an end to a somewhat endless discussion. So no offense to anyone - just curiosity...
  8. And what file did you start with? The blender file provided by Fairphone? That one looks very strange to me...
  9. Any details about the software you used?
  10. The change was made in order to give users more control about the printing dialog. However, some functionality got lost. But if I remember correctly Daid once added some of the lost functionality. Asking him nicely to also add the controls you are missing might increase the chance they are included at least in the Pink Unicorn edition.
  11. Nope. It seems that nobody of the non-Ulticontroller users felt the urge to add this functionality to the print window plugin.
  12. Set File -> Preferences -> Printing Window Type to 'Pronterface UI'
  13. Have you recently upgraded the firmware?
  14. Die Temperaturen werden beim UM2 am Drucker selbst eingestellt. Daher fehlen diese Optionen in Cura.
  15. Hmmm... maybe I should have mentioned I have GT2 belts and pulleys in my UMO (direct drive) as well and that I made sure the belts run in the middle of the pulleys (something that Ultimaker completely missed when they produced my UM2... :sad: ) I agree on the retract distance. I think I set it to 4.5mm on both UMO and UM2. However, on swap retraction on the dual extrusion UMO I never had such a poping effect. I work with 12mm there as more results in a clog.
  16. What about increasing the retraction distance and/or increasing travel speed? I set the travel speed to 250mm/s.
  17. There is one mod for the UM2 to consider: Robert's feeder. I never regretted having exchanged the stock extruder with this design when I had troubles with the stock extruder. And it makes the cold pull much easier.
  18. I remember someone having started building a Tantilus and writing here in the forum about it. But I'm not sure if he finished it. Search the forum with Google, i.e. add 'site:umforum.ultimaker.com'.
  19. No, its not: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2Marlin/commits/master If you check the tags you will see that 14.11-RC8 is the newest firmware version.
  20. Alternatively, one may introduce checkboxes labelled 'applies to UMO', 'applies to UMO+', 'applies to UM2' and so on (or a dropdown box at a later stage with many more products... )
  21. If it works it will copied anyway by some far east companies wether it is open or closed source. Welcome to the real world...
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