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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. Hast Du den 274.7kOhm Pullup-Widerstand auf dem Ultiboard eingelötet? edit: sorry für den falschen Wert...
  2. Ja, der Ulticontroller ist allerwärmstens empfohlen. Und falls Dein UMO noch kein Heizbett hat, würde ich mir das HBKit von UM auch gleich überlegen und zusammen mit dem Ulticontroller bestellen. Überrascht mich ein wenig, dass Du den UMO ohne Ulticontroller bekommen hast. In der letzten Zeit (seit ca. Mitte Oktober, wenn ich mich nicht irre; Ankündigung UMO+) sollte der eigentlich dabei gewesen sein. Wann genau hast Du Deinen UMO gekauft?
  3. Hallo Lukas Druckst Du über USB oder via SD-Karte/Ulticontroller? Bei der SD-Karte immer schön brav die Karte softwaremässig am PC auswerfen vor dem Rausziehen, sonst ist die GCODE-Datei ev. unvollständig was dann zu genau dem Effekt führt, den Du hast. Druck über USB hingegen ist einfach generell eine Wundertüte... und daher eher nicht zu empfehlen.
  4. Same here. Orders gone from my login. Although I think Ultimaker will handle it properly I will watch it closely. Such a - uhm - suboptimal software change doesn't really increase a customer's confidence... :???: But Sander http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/topic/8516-heated-bed-kit-lead-time/page-2&do=findComment&comment=82810 for it... :unsure:
  5. How did you survive http://wiki.ultimaker.com/CuraPlugin:_RetractWhileCombing so far... ?
  6. Could you please bring the current (open!) orders back into the new system? Thx.
  7. This will be handled in the Pink Unicorn edition: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/issues/101
  8. Hi Kuno It seems I cannot contact you neither as your profile is not yet validated. If you have not received an email for 'unlocking' your profile please contact one of the http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders. In the meantime plese feel free to contact me on Dim3nsioneer@gmx.ch. cheers Stefan
  9. I'm really sorry. I actually deleted the 'corrupt' version and have only working versions left... :shock: It was one of the new Fairphone case designs (Snowflake) for which I added some support with Blender. If I get the problem again (maybe with one of the other four new Fairphone case designs) I'll make sure the model finds its way to you.
  10. An update here from Sander would be nice... I'm waiting too (reading the infamous status 'shipment ready')... :huh:
  11. You may find (nearly) anything you need (including the BOM) here: https://github.com/Ultimaker/UltimakerOriginal
  12. I can if you really want but the model is really broken. It even shows red in the x-ray view.
  13. 15.01-RC1 doesn't work properly on my Win8.1 machine. It seems to start slicing but the progress bar never grows. Instead, the progress bar disappears and the layer view is empty. A right click on the save button doesn't reveal the usual options (just delete and reload all objects), therefore I cannot provide a log... edit: forget it, it's the model...it has the same effect in Cura 14.06.
  14. Is it just my personal impression or does it take veeeery long until we see something convincing about this dual extruder setup? No video so far. Not even a picture of a print. This rises a question: is it real?
  15. This seems to be a quite old Marlin version (process_commands is at line 1331 at the moment!). Make sure you have the current version.
  16. I just checked it: No, it doesn't help as it is set to 1 layer for tweaking when UltiGCode is found.
  17. I'll have a look into this. Thanks for testing! It just popped to my mind. Changes over multiple layers do not work on the UM2 as the plugin does not know the present setting (of the temperature in this case). Daid and I were discussing some relative offset once. But it's not yet implemented in the UM2 firmware. But it happens on the right height/layer no.?
  18. I'm currently printing Ninjaflex... at 225°C... B)
  19. @Labern: You should not forget that swapping the extruder also needs time. And you have to properly prime each nozzle after a swap. This also needs some filament.
  20. Clever people there at Geldermalsen... If you have more information like that please share it... if the UM customers live longer, they can buy more printers... so it's in your company's interest...
  21. But a bug is no reason to implement a feature... Does your statement include RC10?
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