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Everything posted by Dim3nsioneer

  1. When I see such a work I feel so - untalented... :cry:
  2. Not yet. I'm looking for it myself too. The dimensions are: 1/4" outer diameter and 1/8" inner diameter. Quite difficult to get in metric Europe...
  3. The hijacking of the focus is actually done by some code in Cura and not by the plugin itself. However, this part is also a 'crime' I commited. To put it in words from a well-known small green guy: Meditate on this I will... :mrgreen: Good catch about the install procedure; it's indeed missing...
  4. Daid told me that the bug was not yet fixed but should be by now (means for the next version)...
  5. Don't forget you will get rid of the variable 'short belts'...
  6. Cura 14.12.1 started a similar effect today on my laptop (Win8.0) but with the panels on the left. Cross-check to 14.07 showed this version was not affected. Graphic chip is a NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M. Does it also disappear as quick as it appeared? :rolleyes:
  7. They're not bad. I also used them before I switched to direct drive...
  8. For the case you meant me... I was just expressing my worries about the future... complaining sounds different with me...
  9. You mean the https://github.com/pmsimard/Cura/raw/SteamEngine/plugins/swapAtZ.pyplugin by http://umforum.ultimaker.com/index.php?/user/35529-pm-dude/... Everything in there except the M104... which can be realised by the https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/wiki/Tweak-At-Z-pluginplugin... (which is available since today in an all new version btw. )
  10. In a phone call this morning I was told that Ultimaker now has a general 5-10 day leadtime even on parts on stock. Somehow this develops into the wrong direction... :sad: Ah yes, and the order status within the shop has gone (ok, no status or 'ready' is about the same amount of information). Is UM working on something there or did you just choose the easiest solution? :???:
  11. A new version of the TweakAtZ plugin is out: V4.0 Instead of providing a lot of bla-bla here, I recommend to read the also new https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/blob/released/TweakAtZ_Documentation.pdf?raw=true.
  12. I agree with you Jonny about the force on the motor shaft. However, it doesn't seem to be a problem as I can't recall having read anything about bent motor axes or damaged bearings so far. And the UM2 you are most probably referring to is now out for over a year.
  13. USB printing on an UM2 is not supported by Cura by default. You have to switch the flavor in the machine settings to 'RepRap' flavor and write your own start.gcode and end.gcode. Ultimaker does not recommend USB printing.
  14. It's JP3 right at the center of the board (well one or two cm to the right...). You can easily find it in https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/blob/master/1091_Main_board_v2.1.1_(x1)/Main%20Board%20V2.1.1.pdf?raw=true on page 5.
  15. The z axis of the UM2 can be silenced massively. There is a jumper on the Ultiboard2 for switching from 1/8 steps to 1/16 steps on the z axis. Close this jumper, adjust the steps per mm settings in the firmware and enjoy the lower sound level...
  16. Do you see the gap in the layer preview of Cura? If not, then it's rather a backlash problem on the printer itself and you should check belts and pulleys.
  17. Just right-click and save the file into the plugin folder of your Cura installation. Then (re) start Cura and enjoy the plugin.
  18. Did you try the z-hop feature? And you might also try to increase travel speed up to 250mm/s.
  19. I guess the future option for dual extrusion on the UMO+ will be the same as on the UM2: Most probably a new printer head with two hotends that can be driven by the Ultiboard2 together with the heated bed.
  20. Here you go: https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/raw/released/SelectExtruder.py Documentation on the Wiki pages is not possible atm as they seem to be broken (again). Please report issues on Github. edit: I was told by Daid that the Wiki pages are read-only atm until a new plugin repository is set up at Youmagine. Thus, I decided to start some documentation on the https://github.com/Dim3nsioneer/Cura-Plugins/wiki.
  21. The people at Ultimaker are usually bribed with cookies... well, I also like cookies... Please give me some days to get it online with a proper documentation... edit: Actually, I should do some blackmailing as I still need some testers for the new TweakAtZ version...
  22. Which one of them do you mean? (We can do this as well... ) Seriously, I'm curious to see the result of Jaime's work...
  23. start2/end2.gcode are used for dual prints only. You have to add the 'T1's in start.gcode and end.gcode on the M109 and M104 commands. Personally, I wrote myself a plugin for this...
  24. By adding a 'T1' in the gcode before the heating command (and replacing any 'T0' you can find by 'T1')... there is no other way so far in Cura atm.
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