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Everything posted by DidierKlein

  1. I would do the brim in PVA for better adhesion, i guess it's because your brim is in PLA and that it doesn't stick as good on PLA, causing it to lift
  2. Damn i missed this post! Very cool stuff gudo, big fan. Fun to see that the same idea popped twice on the forum lately but with different orientations So i beleive that the square rod is connected to the knurled wheel (or to a gear), when the head is moving i guess that the knurled wheel has some movement too, could it increase the grinding of the filament or not? Would be really interested in that mod for one of my printer!
  3. Yes i tried scaffold, it's easy to print, prints nicely on the UM3. It's not as easy to disolve as UM PVA, i have nothing fancy to dissolve i just put it in a bucket of water, for UM PVA after let's say 10 - 12h most of the support is gone, with scaffold it's not. I have not experimented a lot with it, but i think that hot water and movement should probably decrease the waiting time. But it's a good alternative anyway.
  4. Hi, Please add your printer to your profile so we know which printer we are talking about Resetting to factory didn't solve the issue?
  5. Hi Bavilo First thing yes you are allowed to talk about other printers or even say bad things about Ultimaker (as long as you stay polite). I have some experience with the M200 and of course with the Ultimaker 2+. The M200 is a very good machine, it prints reliably and with great quality. I would say it's a good choice for a printer if you want to print ABS or ABS like filaments. I always like the Ultimaker printers more because it allows me to print with a lot of materials, and it is also allowed to modify the machine to your needs. (If you change anything on the zortrax you loose warranty, you must also use zortrax filaments to keep your warranty). Zortrax is completely closed source One interesting thing on the Ultimaker 2+ is the ability to swap the nozzles really fast, specially interesting if you print big things like lamp shade or prototypes. The print time is greatly reduced.
  6. And it's happenning randomly or after a certain time or when something in particular starts (fans or something?) The firmware you have is the official one?
  7. The link to the answer is just one post above Here's what it links to: Same was happening for me. I uninstalled 2.3 and then moved out the directory under Users/name/appdata/local/cura (or whatever, I'm going from memory). Then it came up fine. I'm still not seeing cubic subdivision infill show up though in the layer view. This is a bummer, because this feature is the only reason I uninstalled 2.3 and installed 2.4 beta to begin with.
  8. What printer is this? Is it happening with old gcodes that worked fine? Is the head going somewhere and waiting? or is it freezing? Pause at height plugin is disabled in cura? Did you eject the sd card safely from the computer?
  9. Hi and welcome to the community! I moved your message to another subforum because it makes more sense there I would start by double checking the wiring you changed and checking if everything on the card is well connected and secured. First guess would be an problem there causing the printer to reboot
  10. Being a student i would advise you to check out Autodesk Fusion 360 it's a lot more powerfull and works well for 3d printing and for students and hobbyists it's free Lot's of youtube tutorials and it's quite easy to get your hands on, nothing that a 14 years old interested in technology could be afraid off
  11. Le bug avec l'impression en série de la 2.3 est toujours présent dans la 2.4 pour info
  12. I'm puzzled, i could understand a leak on one olsson block (problem in the thread or nozzle can happen). But i don't understand how the same thing could happen on two different sets (it could but no luck then). Are you sure that it leaks? It's not some material that is dragged by the material and sticks to the nozzle? By the way the nozzles are the ones you had with the printer? Have you contacted the reseller about this?
  13. Hi, It should be possible, but it's not necessary (unless you want to detect it for some reason). You can put any brand of filament on the Ultimaker 3, you just have to manually select the type of filament when you load it (instead of it being automatically detected) I think NFC tags will be generalised (and hopefully following a standard) sooner or later
  14. Bon visiblement la 2.4 ne corrige pas le problème. Solution alternative rajouter plus de ligne de skirt (ou brim) et espérer que ça fonctionne ...
  15. Oh god didn't see that one thanks mike
  16. That's a pretty cool a idea to make a lightweight direct drive, i'm guessing that the extra weight is not that much and has no impact on vibrations when printing faster. Are you planning to make it available somewhere ? The gears are metal or printed? Are you using the same motor as the original feeder? Awesome work anyway!
  17. One question about this version, have not yet tested it, but there seemed to be a bug in the 2.3 version with one at a time printing, where the retraction between prints was to big causing massive underextrusion at the start of the second print. Is this issue corrected? (Just had one user report this issue in the french section). And had one customer with it too...
  18. Bon d'après mes recherches c'est un bug dans la version 2.3 J'ai un client qui avait le même problème que toi, j'ai fais une recherche sur le forum et visiblement ça n'arrive pas qu'à toi. Donc deux possibilités: Tester la version béta 2.4 de Cura (je n'ai rien vu au sujet d'une correction à ce niveau dans le change log mais peut être que ça fonctionne?) Installer la vieille version 15.04.6 qui va bien
  19. Hello, Quel version de Cura? La première couche est comment? (pour valider le niveau du plateau)
  20. Hi, When you boot the printer it doesn't connect to the network? You normally see it's ip adress To print with the usb key you need to go to the print menu and then you should be able to select the gcode you created and copied from your computer
  21. Et en plus maintenant la recherche sur le forum se fait avec google search donc normalement c'est plus éfficace Je ne suis pas contre faire un sujet épinglé du type A lire avant de poster mais avec la structure du forum, je ne suis pas certain que ce soit lu...
  22. Bizarre pour le silicone la mienne qui a trois mois n'a pas de signes de détériorations à ce niveau, et pendant les tests béta personne n'a eu de soucis avec le cache en silicone
  23. Hi Robert and welcome to the community First question that comes to mind is where did you find your replacement block? Second question is do have pictures of leaks? Did you spot where it leaks from?
  24. Hi! What's the brand of the filament? Is it PLA? Is it 2.85mm?
  25. Dernier petit print sans prétention C'est surtout pour tester la petite caméra style gopro que je me suis offerte à noel
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