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Everything posted by ultiarjan

  1. When you start a print do you get a nice flow while priming? Is it building a nice even tower in the front left corner?
  2. 1st idea... can it be that you set the wrong nozzle size in cura?
  3. @jeroenm think you should start by cleaning your nozzle... do atomic pulls...
  4. @neotko ha ha nice to see you so exited.... yes I think the kit is nice for many people...
  5. Where I said umo it should be umo+ probably. As you need the um2 board for the pt100 to work out of the box.
  6. @neotko yes I think it can be very interesting for umo users... it's indeed a complete plug and play kit... even comes with new xy axes.... also if your um2 is a bit older this kit will give it a nice refresh. @frederiekpascal the kit has a metal adaptor plate.
  7. You need to set different pid values in your firmware. Just Google "auto pid ultimaker"
  8. I'm sure the screws are in the parts list on github. Google ultimaker2 github. Out of my head most is m3 with hex button heads. You can get them at a good hardware store or online at f.e. conrad.
  9. I have really no idea at all how often video is embedded this way on the web.... just thought I let you know, but you're probably right that videos usually work.
  10. I found the video here, http://www.vouwbad.nl/portfolio/portfolio.html click on it and it opens in a new tab (chrome) in youtube, then just did a copy paste from the browser header.
  11. I would wait a little more... there should be a new "closed beta" in the next week or 2. Think the new number will be 2.1 Anything like 15.xx is old Cura (15 being the year), there have only been a few changes to it lately, but no real updates. Some changes where no improvement, f.e. the default infill speed is to high. I dont know the logic behind the new numbering, but I think they plan to do sort of a fixed quarterly release schedule. Looking at the first release (and pull back) during summer 2015 the new Cura is seriously behind schedule, but I'm looking forward to the new beta, hopefully most issues are solved now....
  12. this one does not work.... copy/paste: origin; strange thing is that it is complete.....
  13. I did not know that .... the instruction text says (in Dutch..) to include the URL.
  14. Just had issues again linking a Youtube video in a post. Tried the insert button and just pasting the link, but non created working link. Had to use tinyurl again to add a working link. (it was the ulti-eving 22feb post)
  15. Think the most impressive was learning Aad already made his color 3D printer in the 90's http://tinyurl.com/gn9njed have a look here... www.vouwbad.nl/portfolio/portfolio.html www.spitstec.nl/colorpod
  16. Not experienced on these tools myself but really like the idea! I like @neotko s setup. Specially the separation of wiki style for overview of project details, branches, instructions, component suppliers etc... and a forum style for discussions. I would probably have issues with committing to deadlines because of the day job but would contribute in a more loose way if possible.
  17. Material flow determines the output of material. By default Cura will be set for filament of 2.85mm. If in real life you use f.e. material thats 2.9mm you will be overextruding. https://ultimaker.com/en/community/10918-does-changing-filament-diameter-or-flow-have-the-same-effect
  18. In general the motors are no issue, they can handle a lot of heat. Exception is the feeder motor, here the motor can transfer the heat to the filament in the feeder causing melting/grinding. This is solved in the UM2+ due to the indirect connection from motor to filament, I placed the feeder+motor outside of the box. In my experience with a full enclosed UM2 (with E3Dv6 + ABS), the cooling of the hot end is a bigger issue when the heat inside the box gets to much (+/- >50c ?). I solved it by simply drilling a few holes in my top cover... Here's what I use; https://www.youmagine.com/designs/um2-minimalist-front-panel https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker2-top-cover-clips https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker2-rail-system-u2rs
  19. When it's real dirty (in the rare occasion I used glue) I take it out and was in warm water with some soap, just rinse of the soap real good. In between prints I sometimes clean in the printer with a paper towel with some alcohol.
  20. And if you use simplify3d as a slicer in the default UM2 setting the start G-code will change the motor current, which can also cause a difference.Think the default is 1250 atm, S3D sets it to 1400, probably fine as long as you are not living in the hotter parts of the world where the extra heat from the feeder motor will be enough to be past onto the filament, causing melting/grinding.
  21. Bestel gewoon een nieuwe via ultimaker... Gezien de nieuwe support setup denk ik dat ze je doorverwijzen naar makerpoint.nl kun je dus beter direct naar toe gaan. Mail of bel ze en geef duidelijk aan welke motor het Is. edit; je weet zeker dat het de motor is? je voelt dit bij een uitgebouwde/ontkoppelde motor?
  22. its not helping you, but I just tried on mine, USB from S3D and directly from SD card, but mine also does not beep :( and I like the idea... I forgot a few times that i was heating up the printer .....
  23. Indeed... seems in the same league as trying to design a stepper motor, SD card or LCD display... others will always be better at it... Is it just to costly to implement Google? royalties? how does it work? or you'r just control freaks?
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