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Everything posted by Labern

  1. My printer had the issue with original feeder and new Roberts feeder. It also would print the extrusion with no problems.
  2. you should be able to shell your solid then cut through for your exit hole
  3. Yes I got the one from ebay Germany also. Then every time i went to ebay the language auto changed to German for some reason stupid ebay.
  4. only problem with the replacement one is you have to join the wires. I de-soldered the wires off the old fan and put them on the new one. this way they still use the plug. Or you can solder direct or buy the plug connections.
  5. I don't use that design software so probably not the best to help you with. Are you able to thin extrude the main shape using a loft? I'm pretty sure @ultiarjan uses that software and hes a pretty switched on designer so he maybe able to point you in the right direction.
  6. On UM2? If so and its a older model then nope. Its on and stays on The new machines it only comes on when the nozzle reaches 40deg or so. buy THIS one if it noisey. you can find it on ebay also. Its so quiet you dont even know its on.
  7. Its not stupid and can easily be mistaken for the same thing. Its all new to us all so no one is judging.
  8. Yeah its hard to give design advice without seeing a current model or knowing your exact idea. But if you look around at other similar models you might get inspiration or ideas of how it can be done.
  9. That is best reply in the topic which means he got the most likes. mine is best answer which has a green tick and the post is moved to show under his question.
  10. Is this for your printer? if so Have a read of THIS as it might help you get a few ideas. In all I have found that fans run better lying flat, Have the same exit hole as the open area of the fan, have enough room for air to move. So a fan blowing onto a flat surface is not so good. Also @foehnsturm has done a lot of good work on this topic, you can get ideas HERE and HERE
  11. you can hold the bowden tight by loosening the 4 thumb screws that hold the head together a bit, the push the tube down and tighten the 4 screws again. this will hold it snug so it wont move.
  12. At which temperature are you printing? There is a large variety in the exact power of the heater. You might suffer from a weak one. Usually at 210 sometimes 200 and if I print something faster 220. But I think it is not about temp. I think Cura doesn't make any changes for nozzles bigger than 0.4. That must be something about software. I can see the lines with simplify3d before printing I print with a 0.8 nozzle all the time and the software adjusts and works fine. I think you may need to up your temp a bit. thats a lot of plastic to squirt out at that speed and 210 probably wont be enough.
  13. have you looked at your model in x-ray mode to see if there is an internal edge or face?, will show up red.
  14. you can increase travel speed to 250mm/s and or lower temps a bit. Make sure the bowden is nice and tight and doesn't move during retractions. check out THIS guide for further advice.
  15. looks like under extrusion unless you turned on fuzzy skin?? have a read of THIS
  16. he actually selected mine
  17. yeah its M3 but you will need to measure the length.
  18. M3 i think. not sure on lengths though.
  19. 15.06 was released with no mention of it being BETA so you may have been caught with that one. Yes it had quite a few bugs. 15.04.2 was the last stable version.
  20. This even happens on bottom layers and doesn't matter how thick you make the top/bottom thickness. Also the side walls have the same issue. There is a clear difference between a printer with this problem and one without as i have had both and this gets rather annoying.
  21. if you turn the nut towards the left then the nozzle will go up, the teflon gap and gap between the nozzle and fan shroud will also get bigger. I normally put it together and screw it so the teflon gap is about 1mm (red arrow). then put the fan shroud on and look through the edge and see if there is a gap (purple arrow). if its touching then i wind it up a little bit more till there is a gap.
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