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Everything posted by Labern

  1. I cant with the stock firmware but you best bet is to install TinkerGnomes firmware found HERE I'm not sure if it has that feature as I cant check right now but if it doesn't I'm sure @TinkerGnome could add it in if you ask him nicely. You wont regret installing the firmware as it really good.
  2. I crushed the end of my index finger in some old equipment that had no guarding at work yesterday. My fault, I was more thinking about a printer design then what i was doing. The bone fractured and its a bit messy. So to stop me knocking the end of my finger all the time, I printed a splint with a bulb end. It looks a bit rude but does the job.
  3. you could be right. i miss understood what you were saying.
  4. I will defiantly print one. They even provided an upside down one for us on the other side of the world
  5. You pull it out when the feeder motor is not active.
  6. The nozzles look good 2 with the size etched in the side
  7. This is really cool. amazing what you can come up with if you just spend the time and think about it.
  8. Yeah standard head is capped at 260 but will only last a short time at that unless the mods are installed like Dim3nsioneer mentions.
  9. An atomic pull device that is external of the printer for when you have just removed a nozzle could be doable. would be nice to also have something clean up the outside of the tip 2.
  10. I have thought of it also. You would also need to keep some pressure on the filament as it cools so it doesn't ooze and cause air pockets in the head. I guess you would risk grinding but would be an interesting test.
  11. If 2 very talented and experienced people suggest a solution like @Dim3nsioneer and @IRobertI did, then I would trust them and give it a go
  12. Are you sure you tightened ALL the screws on the pulleys nice an tight?
  13. and it will be waaaay cooler than free filament! 8) The only thing cooler than free filament is free printers
  14. If you get it hard anodized (or sometimes called type III or Military spec) it should be OK, it very strong and will save on weight. If you turn up at the anodizers early in the morning they may do your parts for free. you may just have to wait for the next run of hard anodizing.
  15. Problem is the fee filament will be supplied by Ultimaker and will keep breaking in the bowden tube, so will end up being more of a booby prize
  16. both My UM's don't have any lag with stock card and 50 plus files. Maybe you got a dodgy card or has some corrupt file?
  17. 15.04.2 and below you can turn off solid infill top under expert settings. 15.09.-- you can set top layers to 0
  18. Its not really a big issue and shouldn't effect printing at all. the 2 guides on the sides are what keeps the bed nice and flat, the lead screw just makes it go up and down. The rod might have a slight bent in it. You could try to loosen off the stepper motor when the bed is low then tighten it back up. This might help centralize the motor which could lessen the effect.
  19. that's a mighty fine looking robot for a new build. you must be pleased to finally get it going.
  20. Under products you can select the printer you are looking at buying. There is a option to request a print sample underneath the buy now button.
  21. I second that. I'm pretty sure it would liven up the forum a bit 2.
  22. In some respects I'm not surprised that there is a bit less activity. The New Forum started off a bit rough and quite a few said they will come back in a few months, which I have seen few return. But There is also a lot of really useful information integrated into the new website to help new people overcome some of the issues that they might have that wasn't present on the OLD forum so the questions don't need to be asked. I'm surprised when some newbees do ask a question they always state "i have done atomic pulls". Well this had to be spelled out before so many times. At least changes are happening and things have improved. I just hope it does keep picking up and more cool ideas are shared.
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