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Everything posted by bagel-orb

  1. Yes. Depending on settings, but the defaults are: Remove model 1 from model 2 on even layers and remove model 2 from model 1 on odd layers.
  2. I've been wanting to have the poop of the left nozzle at the far left where the right nozzle can't reach, and vice versa, but that idea kinda got lost along the way. I'm currently at home, so I can't check. What would be nice positions to prime? I can fix that for 2.6
  3. Your model is probably not water tight. Please look at the x-ray view. If you are modeling with Sketchup, switch to a different program. If you are modeling with Blender, check out Mesh Analysis (a 3D printing tool).
  4. This is a hardware problem. Is it possible to move an issue to a different part of the forum?? I don't know, but you could also repost the question in the hardware section of the forum.
  5. Whow I totally forgot I added that feature. Pretty neat!
  6. What would you expect it to do on horizontal surfaces? When you wobble in the z direction you would smush the fuzziness out of all surrounding stuff under the flat piece of the nozzle, unless that fuzzy stuff has hardened too much, which would make your print fail horribly, as the printer is not able to move down.
  7. The solid view contains the triangles of a mesh, while the layer view has a lot more data to show.
  8. Ah that sounds like a regression. Perhaps the parsing of the start gcode is broken. Sadly that's not really a problem for Ultimaker printers, so I don't think we'll spend any time on fixing this issue.
  9. Draft is coarser than coarse. 'Coarse' means with low resolution, 'draft' means "I don't care about resolution" That's my 2 cents..
  10. The reason is that with bowden systems it is important to keep the flow of the nozzle constant. The moment you switch from printing the inner wall (at a higher speed, so higher flow) to the outer wall, you get a tiny bit of overextrusion. In order to minimize that defect we first print all inner walls and then all outer walls (or vice versa, depending on settings) Also it's not that simple to implement. I've just made a small fix which makes the outer wall print first when you are using a brim: https://github.com/Ultimaker/CuraEngine/pull/486
  11. Please make a shortcut in the rotation tool menu, so that you automatically bump into it when you are busy rotating the part yourself. Also: when is this going to be shipped with Cura?
  12. The algorithm is not stable. Hitting calculate optimal angle will reposition the model in a different orientation. Also the starting angle will affect the resulting orientation. I'm not talking about angle around the Z axis; the model can actually get different orientations around the X and Y axis. http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1906284/#files
  13. We really need more information on what is going on. Think screenshots, gcode, project, photo's, etc.
  14. There's really not enough information here to help you. Don't forget to eject your SD card before unplugging it. If you have changed the infill line distance, the percentage setting is not available any more. Hot the icon next to the infill line distance setting to restore it to bring calculated from the density setting.
  15. Try Cura 2.4 If that doesn't help, please provide an STL which fails so that we can reproduce the problem. The project file would even be better (cura 2.4 or up only)
  16. Do you eject the sd card before removing it from your pc? If you don't some gcode might not get written and the gcode which was previously present on the SD card might get executed.
  17. This is fixed in Cura 2.5 beta which is to be released really soon. Sorry it took so long!
  18. I just look at the keys in cura/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json Do a search on the setting name you want and use the key of that setting.
  19. Cura 2.5 will handle spiralize a lot better! Thanks to Mark Burton.
  20. OIN (Open Innovation Network) is geared toward Linux, but were trying to expand into other areas some time ago. It seems they haven't yet succeeded in doing so. If OIN would expand it could be possible for Ultimaker to join.
  21. Yes. Here you can view all settings: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/blob/2.4/resources/definitions/fdmprinter.def.json Here's an example of how BQ Hephestos printers use it: "machine_start_gcode": { "default_value": "; -- START GCODE --\nM104 S{material_print_temperature} ; Heat up extruder while leveling\nM800 ; Custom GCODE to fire start print procedure\nM109 S{material_print_temperature} ; Makes sure the temperature is correct before printing\n; -- end of START GCODE --" },
  22. It's now called Merged Meshes Overlap and it's under the Mesh Fixes category.
  23. UltiGcode was designed back in the days when you would set one temperature for the whole print. The idea was that you choose your material on the printer (where you just installed the new filament) and then the printer would control the bed temperature and nozzle temperature for you. If Cura inserts temperature commands then the preferences you set in your firmware are overwritten, which means that some user settings are ignored. Since you you have a dual extrusion UM2, you already are a tinkerer, so I think you should tinker some more and move over to the RepRap gcode flavour. If I recall correctly then the UM2 firmware defaults to RepRap behaviour when the Ultigcode header is not present. You will then have the full benefits of temperature controls in Cura again.
  24. The UM2 was never officially released with dual extrusion, so it was never on our agenda to get it to work. If you report all bugs on the github page we will solve them in due time. One way to get it to work is to load a UM original dual extrusion machine and work your way from there. You will probably have to live with skipping a warning message every time you print something, but you should be able to get it to work.
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