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Everything posted by neotko

  1. For the 2.1.4 board https://github.com/Ultimaker/Ultimaker2/tree/master/1546%20ultimainboard%20V2.1.4
  2. You are measuring different pairs... mixing heater with sensor won't do any good. The pt100 cables are near the small pt100 sensor (left) the black colored cables. Btw is that an original heated bed? The logo looks weird? Just wondering...
  3. Thanks, will do! What is their contact information? info (@) cristadecor.es Afaik they talk English also
  4. Thanks :-D Sorry no I don't sell them. But the shop where I got them told me that they do deliver worldwide. Drop them a mail and they will give you info.
  5. Maybe this helps https://ultimaker.com/en/community/22571-under-extrusion-issues You have underextrusion. Can be caused by a number so large of stuff. So, check that post, and if your coupler is ok. Then you can start checking everything else like hotend nozzle, extruder, endofspool tension, bowden... etcetcetc all listed here for example https://ultimaker.com/en/community/49951-filament-doesnt-always-extrude?page=last#reply-182960
  6. Afaik is a volumetric thingy. That way, in theory, you could reuse the same gcode just changing the material settings (filament size for example). Downside of ultigcode anyhow... well you didn't ask that. So yeah, volumetric?
  7. I would check the hotend temperature to see if it's really stable or it's fluctuating. Also um2/um2+ firmware doesn't have PID (temperature control to have it more stable) so I would try to install Tinkergnome firmware that does and relaunch the same print to see if it makes a difference. More about the banding and sources: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/20188-smooth-walls
  8. Nice. I did the lazy path to use the same PSU but I did just cut the psu cable before connector. The C6P and R7B are the same, except the connector, so they have 4 wires red/blue positive and black/white negative. Is very easy to install a kycon without making a conversion cable. Ofc your mod is cleaner as you leave the psu as it is.
  9. This might help https://ultimaker.com/en/community/49883-ultimaker-3-pla-material-gone-back-up-around-the-print-cores?page=1&sort=#reply-182607
  10. Check all this: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/49621-drift-and-under-extrusion-with-um2#reply-181283
  11. Not sure at all, better ask BCN3D on twitter (they answer quite fast there). Google found this for 2.5, you could check it https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwSHq9qaQ0euTDYycXkzWGxUZHc/view
  12. I do think indeed is cool. And like I said I'm really happy for this complex thing to do on S3D that will be easy, and most probably better, on Cura. Maybe I shouldn't have focus my rant so much over Cura Dev Team, but I'm only human. Anyhow as a general point of view I think is interesting that the feedback should occur, and the posts, old or new, are there to use them if one wants. We are here every day and for me the most interesting part is the sharing of ideas and improvement. Even when I'm a pain in the ass over and over when I say that I preffer S3D, I value all the work Cura has done while isn't my favorite program yet, I might well be anytime soon. Anyhow my point stands, the Moderator part, I don't see any use of me being a moderator of a UM forum for reasons. Let's leave it at that. That doesn't mean that I will stop sharing ideas, that's the thing that I enjoy the most. About Neosanding 2.0 (I will keep calling it like that ) I will try to make a post about how to use some tricks to flatten the slopes between layers to remove the visual effect and make them look like higher res without much print time increased.
  13. I can't and wont either. But this is not the case in this situation. Indeed that's not the case. I highly doubt anyone at UM would do that, they are very talented individuals and they have the open source on the core of their heart. My complain points at the lack of communication. Maybe I did push this too soon, but since the development is already there, they also could have push this much earlier. Isn't like Forum PM doesn't work.
  14. Nice to hear from you. You have every right to think that way, same as do I. Stealing not at all. I say collaboration, feedback, exchange of ideas. Maybe I scaled it indeed. But I'm a bit max out of bull. This is just the tip of the iceberg but an important part of the process nonetheless.
  15. Ty @ghostkeeper The use or not of the name is the least of the problems IMO This will be a rant. But before I get into that, let’s put some things in perspective. I made this slicer trick for the users, and the idea of it getting into a corporate product (Cura, even Open source is the product of a company). It took me exactly 3 days to make it, one the idea, second the planing and the third print test. It wasn’t hard at all, but I was really proud just because noone did this before. So I was quite happy about myself. Specially after seeing people using it even with the level of difficulty it has. So, yesterday I find out that Cura Dev Team (Ultimaker product) has already developed this into a feature of the next Cura http://www.3dprintingforum.us/viewtopic.php?f=22&t=705#p9870 And at first I think wow, this is cool. They took my idea and made it into an option for Cura. That will be so nice…? Well, they don’t mention on the github anything about this post, nor that I had the idea. Should I care? Well, I freaking do, but not for using or not my name, but the way this was done. What SHOULD had happen and DID NOT Email to me from Cura asking about how I feel about my idea getting into a program of a company (open source or not, this is a company product). At least just as a courtesy, as a pat on the back Cura Dev Team could have had a series of emails exchanging ideas of how to make it. NO they found their own way. Clearly Cura is THEIR vision, not users. At least not non-programmers. They post that they tried to use 3D sanding and failed. Ok, I could have help with that, I have evolved this idea into a Neosanding 2.0 that works on perimeters in between layers flattening a smaller amount of extrusion playing with the Gcode offset and the S3D order to do the slice. They could have benefit from talking to other non-programmers. They could have even chat here about their ideas, it could have a triumph to Open Community and exchanging ideas. But no. So as far as I see it, they can call it Ironing, sanding, sandblasting or even the programmers name. Clearly isn’t just that my name is non existent (at this point) on THEIR development. What I see as a bigger issue is the ZERO exchange of ideas, they took, rebuild as they thing is right, and done. I don’t want to be a Moderator of a company that sees this forum as a Free Support Service. I think that the most lacking thing lately is the exchange of ideas, the people getting their minds sharing the thoughts and specially if this feedback is used for the Ultimaker products, I think the minimum should be to exchange ideas with the guy that had the idea. I been trying to share as much as possible on this forum, and I won’t stop since I like to help people when I can, but not as a Moderator since I don’t share the UM vision. On the other side I’m happy that the users will be able to click-use this idea. That’s nice. But also there’s a nice way to do stuff and get people involved. And for me Ultimaker has failed. So hopefully, next time someone has an original idea, UM chooses to talk with the guy that had it, instead of moving behind and doing it without him.
  16. The two ç shape plastics, one goes on top of the other and on top of them the spring. Is what makes 'lift' the second core. The metal tube goes on the upper plastic of the head and fits inside the spring. Sorry I don't have my printhead here to show you :( I did assemble/ disassemble it quite a few times.
  17. Just very important. Don't overscrew the board that goes behind the cores, or it will make a contact error. As a general rule, don't overscrew anything. Thenonly semi complex part is the plastic that has the little spring on top. Try not to loose it since is quite thin and jumps a lot
  18. Yea UM3 is an open close open system so... You need to activate Dev mode to get SSH access to your printer then... SSH root@IPADDRESS and then you need to move to the folder usr/share/griffin There you can do python3 command_util.py to execute a program that allows direct access to the machine and send gcode commands Type help once inside the python, if I recall correctly the command is called sendgcode so you can do, for example: sendgcode G28 Z0 A full control of the machine seems that isn't allowed, why? I have no idea.
  19. The short belt is toooo loose. Unscrew a bit the 4 screws, push it down and tighten it again (while you keep pushing down).
  20. I think @DidierKlein might be your closest shop for it, he might be able to answer that http://www.ideato3d.be The photo shows the board http://www.ideato3d.be/boutique/upgrades/other/mark2-extension-board-kit/
  21. I would inspect every cable one by one and double check for bad contacts. You don't want intermittent connections as they might damage other stuff. When in doubt, make photos and we can check also.
  22. Maybe @ultiarjan or @rigs could test a simple cube and add a T1 T0 Before each z change. And do it for half of the print. Also it might help to do the same with and without Tool offsets (set to zero?). To check if the Tool change on the firmware is adding something with or without offset info.
  23. Hi and welcome! Nice you enjoy this machine. About the core plaatic broken, I don't see anything wrong here on your side, you should be able to get a replacement from your UM reseller. Unless someone sees it otherwise?
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