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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Works also with custom material profile for me: But I duplicated the UM CPE and then changed the settings. I guess if you duplicate the UM material, then the internal GUID is still the same, and associated profiles are still shown.
  2. Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad it worked.
  3. Eventuell musst du noch die deine Temperatur Codes dazu geben, das habe ich in meinem nicht drinnen, da Cura das dazu schreibt.
  4. Versuch einmal diesen Start Code, den verwende ich am UM2+ Extended, da ich auch Cura im Marlin Mode mit dem Drucker verwende. Klappt bei mir sehr gut ohne Probleme. ; UM2Ext Start GCode M42 S255 ;turn led on G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 Z0 ;move Z to bottom endstops G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to endstops G1 X10 Y10 F4000 ;move X/Y to front of printer G1 Z40.0 F9000 ;move the platform to 40mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 E20 F200 ; purge nozzle quickly G1 E50 F100 ; purge nozzle slowly G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F9000 M117 Printing... Solltest du eigentlich 1:1 übernehmen können, egal ob Extended oder nicht.
  5. Hmm, must be something with your custom profiles, I just checked it with CPE material:
  6. And check how tight you tightened the three thumbscrews. The springs should only be slightly tensioned, the bed should still be able to move downwards.
  7. I guess you have no suiteable profile for your nozzle - material combination. Do you use custom material profile? If so, what have entered in the "material type" section for this material?
  8. Ja aber nur für den Prusa Drucker, obwohl ich den PrusaSlicer eigentlich sehr mag. Aber stell einmal deine Frage.....
  9. Are you sure you have a working network connection from your raspberry? Normally the Octoprint plugin finds running instances of Octoprint. So I would first check if your network setup is correct and the raspberry is connected to the network and got an IP address from your router. You can also check it you can connect to the Octoprint web gui via your browser. If this is working and the plugin can still not find your instance, you can always enter the IP address manually in Cura to connect to it.
  10. It can't remember if El Capitan already has the security feature where you can allow an application full disk access, but check the systems settings - security. In Catalina (alsi with Mojave) there is a settings to allow full disk access to applications. Then you should be able to save it where ever you want.
  11. Hallo das kann davon kommen, dass deine Achsen nicht exakt im rechten Winkel sind. Das kann man selbst leicht lösen und dazu hat UM auch eine Anleitung: https://ultimaker.com/en/resources/50871-check-for-play-on-axles Wichtig, davor solltest du dir 2 Stück von dem Tool drucken, das man dann braucht. In der Anleitung wird vom UM3 gesprochen, ist für den S5 aber das gleiche, bis auf das Tool, da der S5 dickere Achsen hat. Das Tool für den S5 gibt es hier: https://www.youmagine.com/designs/ultimaker-s5-axis-alignment-tool Wichtig ist, dass du die Wurmschrauben an den Rädern wieder recht fest anziehst, da sie sich sonst gerne lockern.
  12. There are no settings in Cura to mofify the behaviour, but you are right, it could be better. In fact it doesn't matter if the parts are clearly aligned or not, so I just place them on the bed and don't care about any alignment.
  13. You have to consider some clearances in your 3D model and then print slow and as cool as possible. A cleareance of 0.2mm on each side is a good starting point, for the UM3 you could also try 0.3mm first. Set all speeds to the same value helps also a lot (infill, outer wall, inner wall) and set the jerk speeds also the the same value. Print with 30 or 35mm/sec For the height (Z direction) I would use even more clearance of 0.5mm or something like that.
  14. Please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread so we can check it out.
  15. Hallo Uli Danke fürs Feedback und es freut mich dass es klappt.
  16. I guess it is the sandbox feature of OSX and you try to save the file in a directory where Cura has no permissions to save something. Have you tried to save the file to the desktop for example?
  17. Thats the magic or the key in all the accuracy profiles, equalize all the speeds to a lower value.
  18. Although it is a pity that the UM3 was not noticed, there is no magic behind the profiles. There are only a few settings like speed or line width that are adjusted. So you can create your own profile like you did before Cura 4.4. This new Intent function is only a visual change of how the user selects the profiles. In the background there are still single profiles. With this I mean that if someone has already created a profile that fits his needs, then there is no great advantage from new Intent profiles. All those who have printed with the default profiles and have problems with the dimensional accuracy would of course benefit from it.
  19. Please save the project (File -> Save) and attach the .3mf file to this thread so we can check it out.
  20. Danke für die Richtigstellung, ich habe mich schon gewundert, das 3DJake als Online Versandhandel so einen Support liefert. Wo sie nicht einmal UM Material im Shop gelistet haben 🙂
  21. Du könntest versuchen die erste Schicht anzupassen. Ich habe auf das auch noch nicht so sehr geachtet, bei normalen Modellen wird es kaum auffallen, sind ja nur 0,5mm, aber wenn das ganze nur 2mm hoch ist macht das einen enormen Unterschied.
  22. Danke für die Rückmeldung und schön dass er wieder funktioniert. Eine gute Anlaufstelle ist auch iGo3D die für Ultimaker den Support machen.
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