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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. You could also try another USB stick, maybe the stick is the reason or the file is corrupt.
  2. I can't say it often enough, fantastic work! 👍
  3. So the display says remove object from build plate or something like that? Can you share your Cura project here. Cura Menu -> File -> Save and then upload the file. And you can also check the Preview in Cura. Does it show your whole object or not? I guess that there is something wrong with your object and the slicer stops slicing your object.
  4. What shows the display? I mean does it look like the print is finished or is there an error? Do you print via network or USB stick?
  5. Here are the part numbers for Z screw and shaft: 2202 A Z-Motor with Trapezoidal Lead Screw 2201 E Z-linear shaft
  6. Hallo ich hab keine direkte Lösung für dein Problem, aber ich glaube schon einiges darüber gehört zu haben. Ich vermute da eher einen Bug in Cura, als eine fehlende Configuration. Als Workaround könntest du den Prime Tower größer machen, dann müsste auch der Skirt größer werden und theoretisch müsste dann auch mehr Material für den 2. Extruder gedruckt werden. Nicht schön und bei größeren Drucken eine Materialverschwendung aber besser als gar nichts. Du könntest auch einmal 4.3 Beta versuchen und falls das auch nicht klappt eine ältere Version 3.x.
  7. I guess it is the PVA spool, right? If so, your PVA is probably to wet and has already absorbed too much moisture. When you touch the filament, is it a little bit soft ans sticky? You can dry your spool on the heated print bed. Heat up to 70° put the spool on the bed, put a towel over it and let it dry over night.
  8. If it is not working now, then something else is the problem. Basically the material profiles are the same, so UM profiles have the same settings as the generic ones. But when you slice in Cura with UM profiles and send the job to the printer, the printer checks if the correct material is loaded, if not you get the warning message. How can the printer know the material? When loading UM spools and you start the load procedure, the printer tries to detect the NFC tag on the UM spools, if this is not possible (non UM material, or the UM spool is not on the spool holder, or you put both spools at the same time on the spool holder) the printer comes up with the material selection menu and you have to select the material on your own. And when this happens you must select Generic profiles in Cura, even if there are UM spools loaded. Here is some more information about the material profiles:
  9. With more information, your chances are quite higher that someone can help you. So please describe a little more precisely.
  10. Are you using UM material spools and were they autodetected during loading or have you select manually the material from the printer menu? If you select it manually, because you are not using UM spools or the NFC was not detected, then you have to choose the Generic PLA und Generic PVA in Cura to avoid the message. But anyway, your print should still work if you override the warning. There is no difference between the generic and UM profile. So if your print fails, there is another reason for it.
  11. Please save your Cura project and upload the file here, that we can check what's wrong.
  12. Don't do it without physically changing the hotend, melted filament will not only come out of the nozzle, but also come out on the upper part of the nozzle and hotend, resulting in a mess of plastic.
  13. As far as I know this plugin doesn't work with Ultimaker printers, so it will also not work with the Marlin flavor.
  14. I think so, but I haven't tried it. The gcode flavour has nothing to do with firmware updates, but UM2 will probably never get a new firmware anymore. No I don't know, but should be configured in the material profile on the printer. If not then the printer calculates these values from your given printing temperature. Probably not possible, so switch to Marlin and set it in Cura. Yes Use and try the ones I posted, I think they should work, if not nothing bad happens.
  15. If you want to spread it over the object, you can only use random and then the print head as to travel to this position. There is no option to have it "a little bit random" and with minimal travel moves. Personally I prefer to place the Z seam to a corner or position where it doesn't disturb the model or where I can easily remove it in post processing. So I mostly use "user specified" and sometimes use the expose seam settings to sand it away.
  16. Check the cable and connector at the print bed, I guess there is the problem. When you lift the bed, the bad wire has no connection anymore and the printer detects a failure in the bed temp sensor.
  17. I cannot answer all your questions, but the UM2 or UM2+ (after the upgrade) is one of the best printers. I recently bought a used UM2+ Extended and the print quality is great, when not the best of all my printers. I would buy the 2+ Extrusion upgrade kit, there is not only the complete print head included, but also the rods, and important the plus feeder which is a great enhancement. If it is worth to repair this machine is hard say, but check what a used one costs in your area and then check what you have to pay for the spare parts. On the other side, if you invest now in new spare parts, they are new, from another working used one you don't know how good they are. I don't know if the extrusion stepper is the same, but if not, a new stepper is not expensive, I think I have seen a new one for € 20.-
  18. You are welcome, I was also wondering the first time I used the thread function, why there is on thread in the STL 🙂
  19. You can set the Z Seam alignment to random if you want it distributed over your object.
  20. Have you checked the checkbox in Fusion during thread creating, that you want the thread in the body? By default the thread is shown (as reference) but not included in the body!
  21. Strange, I get there codes: Start: G21 ;metric values G90 ;absolute positioning M82 ;set extruder to absolute mode M107 ;start with the fan off G28 Z0 ;move Z to bottom endstops G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to endstops G1 X15 Y0 F4000 ;move X/Y to front of printer G1 Z15.0 F9000 ;move the platform to 15mm G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length G1 F200 E10 ;extrude 10 mm of feed stock G92 E0 ;zero the extruded length again G1 F9000 ;Put printing message on LCD screen M117 Printing... End: M104 S0 ;extruder heater off M140 S0 ;heated bed heater off (if you have it) G91 ;relative positioning G1 E-1 F300 ;retract the filament a bit before lifting the nozzle, to release some of the pressure G1 Z+0.5 E-5 X-20 Y-20 F9000 ;move Z up a bit and retract filament even more G28 X0 Y0 ;move X/Y to min endstops, so the head is out of the way M84 ;steppers off G90 ;absolute positioning ;Version _2.6 of the firmware can abort the print too early if the file ends ;too soon. However if the file hasn't ended yet because there are comments at ;the end of the file, it won't abort yet. Therefore we have to put at least 512 ;bytes at the end of the g-code so that the file is not yet finished by the ;time that the motion planner gets flushed. With firmware version _3.3 this ;should be fixed, so this comment wouldn't be necessary any more. Now we have ;to pad this text to make precisely 512 bytes.
  22. But you can just try to switch to Marlin, you can fine tune the start/end gcode later too. When you switch the flavor to Marin you already get a start/end gcode and maybe you don't need to tune there anything. I forgot in my previous post that there is already an initial code after switching. I used in the past Octoprint and therefore I needed some special codes, but just try the default one, it should work.
  23. Yes could be, as said I was not sure because I never needed to tune these parameters on the UM2 printers. True, but for the UM2 nothing will be changed anymore. Beginning with UM3 everything is now in Cura. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes, but when loading the material into the printer you have to choose a material. But only for the load process, everything else , for the print job, comes from gcode. I have seen you asked similar questions already 2017, so you are not really a fresh beginner anymore 🙂
  24. If you create a new material profile in Cura or change the settings during slicing in custom settings doesn't matter. Everything you set for this new material will be included in the generated GCode, except the temperature. (Ultimaker flavor) This is because you have to select the type of material during loading of the filament on the printer and therefore the printer knows the temperature for this material. There is also a material list on the printer, so you can add new material via the printer menu or export the definition file to sd card and edit it with an editor. But be careful, make a backup first from the file in case you make any mistake. When you use Marlin flavor, then the temperature in Cura will be used. But in any case, the materials you create in Cura will not be synced to the printer, so in case of Marlin it doesn't matter, you still have to choose the material during load, but this is only that the printer knows how hot the nozzle should be during the initial load process, so you can use any material which is "near" to that you want to use.
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