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Everything posted by 3dprntz

  1. Issues that I am getting with the beta are that the right-side settings toolbar is not showing the names of the individual adjustable settings in dark mode. I tested it yesterday and couldnt see the exact settings that I needed to change like Initial temp and printing temp. In addition, the z-seams for the prints have gotten worse for me and I can't "seem" to get rid of it or know how to get rid of it besides retractions and coasting settings. However, those haven't helped and it's become an issue with machines that didn't have it as an issue before.
  2. I have one from them that I have yet to install, specifically for the print core. I'll have to see how well it performs in flow and stringing but will back about it.
  3. Are there already plugins for these? I've seen some past posts on trying to put input shaping via the slicer and velocity printing as an application for adding textures to prints. I think ideamaker has something similar and it would be nice to finally get model painting like in meshmixer and slicer to change color or material type. Also, does this verison allow for more full use of the material station to expand material use to more than two materials in the slicer? It would be great to be able to use all 6 materials as we want it rather than just two. I understand that there are the purges and different temps of materials, but if I want to make a complex part using tpu, abs, and LW-asa, then i would have more use case for my machine bundle.
  4. Do you use plugins for these tests? I've tried the post processing plugins in the past for the s5 and newer models but they dont work and give a leveling error or other error.
  5. I've had this issue for a while for most of my prints on the s5 with .8 mm nozzle. I've tried changing retraction settings which helped a bit, but didn't completely fix it. It either leave a hole, thin wall, or bump. which doesn't work for end use products for our clients.
  6. Did you find that the Ultimaker board isn't able to handle the input shaping and is why you switched boards? I tried the new marlin initially but got lots of skipping and bad motor movement. Thought it was taking too much RAM on the board and was looking into this Re-ARM Controller for RAMPS (panucatt.com)
  7. I not sure if that it the full reason. I tried the support blocker to reduce unnecessary support on my prints and its given me the same error as the temperature tower. I think either the UM5 or Cura for the UM5 is creating an error when a plugin is used. I will try an older version to check if its Cura.
  8. I keep getting a bed leveling error on my UM5 when i send a file that has a post processing script with it. The script I am using is from the calibration object or the temp tower for PLA. I've tried the same thing with one that isnt sliced with a post processing script and it runs just fine. Is this an issue with the slice or the printer?
  9. Hello, I recently got a material station and trying to distinguish the different filament by type and color. I have most of the filament set in Cura by not able to have the material sync properly. I have tried over Digital Factory and also through USB, but cant find the materials set in Cura for any of my printers and the old ones are the only ones that appear. Not sure if it's the printers or Cura. The printers are the UM3 and UM5. Thanks!
  10. I tried the pause at layer height feature, and I think that it's the firmware settings in Marlin that is causing the shift. when I do a pause at layer height, there is just an over extrusion on the layer, probably because it repeats the same layer and primed a bit too much. I changed the settings in the filament change to add 1.7 and it seems to realign about with the print. Ill play around and see what else is happening.
  11. ;MESH:NONMESH G0 F600 X95.845 Y95.845 Z10 G0 F15000 X95.195 Y95.195 << Last place ;TIME_ELAPSED:560.946324 M600 E30.00 U750.00 X0.00 Y0.00 Z2.00 ; Generated by FilamentChange plugin ;LAYER:49 ;TYPE:WALL-OUTER ;MESH:Cube G1 F1800 X95.195 Y114.805 E226.24738 G1 X114.805 Y114.805 E226.46255 G1 X114.805 Y105 E226.57014 G1 X114.805 Y95.195 E226.67773 G1 X95.195 Y95.195 E226.89291 << Seems to be where it eventually moves back G0 F15000 X95.195 Y95.395 G0 X95.545 Y95.545 ;TYPE:WALL-INNER This is what i have. Im using the filament swap plugin. It looks to be 1.5 mm in the print x and y. Not sure if its going back to where the infill was as the last point and then using that as a starting point for the outer wall. I also attached the gcode for reference. Ill try and post pictures when I can. filament swap test.gcode
  12. Could this also be a result of homing offset? Im having a problem where its 1 mm to the left and up about the same amount on the x and y axis. Besides that it works great.
  13. I'm trying to understand what happened on my Ultimaker Original that when i used the Cura filament change post-processing gcode that it shifted about an additional 1-1.5 mm on the X and Y axis. The firmware has M600 or advance pause enabled and went through all the steps for filament change. I heard that the motor turns off during pause on timeout, but i didnt touch it and it seems like it was software or firmware. I did set the script to go X0 Y0 and X 2mm above the print. Should there have been a homing before it returned to the print after the filament change? Or am I missing something in the firmware? Thanks!
  14. I guess that I have the cool down and havent disabled it or not sure how it works. I realized though that you have to turn off the firewall to do anything. Ill try and see if im missing anything too.
  15. Thanks for the quick response! I tried the cooldown, sshserver, and one other command.
  16. For firmware 8.1.2 its saying that the commands aren't compatible. Wondering if I'm missing something. thanks.
  17. Just an add to this, instead of wait time, bed temp check might be better. There's gcode that checks the temp that you can use before it runs the next line. Machine settings describes the gcode when changing start and end gcode. An option to move the blobs instead of already moving them too. With objects close to the edge of the bed, some of the goop can get caught on the prints and the corners were originally better. Last thing would be a notification through the api or app (m117 doesn’t seem to send a message through the system just the printer) that the print is being knocked off and starting the next print. Wish I knew python better how to make the changes for the script and inputs for post processor.
  18. Is there way to change some of the configuration to either retrofit a larger print area or klipper style firmware to add speed will less cost to quality?
  19. I used to work with eSun too but have now been using some of Matterhacker's filaments since they have some of the same colors. They actually were a bit cheaper, especially the more you buy. They don't have all the colors, but they have a wide range of them. Not sure if that helps.
  20. Has anyone tried insulating the heated bed of any of the Ultimakers? I've seen it done on other printers and it help speed up the heating process and retain heat better. I've considered it just now since I'm trying to print higher temp plastics and I need it to stay hotter than usual.
  21. When are we going to get this update to the Ultimaker printers? I know that we can print slowly to improve quality, but also, the marlin update provides input shaping on all printers now.
  22. Does the box also have the extra printcore and packing foam still?
  23. Ultimaker Original config - need help - General Discussion - Klipper This is for a 1.5.7 board Ultimaker. But, there's some similarities between them.
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