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Everything posted by Dustin

  1. Sounds like you might have had bed adhesion issues? Hard to say much without pictures. I would refer to this guide though to help! https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667337602519
  2. Sorry to hear about the issue your having. I would not increase standby temperature from a Marketplace profile. What profile are you using exactly? And is your material the same brand? or are you just using a similar material from a different brand? Why this is important and to answer your question.. The machine has multiple steps to the end print process basically "yes" to all your related questions to that. Each Marketplace profile has to be tuned manually for that process before its published. So a Marketplace profile being used for a different brand of material, it is indeed possible it wont work completely during the end print stages. Though issues like this still usually point to hardware issues. Have you contacted UltiMaker support about this issue by chance?
  3. @dfaulkner85 you can buy these boards direct from any Ultimaker Reseller 🙂 But have you reached out to Support about this issue by chance?
  4. This would be different brim and skirt settings in your profile. You can learn more about it here: https://support.makerbot.com/s/article/1667417985477
  5. Would be worth previewing the slice on Cura as noted by @gr5. Cura will show when the lines are being slightly under or over extruded by the Cura Arachne engine. I'm not sure if those are being properly rendered in the Mainsail gcode viewer.
  6. Because it was once connected, it's trying to reconnect. You will need to do a Digital Factory Reset to clear the status. (Note: this will also clear your print history on the machine itself, but will not reset things like xy or lift switch calibrations) It is also not really possible to remotely request the machine to join Digital Factory, that is done from the touch screen.
  7. I would check out Ultimaker Platform network requirements (makerbot.com) See the section about "Local Network" Usually, it's something on the network or the computer causing this issue.. Also, if your networks DHCP server keeps assigning a new IP to your S5 every time it is turned on Cura generally does not like this. Additionally, if your S5 is (or was at one time) connected to Digital Factory it could be causing some funkiness as well. It might be worth doing a Digital Factory Reset from the touch screen (This will wipe out your local print history on the machine but also "forget" and possible old connections to Digital Factory) This is not the same as a factory reset so xy calibrations etc should not be affected. Knowing the firmware version number on your S5 could potentially point to some reasons as well as some versions were released to increase network stability.
  8. Sorry to hear you are having issues. I would recommend updating your version of Cura. Additionally, can you confirm the exact firmware version number you're on? Doing a quick glance at the Support Knowledge Base also notes printing with materials such as PLA with a CC core is considered experimental. So, your results may vary considerably. CC print core compatibility (makerbot.com) Print core and printer compatibility (makerbot.com)
  9. Sounds like you have Negative Travel on your printer? Example you can travel 10mm to the left of your bed or something like that? It means the following Assuming your bed was 200mm on X and the endstop is 10mm to the left of that. It means your home position is actually X-10 not X0. This would be a firmware setting that needs fixed, not a slicer setting/configuration.
  10. Actually, in this view the red is your Shells. Print preview looks fine to me. Click on "Line Type" at the top and the Color scheme window should popup and show you what the colors mean.
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