Dim3nsioneer 558
Das mit dem Kein-Material-am-Anfang hat sich bei mir durch Neuladen des Materials beheben lassen.
Das mit dem Kein-Material-am-Anfang hat sich bei mir durch Neuladen des Materials beheben lassen.
Thanks for the info Irodriguez.
Mein Dank auch an zungara.
Wir haben hier schon verzweifelt.
Dann warten wir mal ab.
Ich werde berichten.
Merci Lukas
According to my local reseller, the Firmaware update that we are all waiting for will NOT be relased before december.
Thats...annoying obviously and that was not mentionned at the time of pruchase of the Material Station.
Now what to do?
-Did someone get the 5.4.6 working?
Best regards
If you translate the german above - and 2 of the posts above are from people "in the know" (dim3nsioneer and lrodriguez) - you will realize that you can use 5.4.6. It has a bug with not feeding enough at the very start but it has workarounds. One possible workaround is to lift the little lever and slide in more filament (I believe this should work). Another one is to unload and reload the filament before every print.
In the meantime if you wait a few weeks this bug will be fixed.
I will wait untill UM releases a firmware that is able to operate Material Station and Air Manager.
I've tried 5.4.6:
It's not about feeding the last centimeters to the princore manually using the bracket.
Let's wait
Hallo zusammen. Was muss ich hier lesen?
Ich habe direkt Anfang Oktober das S5 Pro Bundle vorbestellt und warte derzeit auf Auslieferung.
Es wurde angekündigt, dass sowohl die Materialstation als auch der Airmanager mit einem zum Verkaufsstart passenden Softwareupdate mit dem S5 funktionieren, was ja auch Sinn macht. Nun liest man hier, dass das korrekte Update NICHT verfügbar ist und somit das Bundle nicht nutzbar? Habe ich jetzt tatsächlich über 10000 Euro bezahlt für etwas, was nicht oder nur teilweise funktionieren wird, bis Weihnachten ist?
Bei allem Respekt und Lob an Ultimaker, aber das wäre sehr starker Tobak!
Ich bitte hierzu um Stellungnahme.
Vielen Dank!
7 hours ago, HuguesW said:5.4.6
I can only find 5.2.11 in the Update Section.
Where can i find this 5.4.6 update, does anyone have a link??
You cannot find it online, contact your reseller.
@ Starflash Bully and @ HuguesW
I'm pretty sure 5.4.6 has no known bugs with the material handler and the S5 combined. It could have a hardware problem (something came loose?) @ HuguesW .
The only bug with 5.4.6 is for people with the material bug mentioned above. If you do not have the material handler your S5 should automatically request to downgrade to 5.2.11. And soon there should be a new firmware to resolve all of this.
Hey Gr5,
thanks for your reply. As I understood I have to update the S5 first with a firmware which I will only get from my reseller and THEN install the Air Manager and the Material Station?
Thank you for your help!
Best regards!
If you do not already have 5.4.6 then yes you need to update the S5. Although I suspect it may want to be downgraded to 5.2.11 but do not do that. If you do not have 5.4.6 then you have to ask your reseller where to get it. It's kind of a secret for now (the location of 5.4.6 and how to install it).
The material station is not shipping in the US (I believe). Anyway check the version on the screen of the S5 and if you do not have 5.4.6 then contact your reseller for instructions. Or just wait a few weeks and it will ask you to auto update to whatever the newer version is (will probably be> 5.4.6).
4 hours ago, gr5 said:@ Starflash Bully and @ HuguesW
I'm pretty sure 5.4.6 has no known bugs with the material handler and the S5 combined. It could have a hardware problem (something came loose?) @ HuguesW .
The only bug with 5.4.6 is for people with the material bug mentioned above. If you do not have the material handler your S5 should automatically request to downgrade to 5.2.11. And soon there should be a new firmware to resolve all of this.
Maybe you're right...though I would be surprised to have got a defect one...at least from what I can see the Material Station is in good condition, and seemed to work in terms on loading material and displaying data from coils.
But after loading the filament tip ( sharp cut) with its motors. It does not drive the filament through the bowden to the printcores...
I gave up, and moved back to 5.2.11...
...If any one has a video of loading a coil and starting print with 5.4.6, please share...
Edited by HuguesW11 minutes ago, HuguesW said:But after loading the filament tip ( sharp cut) with its motors. It does not drive the filament through the bowden to the printcores...
I have not seen a material station in action yet, but I guess the loading process is how it should work. You load the material into the station, not into the print core. The idea behind is, that you load for example all 6 spools with different materials and as soon as you send a print job to the printer, the needed material will be loaded from the material station to the print core automatically.
In which country has the station already been shipped? I'm still waiting here in Germany...
46 minutes ago, HuguesW said:But after loading the filament tip ( sharp cut) with its motors. It does not drive the filament through the bowden to the printcores...
That's normal. It won't load until after you start a print job. It might not even load until after autolevel is complete (not sure).
1 minute ago, Starflashbully said:In which country has the station already been shipped? I'm still waiting here in Germany...
I think the smart resellers have not shipped it yet and are waiting for the next firmware version but a few resellers have shipped some material handlers. I have no idea which resellers are willing to ship it already. This is just my opinion. I don't work for Ultimaker.
My reseller didn't mention anything regarding a shipping delay so I hope to get the bundle this or next week. It was announced to be available at the 18th October, so I hope that we don't have to wait that much time.
@Starflashbully, natürlich hoffe ich, dass Du die Material Station bald bekommst. Aber bitte sei Dir bewusst, dass "available from" und "available on" zwei verschiedene Zeitpunkte sind. Frag doch einfach Deinen Reseller nach dem Lieferdatum; er müsste in der Lage sein, Dir mind. eine grobe Zeitangabe zu machen. Vielleicht bietet er Dir auch an, die Material Station schon zu liefern wenn Du ihm erklärst, dass Du Dir des Firmware-Themas bewusst bist.
Hallo @Dim3nsioneer,
über den Unterschied bin ich mir im Klaren. Der Reseller gibt ja ein Fenster an für die Lieferung, auf dieses war das Warten gestützt. Wie es aussieht scheint dieses Firmwarethema ja auch nicht so problematisch zu sein wie es sich anfangs las. Ich schau mal was sich bis nächste Woche noch so tut. 🙂
Hello everybody,
I ordered and got both - the material station and air manager.
Unfortunately the reseller warns me , that there is problem with the firmware and will be not possible to use these new elements. According the reseller, the new update maybe will appear after 10th of November. Now I must wait more than 3 weeks ... if the date is kept.
I think, that Ultimaker must warn his customers for this problem. On the site there is no single word for that!
This is not correct.
24 minutes ago, A_tas said:I think, that Ultimaker must warn his customers for this problem.
Since Ultimaker only sells through its resellers, this has happened. The reseller has informed you that there are currently problems with the firmware.
Yes , the reseller inform me, but AFTER I ordered and got the upgrades and when I asked him, whether I must update my firmware.
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Please contact your reseller and ask for 5.4.6 until the next update. While another firmware is coming, you can use it today. I have done so at a show. It will not be perfect but you will be able to u
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Please contact your reseller and ask for 5.4.6 until the next update. While another firmware is coming, you can use it today. I have done so at a show. It will not be perfect but you will be able to use it.
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zungara 10
Die Firmware unterstützt noch keine Material Station. Ich habe das gleiche Thema mit meinem Air Manager. Da hat wer laut Sander van Gelen dir wohl die Station zu früh ausgeliefert ( igo3d?)
Sander meinte dass die neue Firmware Ende der Woche Anfang nächster Woche wohl kommen wird. Ich nehme mal an das dies dann eine Version größer 5.4.6 sein wird. Die Version 5.4.6, die bei mir zumindest kurzfrist zum Download bereit stand, war bei mir leider unbrauchbar, da am Anfang kein Material kommt.
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