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Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

Hi everyone, 


Today we release Ultimaker Cura 4.10. The spotlight for Ultimaker Cura 4.10 is on Ultimaker Professional and Ultimaker Excellence subscribers. You can now import CAD files directly into Ultimaker Cura. This provides users with an even more effective workflow by boosting productivity and increasing first time right results. 

Enable this feature by downloading Ultimaker Cura 4.10 and the Native CAD import plugin from the Ultimaker Marketplace. Read more 


The following improvements and bug fixes are also available in Ultimaker Cura 4.10: 


New features: 

  •   Flow visualisation:

In addition, we tweaked the minimum/maximum color values, making it easier to optimize your print stratgy displayed as the flow, layer thickness, line width, and speed.  

Contributed by khani3s 


  •  Ultimaker PETG print profiles are now available for the Ultimaker 3.
  • Added another set of third party hardware definitions, and updated others to improve accessibility. 


Bug fixes: 

  • Fixed authentication issues when logging into UM account. Contributed by fieldOfView. 
  • Fixed a bug where Cura crashes when scaling a model on Linux. 
  • Fixed a bug where a model is partially below build plate if center selected model is used. 
  • Fixed a bug when using right to left language, numbers were overlaying on text in the print settings. 


Read here more bug fixes and new features.  



Want more information for Ultimaker Cura 4.10? Read the blog post or watch the video. And let us know your feedback in the comments below or on Github. 


Please, be aware that after version 4.10 Ultimaker Cura will only be supported on operating systems actively maintained by their software manufacturer or community. This means Windows 7 and MacOS 10.13 will no longer be supported. Technically this means Ultimaker will stop testing and developing for such operating systems. However, even though it is no longer supported, there is still a high likelihood the application keeps functioning. 


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Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

The CAD integration sounds really great! The first Slicer with this feature.


But here is the thing: I will probably never use it. At least as long as this feature is in a subscription with that price tag. From a business standpoint, I can totally understand why Ultimaker wants people in a subscription plan. Most of the benefits in that Professional plan sound great... if you start with 3D printing.


All those courses and guides are great, but what is really useful for somebody who works since a couple of years with 3D printers and knows how to design, how to choose the right material, how to optimize settings for individual parts?


The library is great to work with, but when I just want to start a print from Cura, printing over network or even the cloud is faster than sending it to the library first just to start it from there. I save the project to a hard drive afterwards and have everything together.


The CAD integration sounds great. I only need to export my designs as .step to save and print them. But I can also export them one time as .stl and work with that.


I am speaking as someone who has a small startup with 3D printers. All those features in that subscription are nice to have, but just not worth the 1500€ I had to pay with the current number of printers...


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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Ulimaker S3, Windows 10, x64

    So, I upgraded yesterday & now my printer is complaining that that files were created by a version of Cura earlier than 4.4 & I should save them as a 4.4 or higher.


    I dont see any option in settings or elsewhere to set what version the files are saved as.

    Anyone else having this issue?


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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Well, I tried several times today to install 4.10.0 from 4.9.1, and the first time I tried the installation asked if I wanted to delete 4.9.1, so I clicked "Yes" (unfortunately). Of the three times I have tried to install this new version it shows it has installed, but when it appears to be starting up it ALWAYS hangs up at the screen saying "Updating configuration". I've left it there for an hour the first time, 20 minutes the second, and only a minute the last time before uninstalling it and trying to reinstall. I haven't had this problem before when changing from an older to newer version of Cura.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10
    10 hours ago, rromano158 said:

    Well, I tried several times today to install 4.10.0 from 4.9.1, and the first time I tried the installation asked if I wanted to delete 4.9.1, so I clicked "Yes" (unfortunately). Of the three times I have tried to install this new version it shows it has installed, but when it appears to be starting up it ALWAYS hangs up at the screen saying "Updating configuration". I've left it there for an hour the first time, 20 minutes the second, and only a minute the last time before uninstalling it and trying to reinstall. I haven't had this problem before when changing from an older to newer version of Cura.

    Could you please share your log files? With those we should be able to tell you what is going on / wrong.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    ENDER-5 Pro, Windows 10, and64




    I updated the CURA 4.9.1 to the new 4.10.0 version. Since then the all gcode files produced with this new version do not print. The BLT Touch levels the bed with the 9 points and after the last point the head stays at this place and the precentage of the print run up to 100% without any error or message OR printing!!!


    I tried to reinstall the old version 4.9.1 but the problem stays.


    On a second computer I used an older version of CURA 4.8 and the print is done as it should.


    How can I fix the problem?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    The "No Printing" problem usually relates to the SD card as part of the gcode file gets written to an area with bad memory sectors.  Re-formatting the card can help.

    The second thing is that maybe you have different StartUp Gcode in your 4.8 installation than in your 4.10 installation.  This is generally easy to spot.

    So if you could post a "Good" gcode file and a "bad" gcode file here I'll take a look.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Howdy Y'all. New here. I created an account because I'm having an issue with Cura.

    I upgraded 2 of my 3 systems from 4.9.1 to 4.10. HUGE Mistake, I deleted 4.9.1 on both of these machines. 4.10 automatically unselects "Origin at Center", regardless of what options you choose during the install.

    I've sliced with 3 different OSs, and printed on 3 separate printers. Prints generated with 4.9.1 have no issues, prints generated with 4.10 seem to not have "Origin at center" checked, even though it is in Cura.

    I've tested with;
    Cura 4.9.1
    Cura 4.10

    Windows 10 64bit
    Ubuntu 18.04 64bit
    Ubuntu 20.04 64bit
    Mac OS X 11

    Profiles, settings, these things shouldn't be touched when upgrading software. Not sure why it was this time, I haven't had any other issues with Cura except for this. It's got me a bit baffled.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    1) Do you have a delta printer?  Only delta printers have origin at center.  There is a little XYZ red/blue/green arrow thing to show you where the origin is on the build plate.  Where is that located in Cura for you?

    2) Which OS do you use the most and use Cura on the most (easier for people to answer about one operating system and then you can apply info similarly to others)?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10
    15 minutes ago, gr5 said:

    1) Do you have a delta printer?  Only delta printers have origin at center.  There is a little XYZ red/blue/green arrow thing to show you where the origin is on the build plate.  Where is that located in Cura for you?

    2) Which OS do you use the most and use Cura on the most (easier for people to answer about one operating system and then you can apply info similarly to others)?

    No, I have an Ender 3.


    1. No, Ender 3. The XYZ has always been at the center for me, unless I'm losing my mind and never noticed it. Or I mixed it up with the XYZ for the actual object.

    2. That's tough, 4 days a week I use it on Ubuntu 20.04, and 3 days a week I'm on Windows.

    But I ended up unchecking it to test, and it's back to normal. Kind of misleading, especially if only Delta printers use it, why is it available on an Ender 3?

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    Posted (edited) · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    "...why is it available on an Ender 3?"

    The variable "machine_center_is_zero" is always present and available for any user to change.  The default is "False" and it has to be explicitly set either by the user or within a printer definition file where an Override could set it to "True".  There is no override in any of the Creality definition files.


    I suppose it could be set to True if you happened to open a 3mf file and it was set to true.  In that case I don't think there is anything to set it back to False either.  Somebody from the Cura team will know more.


    If there was an Override in the Creality definition files that explicitly stated "machine_center_is_zero : = False" then that might work, but there isn't.  Creality machine definition files were written by someone named "Trouch.com" who appears to have been contracted by Creality.  Ultimaker does not write machine definition files for 3rd party printers as that would be impossible.


    By adjusting your Home Offsets you could actually run your Ender as a Center Origin machine.  A person who had a Gcode file sliced for a Delta printer and wanted to print it on a cartesian printer would have the option of doing so.

    Edited by GregValiant
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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    As requested I attached the two gcode files.


    The SD card is not the prob... I used two different ones and the print with the file from Cura 4.9.1 works also on both of them.

    Cura_4.9.1.gcode Cura_4.10.0.gcode

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    I had had problems with 4.9.1....but uninstalled and installed 4.10.  New problem....the file path....c:\Users\ultimaker...doesn't exist.

    cura error.png

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    @Atreyan the two gcode files are functionally identical until the start of Layer:0.  You rotated the model 180° in one of them but that has nothing to do with the issue.  This is the relevant portion of gcode and as I say, it is the identical in both gcode files.  This is as I would expect since it's the StartUp Gcode from the Ender 3, 3Pro, and Ender 5 printer definition files.

    G29 ;Home

    G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
    G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up
    G1 X10.1 Y20 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to start position
    G1 X10.1 Y200.0 Z0.28 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line
    G1 X10.4 Y200.0 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little
    G1 X10.4 Y20 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line
    G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder
    G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up
    G92 E0
    G92 E0
    G1 F2700 E-5

    It should finish the ABL procedure and swing right into printing the purge lines and then continue to the actual print.  So there is no problem in the Gcode that I can see.  Additionally the 4.10 version printed fine on my Ender 3Pro.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    I downloaded 4.10 today. I've been using Cura for two years. 


    It's stuck in some language I can't identify. How can I set it to English? I see no preference drop-down. 

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Here's what my choices are... 

    Screen Shot 2021-07-02 at 12.21.15 PM.png

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Under "Language" the top option should be English.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Cura 4.10 crashes under Macos Big Sur (11.3.1).


    At the end of slicing, Cura reproducibly crashes.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10
    4 hours ago, gcusick said:

    Cura 4.10 crashes under Macos Big Sur (11.3.1).

    Please open an issue on Github (you can find the link in the Cura Help menu) and attach your log file (cura.log) to it.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    I uninstalled Cura 4.9 and installed 4.10. The whole Cura process works normally until I press the slice button, then it says "slicing" but it doesn't ever slice. Is anyone else having the same problem?

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    Maybe your STL file is massive?  Sometimes that's the issue.  Try a small  STL file.


    More importantly, please post the cura log file here.  Do menu item "help" "show configuration folder" and one of the folders that pops up has a cura.log file in it.  Post that.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    I have tried with two seperate very small stl files (the finished print would fit in the palm of your hand). I am not getting any error codes either.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    The "show configuration folder" button is not opening anything. I tried several times and it is not doing anything.

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    Posted · Ultimaker Cura 4.10

    You probably have to do it before you crash.  The folder is here:


    %APPDATA%\cura\<Cura version>\cura.log (Windows), or usually C:\Users\\<your username>\AppData\Roaming\cura\<Cura version>\cura.log
    $USER/Library/Application Support/cura/<Cura version>/cura.log (OSX)
    $USER/.local/share/cura/<Cura version>/cura.log (Ubuntu/Linux)

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