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Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

Thanks @SandervG for the list. Maybe you can keep it updated by crossing items which are cleared? What time do you think you will realistically need for clearing the 'urgent' items? Days, weeks, months... ?

edit: could you please add a point 'fix displaying of old images'?

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    I know the results of a few of the urgent bullet points should already be visible in the upcoming week. It is hard to tell for the entire 'urgent' list, I will try to give you more insight when I know more.

    I will add your point, do you mean that old images are no longer visible in old threads? Uploaded images or links? Do you have an example?


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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Thanks @sandervG please add to the 'non urgent' transferring all user photo gallery's to the new forum user gallery. And as 'urgent' please make sure in new posts Web links are recognised as links..

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    While I agree with some of the postings, I also disagree with a lot.

    Usually when I see a message that a Forum will be updated and offline for an hour, it usually means 1 or 2 days before it is usable again.

    when it says "change to a new forum" I know it will take 3 to 5 weeks before it is a usable format.

    change is always hard, but the longer you nag, and not contribute, it will take longer for it to become a nice place again.

    But I do suggest maybe making thread that only mods can post in, to show what changes are made or going to be made, that will settle a lot of confusion,

    now it is just a waiting game and not visible what changes have been made.

    I know this forum style is here to stay, and only helping can change it back into the informative forum we need and want !

    chill out guys :)

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    I don't get how points are computed for profiles.

    In my profile, the "points" section shows:


    Total should be 245, however in my profile summary I see:


    with 87 points total.

    Either I don't get it, or the computation is wrong somewhere.

    Sander, any comment on this?

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    In the "Prints" section, what about adding a "Chronological" (or "sort by latest") to this menu:


    Sorting on the basis of likes makes a lot of sense, but should be an option and not the only way, so as to give some chances to the latest prints.

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    Posted · general forum feedback


    @SandervG thanks for the list. Though, like others, I must still ask how you decided to launch without those obvious lack of features and bugs.

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    I know the results of a few of the urgent bullet points should already be visible in the upcoming week. It is hard to tell for the entire 'urgent' list, I will try to give you more insight when I know more.

    I will add your point, do you mean that old images are no longer visible in old threads? Uploaded images or links? Do you have an example?


    Sure I have an example: https://ultimaker.com/en/community/view/10928-korneels-method-for-cleaning-hot-ends-um2

    The thread is more or less useless without pictures...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    For the case that all the above issues are solved one day...

    I have a suggestion to make the new forum even better than the old one... ;)

    What about using a shrunk version of the code insert if the code has more than let's say 20 lines? With a button to extend it to its full length? As it is implemented on Github. Because having code posts of a few hundred lines (done from time to time by some users) are actually a PITA.

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    I'm still alive. Mostly.

    Good news. I still have a job. My post was totally inappropriate and wrong on quite a few levels. And I could totally see how most companies would take no effort to fire anyone over something like that. I'm grateful towards Ultimaker that they didn't. I should have handled it completely differently. And got only myself to blame for it.

    So my voice has been heard a bit, but the message was almost lost due to my stupid way of trying to get it across. Luckily, things are in motion now.

    Thanks for all the people that showed their support for me. But know that my action was wrong at some core level. In public is not always the proper place, even if you are Open Source. If anyone feels the need to talk to me more, you can do so in private, you guys have my email address.

    @daid I actually found your post refreshing and sometimes outbursts are needed in the face of apparently insurmountable issues.

    That you were heard is important.

    So I disagree that the messenger destroyed the message, but also agree with the reduction in temperature - but hopefully if you need to raise the temperature in the future you will :)

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    For the case that all the above issues are solved one day...

    I have a suggestion to make the new forum even better than the old one... ;)

    What about using a shrunk version of the code insert if the code has more than let's say 20 lines? With a button to extend it to its full length? As it is implemented on Github. Because having code posts of a few hundred lines (done from time to time by some users) are actually a PITA.

    Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting :p You mean in the text editor or..?

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    In the post... I know that there are things like spoilers you can use for things like code.

    It shows a button to expand the text, it's true it would be usefull when someone posts a huge gcode file or log from cura

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    For the case that all the above issues are solved one day...

    I have a suggestion to make the new forum even better than the old one... ;)

    What about using a shrunk version of the code insert if the code has more than let's say 20 lines? With a button to extend it to its full length? As it is implemented on Github. Because having code posts of a few hundred lines (done from time to time by some users) are actually a PITA.

    Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting :p You mean in the text editor or..?

    If you e.g. go to https://github.com/daid/Cura/commit/459bb1d2328e53ebfe34181ec4dc1d843ecca8d2 (a Cura commit by Daid) you can see that not the complete code is shown. The lines between line 50 and 60 and above 66 are not displayed. If you hover the mouse over the symbol with the two arrows up and down, it says 'expand'. If you click on it, the previously hidden content is displayed. That's what I mean. It just has to be for the displayed posts, not in the text editor.

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback
    @SandervG thanks for the list. Though, like others, I must still ask how you decided to launch without those obvious lack of features and bugs.

    Hi Titus, thank you for your post and for continuing to stick with us!

    It is a hard question to answer without sounding either as a dick, or ignorant..

    But I will have a go at it anyway, as I believe you should always be able to back up your decisions or actions. If you can't you shouldn't make them, or at the very least learn from them. We started this project a while back from a need that we wanted to work closer with the community, engage active, more constructive collaborations with you guys. (no, improving the forum was not 1 of them ;)

    But in order to make this happen a few things needed to change. For example, the previous forum was hosted outside of our website, which was a bad thing and some other things. For our specific plans, having a pre-build forum would influence our plans to much and we felt a custom forum would give us more freedom, something we cherish! In our vision we needed a community platform anyway, and the forum would be fully integrated.

    So we had an idea, a timeframe, a budget etc and it began. Like stated before, forums are pretty complex and especially for our hardcore users who visit a few times a day a perfect UI is important. We made certain decisions which felt right and we estimated that we would optimize the UI based on the feedback we would get, and fine tune it to everyones needs.

    I think that was not a bad assumption to make and not unrealistic. In fact, I think it was the best way to go to involve you guys in optimizing the forum since you will be using it most.

    Running two forums at the same time would make the migration 10 times more complex, so we decided not to do this.

    The feedback was heavier and more passionate then we anticipated. Nonetheless, we will use it and turn this community platform in our new home :)

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    Posted · general forum feedback
    For the case that all the above issues are solved one day...

    I have a suggestion to make the new forum even better than the old one... ;)

    What about using a shrunk version of the code insert if the code has more than let's say 20 lines? With a button to extend it to its full length? As it is implemented on Github. Because having code posts of a few hundred lines (done from time to time by some users) are actually a PITA.

    Ok, well.. maybe because I am not a programmer.. but.. I have no idea what you are suggesting :p You mean in the text editor or..?

    If you e.g. go to https://github.com/daid/Cura/commit/459bb1d2328e53ebfe34181ec4dc1d843ecca8d2 (a Cura commit by Daid) you can see that not the complete code is shown. The lines between line 50 and 60 and above 66 are not displayed. If you hover the mouse over the symbol with the two arrows up and down, it says 'expand'. If you click on it, the previously hidden content is displayed. That's what I mean. It just has to be for the displayed posts, not in the text editor.

    Would it be something that the poster enables, for a specific part of the text or is it something that automatically is implemented by larger texts?

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    Posted · general forum feedback


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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    Another question: Can I somehow search within a certain topic? E.g. when I want to look for 'shot' in this topic... :D

    edit: the emojis don't seem to work properly...

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Tell me about it, half of my post were wiped off, and basically it is now crippled. Going back to the old forum would be nice. This whole latest message thing is not working for me. Navigating this forum has become ridiculous.

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    @SandervG, I appreciate honesty. Keep being honest, even if it sounds like a dick move. :D

    Your answer is only covering half of the question. I understand the vision, and I agree with the outside part etc. Launching while still doing UI tweaks is logical(though I think the UI was/is really shit).

    But it's the bugs and the missing features that obviously lacked that I'm asking about. Like the notifications, like the old images, quotes, links, video's. All that functionality and knowledge that didn't transfer. Why wasn't that tested.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Hi Frederik, thank you for your post and pitching in on this thread dedicated to share your feedback and pitch in on how to optimize it for everyones needs.

    I would like to recommend to read through the last few pages to get an idea of what is already covered and what will happen in the upcoming time.

    Here is a post which gives you some specific information. I understand this change may be overwhelming and requires some getting used to, but please watch your tone of voice. Thank you.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    so, my first post in a week..

    most people that were heavy posters have voiced concerns around the usability of the enw "forum" and that this might drive people away.

    Sander, can you share forum statistics? I'm very interested to see how heavy this new "forum" is used as compared toi the old one.

    I for one just, let's keep it in english terms, "be arsed" to go through this new style, it is too counter intuitive.

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    Posted (edited) · general forum feedback

    Hi Korneel,

    Good to see you back, even in less then a month.

    The community love stays, doesn't it? ;)

    I am not going to share the statistics (just yet), for multiple reasons.

    Right now I don't think it would give a proper representation as the forum is still new, people are finding there ways and as stated and acknowledged, some features/ UI are still missing.

    But also because I am not going to feed you or any others requested for the old forum with ammo to back up their claim to go back, or in an attempt to burn down this one. We are not going back to the old forum, period.

    I hope you can channel your energy in contributing in improving this forum so it also meets your requirements, thank you.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    Hi Sander;

    i had a very detailed and long post here but this "forum" deleted my post when i pressed post. I just don't have the energy to type everything again.

    in short;

    i'm sad to hear you believe that I want to have ammunition to attack the choice or that you believe I want to burn this "forum" down. I have respectfully given you my opinion and you can do whatever you want with it. In the end, I'm not the one responsible for the community :) All I wanted to know was if the new "forum" has gotten the traction that you hoped for and if there is an uptake over the past week.

    In this thread there have been some very rude and personal posts adressed to you that were totally uncalled for. I want to applaud you for how you handled that, there is no reason to get personal or rude. I hope you did not take any of my comments personally. I have no intention on attacking you or the company you work for.

    in the end, you are a community manager. I'm just a bit sad that at this point the perception I have is that there is more interest in pushing a vision through than actually caring about the community. Not saying that's the truth, just saying that's how I perceive it. something with truth and an eye and a beholder.

    I'll check back in a month if there are improvements in the usability for me. perhaps there's a post with onem of the community members starting their own forum, who knows. I'll certainly be back but contributing is too much of an effort in this format.

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    Posted · general forum feedback

    I really wish they would do something to reduce the number of clicks to reach the forums section. On mobile, navigating the forums currently feels like a massive PITA, especially when your connection is week.

    I would also like higher contrast delineation between stuff (like between posts and quotes inset in posts.) Currently, on mobile, everything kind of blends together.

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