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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Dear friends, I'm happy to tell you that we have just released a new Beta version of Cura! If you want to use the latest greatest of our slicing software you can download Cura 2.3 Beta here. Some of my favorite new features are: Speed One of the first things you will notice after loading your model to start slicing is that the speed has significantly improved. Loading an STL became 10 to 20 times faster, layerview is much better and slicing speed is also improved. Custom Machine Support The new custom machine plug-in allows you to change your machine settings in a breeze. This goes for both modified Ultimakers as third party 3D printers. Small side note, this plug-in will be expanded for third party 3D printers in the near future! Set Acceleration and Jerk by Feature In our never ending chase for better quality and more precision, we have made it available for you to set Jerk and Acceleration per infill, walls and top/bottom. Enhanced Combing The 'No Skin' option will allow you to comb over infill only, to avoid scars on your precious top surfaces. Curious about what else is new? Check out our blog here! Let us know what you think in the comments below
  2. @owen, deleted your posts since you said they were not correct.
  3. I think I need to see the math on that one
  4. Yes it should! And no problem .. Being on the elliptical at the gym and on the forums? Talk about multi-tasking .. or does it mean you should work out harder?
  5. Hi @DaHai8, Thank you for your post. It seems to work alright for me. Sorry to hear you are having difficulties downloading the new Cura. Could you let me know what browser and operating system(s) you are using? Thanks!
  6. @UltiArjan, that is not really the maker-spirit is it?
  7. Hi @Robbo17, welcome to the forums! How long have you had your Ultimaker 2? To me it looks like your bed is levelled to high. In this case it results in the bed kinda blocking off the nozzle and preventing it from extruding. That there are some minor extrusion lines can be that there was some minor difference in the bed or the rods are slightly bend and the filament saw some room to escape and relief some of the build up pressure. I would recommend to lower the bed a little bit and see how that goes! Good luck!
  8. We are lucky to have experts like @Valcrow in our midst, who have been helpful enough to write a tutorial like the following to help you get started with post processing / painting your prints.
  9. Hi @Lepaul, the blue screen pops up when a new user visits the forum after like 30 seconds. It shouldn't when you are logged in, or have been logged in because a cookie should be stored and prevent this screen to pop up. Could it be that your phone doesn't log you in, or stores cookies? I agree it is annoying, at the very least it should be mobile friendly so you can click it away! I have written your feedback down, thanks
  10. Let us know how it goes! @Neotko helped in writing a great manual for the dual fan upgrade!!
  11. Hi @lprakash03, Thank you for your message and welcome to the forums. I'm not sure whether or not it is a selfie is important, but on what material you want to print. Will it be printed on an Ultimaker? What material will you use? Generally speaking, adding a primer first before applying paint is a good idea. Both for surface smoothness and attachment of paint.
  12. We have recently launched a couple of new materials too. And I believe that PC and CPE(+) should be suited for outside use as well
  13. Small update, some things have changed @Gr5 over the course of the last months. @Stratocaster47, might be interesting for you too From January this year we have moved from direct sales to indirect sales. This gave us the opportunity to focus on the Ultimaker 3D Printer and together with our partners world wide we would be able to supply better service, in your own timezone, language and area. We put sufficient efforts in training our partners so they have certified tech support members available who know all about the Ultimaker machines. When in need, our pro tech support is available to help our partners. This means, if you are in need of support, you should reach out to the partner in your area. Which one that is, you can find on our website or send us an email and we can tell you Hopefully this helps and gives you a better idea on where to go in need of help. Alternatively, we also have this amazing community of experts to help you out Good luck!
  14. Maybe there is something wrong with this thread.. might due to the amount of pages? Because the unread mark but also the forwarded notification seems to work less here than on other threads.. The dev's are still on it, haven't heard anything yesterday.. I'll ask for an update.
  15. I hope you didn't leave a 2 meter sized print in your hot car?
  16. Especially if you say your Ultimaker is due to some maintenance I think it is definitely something you should consider. For me it was a huge improvement in the hands off experience. Before I had installed the heated bed I kinda had to level the bed every print or at least stick around for the first few layers to see how it goes. Which is not always an issue since I love to watch that first layer anyway, but if you are in a hurry it can be an inconvenience. The entire Z-stage is far more rigid and easier to level. Some glue is all you need in most of the cases, so no more messing with the blue tape, trying to get your print off.. tearing some blue tape at the last minute.. re-applying the tape, the band is just a little bit thinner.. etc. We have all been there Bringing your Ultimaker Original to new heights sounds like a better investment to me than buy a cheap new 3D printer which probably would require tinkering, modding and maintenance as long as you use it...
  17. Yes, I would definitely recommend to upload the default firmware through Cura. Are you sure you have selected the correct Ultimaker? Let us know how it goes!
  18. I have thought about that too! Good idea
  19. Hi @Jtn7040, welcome to the forums! hmm, could you elaborate on what you mean by the auto level assist bedplate option? Do you mean the option when you go to maintenance, and select build plate you will be guided through a wizard that will help you level your bed? What happens when you go to maintenance, what are your options then?
  20. Hi Guys, Some more good news before we all head of into the weekend. (well.. here down at CEST we are anyway ) - The mark as read bug should be fixed. - Embedded print card (there is a bug fixed, copy updated, embed code is now formatted correctly) - New emojis! (standard iOS emojis). Not the most revolutionary change, but it has been mentioned a couple of times The unread message referral is still under investigation. We've looked at it, but it is difficult to replicate. If someone experiences it again, could you right click the notification, copy the link address and share it with me? We will continue in the meantime, but this information would probably help. Thank you!
  21. Hi @Plnt, welcome to the forums! How do you mean shrink? Like warping or did it come out in a very different size? If it is warping, or somewhat related I would like to suggest you read the following pages. If you want to know exactly how to use CPE please check out the resource pages on how to print CPE. We also have resource pages of other materials! Good luck and let us know how it goes!
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