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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. I remember that there was an option on how to do that.. but I can't remember @IRobertI, I believe you used it back then.. do you remember how it was done? Does it still exist?
  2. Hi @Inter, welcome to the forums! Such behavior is often triggered by a loose short belt, or at least not as tight as it should be. You can tighten it by loosening the 4 screws that hold the motor in place, push the motor down as far as possible and tighten the screws again. What version of Cura are you using? With different wall thickness settings it can also influence your print. Looking forward hearing from you!
  3. Thanks guys for notifying us about the latest message. It is with our developers now and they are working on it. I expect the fix shouldn't take that long. In the mean time I wanted to update you on some other updates we have been doing on the community. - As you may have read we have launched an education platform for all of the teachers in our community. It is a platform with tailored help for teachers and educators based upon many conversations we have had in the field. We've added two new badges, the Pioneer badge and the Educator badge. The Pioneer badge is awarded by an admin when you've joined the Pioneer Program. The Educator badge is awarded automatically when you've filled in some extra information in your profile. - New Educator info in community profiles: when you select 'Teaching' as a skill you can add more info about you as an educator. When you've filled in all optional fields you receive the Educator badge. - Direct messages. Depending on how many you have received (I have received many!) the loading time of a message could be quite long.. this has been significantly improved! Plus, there is the option to hide a conversation if you want to organize your inbox a little bit. When you penpal did not hide his conversation and sends you a new message it automatically re-opens. You can now also load the last 10 messages, or all messages (before you only had the option to load all messages) - Writing 'R&D' in the community now works, it used to convert into a smiley. - The best voted ideas list in the community dashboard now only dates back to the past 30 days. Before really old ideas stayed there. - You may have seen some duplicate replies on our dashboard, this has been fixed too. And there is more to follow in the next update
  4. I would also check bed leveling again, turn it slightly higher.. Alternatively, have you ever flipped the bed (upside down?) And I wanted to add it is called 'brim', not 'brill'. Just so we have our terminology straight
  5. This, all the time. Still not working all the time. Why? Could both @Lepaul and @titus tell me what browser and operating system you use? Do you have multiple tabs open, so a read-command can be triggered without using the notification under the bell? Thanks!
  6. Windows 7 + Chrome 52.0.2743.116 I will check if I see the same behavior on my Mac tonight. But right now the "Modification & Hacks" subforum is again reporting 37 unread topics on the main forum page. But when I enter the forum I see only 2 threads that are updated. And when I clicked on those two topics the main page reports 35 unread topics. Again, clicking on "Mark as read" in the subforum clears that count, for now. Thank you for your elaboration!
  7. Hi @Eric-Rae, thank you for your post! Could you perhaps upload some more pictures of your brim that show a little bit more of it? For example, from the top view? How does the bottom of your print look like? Is it flat and glossy like a mirror? Have you made sure to level the bed to your best accuracy after the upgrade?
  8. Hi @userRad, thank you for your post and we are all excited you have joined the community! We're looking forward to see more of you and what you will be contributing to the pioneering program and the community in general. Please keep us updated about your experiences and challenges Looking forward hearing from you,
  9. Thanks, I will forward this to our team. What kind of device and operating system are you using?
  10. Like what? Page 1? Top of the page? Do you click these unread links from different tabs when maybe you have multiple Ultimaker-tabs open?
  11. Could you give me a few specific examples? That would allow us to check some things and hopefully discover the reason.. without this specific information it is like looking for a needle in a couple of haystacks..
  12. just comes up browsing page for me. ED yeah same for me it tries to load but then I end up here: https://play.spotify.com/browse I just tried, if you type in 'Ultimaker' in search, the first playlist that is being offered, so not the artist but the playlist, is the Ultimaker community playlist
  13. Great addition! Who doesn't love the Rapper's delight
  14. Hi @LePaul, the Ultimaker Original doesn't have a building manual because we have discontinued the sale of the Ultimaker Original, and have completely moved over to the Ultimaker Original +. Which is still being sold, obviously. This means there are no new users coming who need to build one. If, for some reason you do need the manual, you can always find the manual on our website.
  15. It looks really smooth! What do you think is in a filament that makes it work better without a primer if you want to paint it?
  16. It is a cool idea for anyone who already has an UMO+ and perhaps wants to try something new or continue hacking. I don't think such a thing would be supported or developed by Ultimaker, it would make the positioning of the machines too complex and as mentioned, the added value in print quality is so-so. Probably only interesting to a small amount of users. If Agustin or Dimensioneer didn't kill your inspiration yet it is something I can see coming from the community as an optional mod. Btw, sorry for the late reply but as you know I was on a holiday, good to be back with my buddies!!
  17. There is a playlist that is a collective of what the Ultimaker community likes to listen to. If you follow this link you should be able to see it, follow it and add your 3 favorite songs! @Peetersm, could you try this link again? For me it works without any difficulties. Thanks!
  18. Hi All, In response to the Ultimaker community spotify playlist, we now also have an Ultimaker 3D Print movies! If you have made a timelaps or any other video you made featuring your Ultimaker or anything that came out of it, post it here! Looking forward to see what we are all up to
  19. No need for disappointments. We can just start another thread for Ultimaker 3D Print movies
  20. Isn't this even better? Ok, I added: Gallowstreet - Diesel Galt MacDermot - Coffee cold My Baby - Uprising. Enjoy!
  21. Hah! I'll make sure to add some songs too! I love it how sometimes an idea actually is being translated to an action
  22. Hi @XavierUgent93, Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums. What kind of 3D printer do you use, an Ultimaker? It is designed to use 2.85mm filaments. If you are destined to use 1.75mm filament on your Ultimaker, you should make some modifications to your machine. I also think you are refering to warping, instead of delamination. This might make it a little bit easier to search for other solutions too. If you could let us know what kind of 3D Printer you use that would be helpful!
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