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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Hi @Wlock, thank you for your message, I am very sorry to hear you still not have received your extrusion upgrade, I am not sure why. Our apologies for the inconvenience. I'll double check with my colleagues who are in touch with iGo3D to figure out what the reason for the delay is and when you should expect your order. @George-saliba, if you would like to send me your order details in either a DM or here (whatever you prefer) I'll ask on your behalf as well.
  2. @Krys, if you would like to send me a DM with your address I'll see if I can find some spare stickers or if our local partner does and send you an extra pack! An Ultimaker 2+ without a + would be unjust!
  3. Sorry, I have never. I'll see if I know anyone who has. Sweet, thanks I understood the 'Tarzan corner' was a good place to stand as there is often a lot of action. Action being cars spinning out of control
  4. Sorry, I have never. I'll see if I know anyone who has.
  5. Thanks neotko. I will quadruple check again tonight, but I really have checked over and over again... all over. Let me know if you have really lost it and I'll see what we can do to make sure you still get one!
  6. And add pictures, pictures always help!
  7. Hi Tom, Thank you for your post and welcome to the forums! So.. do you want to print a sphere with a resolution of 100 microns, or are you asking to print a sphere of the size of 100 micron? I will say.. that latter will be a challenge!
  8. Or you say that you are planning a feature, such as dual extrusion, and then you later realise that it's not going to work. Then people aren't making guesses, they're being pissed off and yelling at you loudly. Two sides of every coin this will hunt us for the rest of our lives I think. Failure is our greatest teacher I suppose!
  9. Oh! I see it now. Does that mean the UM3 won't replace the UM2+ext? Rats. I thought maybe... Oh well. This is what happens when companies keep secrets about future products. People just make wild guesss. :( why couldn't it theoretically/hypothetically live next to each other like the Ultimaker Original and the Ultimaker 2+ family?
  10. I did some asking around and I understand this was changed due to some safety regulations for the US. It should be changed again in a later firmware update where we have found a different way to pass the test. Hopefully this helps.
  11. That is a very good one indeed! One of my favorites too. Next to 'stroopwafel'. Anyway, I won't hijack the thread any longer! Hopefully, we'll see you all at the Ultimaker Session in Paris!
  12. Je ne comprend pas et je m'appel Sander. That is approximately how far it goes! Oh.. Une bouteile du veine! Is that correct?
  13. Great, hopefully you all can read this since I don't speak French. 2 of my colleagues will be there too, to support their first event We're looking forward seeing you there! 1 small detail, it is called an 'Ultimaker Session' (with the same name, everyone can recognize the concept/events at other partners too)
  14. What these guys said is probably a better idea than filing your shroud. Also bent it, but be gentle and not break it.
  15. I did, but so far it has not yet led to an actual tool. Mostly because it needs to be 3D printed, and depending on the calibration and print profile the dimensional accuracy may differ and that may undermine the purpose of the tool. But still, as an example, lets say if it is 20mm or 21mm, it is still a rather good indication. Let me chase it down again.
  16. as far as I know most users have been very happy with the upgrade and highly recommended it, for various reasons. Upgrade in feeder and reliability, but also to bring an 'old' machine back to a new status with all the essential parts. Anyway, are you printing with the same gcode or did you slice it again with new settings for the Ultimaker 2+? Could you share a picture of your prints, and the settings you are using? Are you using Cura or a different slicer? It is also important to know that with a different feeder, a stronger heater, different fan shrouds and a more accurate PT100 the settings you used before could not work now. For example, 220ºC before may not have been 220ºC due to the PT100, but maybe 230ºC. Just an example, but intended to 'free' you from printing the same profile which 'used to work'. I hope you understand. Looking forward hearing from you!
  17. Ultimaker continuous to support ABS of course. Did you use Ultimaker ABS or from a different brand? As an alternative to a higher temperature, have you ever tried an ABS slurry or a different type of adhesive?
  18. Hi George, the Ultimaker 2 Extended+ falls under the +family, in which you can choose between an Ultimaker 2+ and Ultimaker 2 Extended+. Which kinda also answers the OP's initial question, and confirms what was already said; the two machines are identical except for the difference in build volume. For that reason when you go to the product page of the Ultimaker 2+, it shows all the specs for the Ultimaker 2+, but also the comparable specs for the Ultimaker 2 Extended+. In the hero, next to the print, you also have the option to toggle between the Ultimaker 2+ and Ultimaker 2 Extended+. The Ultimaker 2 Extended+ is still a very popular machine, so we have no plans on removing it from our products
  19. That is very cool! Did you use a lubricant to reduce any friction? There is also a motorized version, I bet I could watch that all day while it slowly rotates. Such a cool design!
  20. How do you usually dissolve your PVA? Have you tried using more water pressure, vibrations or other ways to influence the water, besides just putting it in a bucket?
  21. You better! @Peggyb, I think it would be a good idea to also share it in the Dutch section on the forums.
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