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Everything posted by SandervG

  1. Are there different 3mf files? How can these be distinguished from each other? Have you tried these steps?
  2. What kind of nozzle are you going to test? These prints look amazing!
  3. Sounds like you took good care of your filament, obviously it can be that it is a bad batch that we had a while ago. But do note that depending on how you store your filament it can heavily influence its life span. I would suggest to reach out to the salesman of your filament with this description on how you stored it and see if you can work out a solution. Feel free to update me on how this is solved.
  4. Hi, thank you for your post! Do you have a certain range of plastics you can choose from or are there no limitations? How big are the base plates you want to use, would they fit in an Ultimaker? I think a lot of plastics would work as a base plate, but I think you should check if they don't have a coating. Especially plastics with a low glass temp would merge with PLA/ABS. A plastic with a high temp may go unaffected when the 3D printed material is applied and you probably want them to merge.
  5. Hi Eraser, storing your filament for almost a year is quite long, and having it opened for a couple of months too. It can definitely influence the usability and quality of your filament. Besides just bad quality filament, there are also other factors that influence your filament and can result to brittle PLA. Could you tell me a little bit on how and where you stored it? Looking forward hearing from you!
  6. The Ultimaker Original+ (with a heated bed) costs $995 so that should fit in your budget, plus it has an amazing track record and community around it I would advise to consider buying a kit, just like @Neotko says you will have to invest time to get to know a machine. With an Ultimaker it is not that long, the cheaper you go usually the longer this takes. Or your personal investment will be continuously. With a kit you learn exactly how such a machine is build, where everything is suppose to go and how it is suppose to work. In a pleasant and documented way, instead through trial and error. If you have any further questions feel free to ask!
  7. Als mensen nog aan willen sluiten, we zitten in club Nautique! Zou gezellig zijn!
  8. Op donderdag @korneel en @peggyb, dat moet zeker goed komen! Sorry van mijn late reactie, het was erg druk met de show hopelijk tot dan!!
  9. @DidierKlein is a user and moderator on our forums
  10. I think even with the smallest nozzle you are still dealing with melted plastics and pressure and extrusion and sticky lines so that size is probably too small..
  11. Welcome to the forums! You can load your jpg in Cura 15.4 and it will automatically open a window with settings on how you want to print that jpg-file. However, I strongly think 1mm*1mm is smaller than what an Ultimaker can print. You must understand that the nozzle you use to print is by default 0.4mm which is already half of the print you want to make. You can swap it to 0.25mm nozzle, but working with thermoplastics I don't think you can add the details you are looking for on a 1mm*1mm print.
  12. Jazeker, Ultimaker is daar te zien. Wellicht vind je het leuk om onze stand daar te zien, de show is voornamelijk gericht op Medical, Aerospace en Automotive. Je kan ook een aantal van onze andere gebruikers spreken en mensen van Ultimaker ontmoeten. De community zal daar ook rond lopen, maar die zul je dan die avond ook zien. De show is die dag om 16:00 afgelopen, dus ik vermoed dat we tussen 4 en 5 weg zullen gaan. Eerder tegen 5.
  13. Oh lol, ja ik zie het. Zal hem zo ff opnieuw opmaken. foutjeeee. Het is inderdaad een social gathering. We zullen echt in een strandtent/club gezamelijk gezellig wat drinken met zijn allen en iedereen de kans geven met elkaar te spreken. Zou super leuk zijn als je ook langs kwam! Als je ook in Amsterdam bent kun je vast met ons mee rijden en anders kan er hier misschien wel een carpool ontstaan als dat handig is voor je.
  14. @Titus @3DCase @Peggyb @Zoev89 @Leon-knook @frederiekpascal Zou leuk zijn als jullie er ook bij konden zijn!?
  15. Ha Nederlandse vrienden, Wellicht hebben jullie links of rechts al gelezen dat er weer een community weekend aan komt. Vorig jaar hebben we dit voor het eerst gedaan waarin we de mensen uit de community hebben uitgenodigd die het meest hebben bijgedragen aan de community van vandaag de dag. Dit kan zijn dmv andere gebruikers helpen op het forum, kennis delen met Ultimaker of zelfs hardware / software contributies. De hele trip staat in het teken van onze dank betuigen aan hun bijdrage aan Ultimaker en het vormen van deze community. Vorig jaar bestond ook de kans voor alle andere community mensen uit Nederland om elkaar te ontmoeten tijdens een bier proeverij in Utrecht. Dit jaar zouden we jullie deze kans natuurlijk niet willen onthouden! Maar dit jaar geen bier proeverij. Dit jaar ontvangen we onze gasten in Zandvoort aan zee waar we donderdag 30 juni de dag gezellig afsluiten in een strandclub. Daarvoor willen we jou graag ook uitnodigen om aan te sluiten als het je leuk lijkt om mensen uit de community te leren kennen van over de grens. Als je toevallig naar de Additive Manufacturing show gaat in Amsterdam is dat lekker dicht bij. Om 20:00 zullen we vertrekken van Center parks Zandvoort. Laat hieronder weten als je er bij wilt zijn. Als je 20:00 niet haalt maar je bent er toch graag bij, laat het ook weten dan hoor je de locatie ter zijner tijd! Een overzicht van de community die je daar kan ontmoeten: - Didierklein - Tinkergnome - Nicolinux - UltiArjan - Valcrow - Illuminarti - GR5 - Flowalistik - lRodriguez - Mifga - Neotko - Anders-Olsosn - Labern - Dim3nsioneer - Foehnsturm - IRobertI Hopelijk zien we je dan!!
  16. All I got was: 'Here it is again in case you missed it ----------- This is section 1 ----------- this is section 2 ------------------ This is section 3 --------------------' Or did I miss something?
  17. Hopefully, and I think you will, receive a better notification this time!
  18. Hi @George-saliba and @Wlock, I just received an update that iGo3D will contact you both this week and the shipment of your belonged Extrusion upgrade kit will follow immediately. So you should have it shortly. Once again I would like to apologise for the inconvenience and the delay in delivery of this item. Hopefully receiving and installing the upgrade will soon make you forget about the inconvenience and you can happily continue 3D printing. Let me know if you have any further questions, have a good day!
  19. I think maybe you forgot to add some links.. or pictures.. If not.. this is not the most inspiring work from Banksy that I've seen
  20. Hi SandervG, I finally was able to get back to this. I have now quadruple checked. I do not have them. Either I did not get them, or Gremlins/Cats ate them. Thanks so much for helping me out. Please let me know what I need to do to make this happen. (I really should not be this excited by stickers, but... I am!) Hey Krys, Shop3d.ca here, we can get you that sticker if sander hasn't already sent it out. It will be faster coming local in Canada and we likely have you on file if you got the Kit from us. If Sander hasn't already resolved it, send me a pm! I was going to ask you anyway, so go for it!
  21. Seems like the topic has slightly shifted from Zebra-stripes to banding as it appears? Have you tried keeping your bed springs tight? When leveling tighten them first and use any room to loosen them to level the bed. Have you tried different positions on the bed, or a different slicer? It is kinda weird that the banding doubled on your bigger print.. Have you tried different nozzle sizes to see how it behaves then?
  22. I think I've seen this on twitter or something a while ago. Doesn't it also move like an actual rattle gun? This is such an impressive print! Is it part of a bigger model?
  23. Hi @Tim_bc, do you also use PLA or a different material? What PLA have you used because AFAIK not all were suited for acetone dipping. In fact, I thought most PLA's weren't.
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